Thursday, February 3, 2011

The ultimate PUA video

Now that we're talking about pickup artistry, I feel I would be doing my readers a disservice if I didn't post the SINGLE GREATEST PUA VIDEO EVER. Paul Rudd and David Wain show us how it's done in this report from the field. 


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  1. Ok, one thing I've always noticed about beautiful people in general is they get targeted for everything and objectified. It's not normal conversation to bring up the hardships of hot people, but they are constantly being dehumanized by men and women. So yeah, they get bitchy and you would too. These men care nothing about the person they have some narrow goal, and the goal involves something so intimate and personal, getting inside their bodies, etc. And I've seen pretty girls online get harassed by other women and hated immediately for NO REASON.

    This video reminds me of all that and it makes me sick. I was thinking that if something different like this did have an affect, how sad that would be and all the conditioning that led up to that. It's like the guy is giving her breathing room, and something to resolve, all at the same time.

    You know how men say women prefer assholes? It's not that, it's that they get pulled into situations where something is hanging in mid air, and ok, it would be like music, where there's a tune going a long and it gets to a cadence but stops, the next note does not get reconciled. It's so true with women that I hate to even talk about it and give people insight, because this usually expresses itself in a negative way.

    I feel bad when people get used objectified and pushed around. People think it's ok, because these people learn how to benefit from it, (YOU WOULD TOO) as the only way to get by. They have to take the positive. So people think that makes up for being dehumanized, OR they even think that's some goal to work for, some measure of success. Look at how fame makes it so hard for people to keep relationships, and so many can get addicted to drugs and not feel happy.

    Wow, I'm a downer.

  2. booboonation...
    You know how men say women prefer assholes? It's not that, it's that they get pulled into situations

    No, these women are NOT pulled into situations, they have a choice and they are making bad choices about their own life-style and their partners.

    Ordinary men? These men mean nothing for these 'so beautiful, so poor' women, but every guy, claiming he has or is something 'special' is their target - every 'special guy' is welcome, old and rich prince or businessman, young and violent thug, or a guy, who has an expensive sportcar, or he is a movie-actor but into drugs and has already 10 girlfriends ...

    To blame for their own bad choices are these women only. They have to learn to be responsible for their own decisions.

    I feel bad when people get used objectified and pushed around. People think it's ok, because these people learn how to benefit from it, (YOU WOULD TOO) as the only way to get by.

    Why do you feel so sorry for these women?

    They cannot have both - they enjoy to be pushed around for money and other benefits -

    Why do they not say NO and do any ordinary job and live among ordinary people?

    Well, salary will be low, housing will be poor, work will be hard, but nobody will push them around because of their looks.

    What will be her choice? That's up to her.
    It's not because she is pulled into something against her own will.

  3. This vid is hilarious - and I will use it next week in my classes, when we talk about consent and pursuit and other stuff that generally ain't so funny. Thanks, David!

  4. I remember David Wain from The State. Good to see he's still doing something apparently.

    This is pretty funny. At a family gathering once, my sister, my brother-in-law and I were having a conversation about my dating life. I had a beard at the time, and my sister said, only half seriously: "You know, the first that Mystery says to do is to 'lose the beard'." To which my brother-in-law said, "I don't think Johnny should take any dating advice from a guy who calls himself Mystery and wears a leather hat."

  5. I don't think Johnny should take any dating advice from a guy who calls himself Mystery and wears a leather hat.

    Words to live by.

  6. Hilarious satire, making fun of how easily "hotties" are manipulated with a bit of simple timing, negging and dumb fashion statements!

  7. and my sister said, only half seriously: "You know, the first that Mystery says to do is to 'lose the beard'." To which my brother-in-law said, "I don't think Johnny should take any dating advice from a guy who calls himself Mystery and wears a leather hat."

    Trust a woman to take it at least half-seriously. Trust a man to see straight through it.

  8. Well, my sister also thinks Mystery is ridiculous, she just didn't think much of the beard. The funny thing about my brother-in-law is that if the mythical "alpha" that the PUA's and MRA's tell tales of actually existed, he would be it incarnate: wealthy, cocky, ambitious, confident, conservative, blah blah. I don't think the guy has never NOT been in charge. But he thinks that the PUA stuff is a bunch of rubbish.

    See, as it turns out, most intelligent people do. Try being "real" for god's sake. I used to be a super bitter "nice guy" (see: not actually nice), and I couldn't get a date to save my life. Then I realized, "maybe the problem isn't 51% of the population, maybe the problem is me". I didn't arrive at confidence by masking my insecurities with a bunch of bizarre games - I did it through genuine self improvement - making myself into the type of person I'd want to meet and hang out with instead of some bitter sad sack who thinks the world is out to get him.

    "Oh woah is me, I'm a beta, women won't like me unless I obfuscate my insecurities instead of eliminating them."

    Bull shit. The laziness of the PUA ethos makes me sick. Try genuine self improvement and you'll be happier. Cultivate physical and mental health. Get a talent. Take up a hobby. Acquire cultural knowledge. Make yourself able to speak germanely on a wide variety of subjects. Most of all - stop making sex the ultimate goal of your life. Learn to treat people as equals. You'll find yourself more interesting to people in general, not just women, and you'll find yourself personally fulfilled.

    As I said, I was once a bitter, lonely, angry "nice guy" - it gets better, but not through a bunch of stupid games.

  9. Man, that was longer than I thought it would be. Must be the wine.

  10. Bull shit. The laziness of the PUA ethos makes me sick. Try genuine self improvement and you'll be happier. Cultivate physical and mental health. Get a talent. Take up a hobby. Acquire cultural knowledge. Make yourself able to speak germanely on a wide variety of subjects. Most of all - stop making sex the ultimate goal of your life. Learn to treat people as equals. You'll find yourself more interesting to people in general, not just women, and you'll find yourself personally fulfilled.

    I dunno Johnny. The whole thing smacks of effort.

    Seriously, though, I think you've hit on something, here. The PUA ethos promises instant gratification. I suppose that's all right if that's what floats your boat, but it really seems like a dead end path in the long run. Of course, to justify staying on that path, the PUAs appear to have adopted the same stance as our MRA friends--i.e., that the legal system is so biased against men that the only rational choice is to eschew marriage and long-term relationships completely. It's more than a little self-serving, but, again, whatever floats their boats. I just don't think it will have much value when they're all facing their declining years without any meaningful relationships. As always, your mileage may vary.

    I'm having brandy, myself.

  11. @ Johnny
    Bull shit. The laziness of the PUA ethos makes me sick. Try genuine self improvement and you'll be happier. Cultivate physical and mental health. Get a talent. Take up a hobby. Acquire cultural knowledge. Make yourself able to speak germanely on a wide variety of subjects. Most of all - stop making sex the ultimate goal of your life. Learn to treat people as equals. You'll find yourself more interesting to people in general, not just women, and you'll find yourself personally fulfilled.

    THIS! It's so true! I heard it from several recovered Nice Guys(TM) who went for the self-improvement path. Sure, it may take effort, but it's worth it.

    Th PUAs fail to see women as human beings, it seems.
    You know, with different interests, quirks and flaws.
    And yes, being friends with a woman is not the end of the world. It can actually be *gasp* fun and fulfilling!

    But then I wonder if PUAs can have fulfilling friendships AT ALL, no matter if with women or men.
    Complaining to each other about how dumb and worthless women are or bragging how many nines or tens (this number system is pretty fucked up in general, but I digress) you could bed would pretty much alienate normal guys, I'd think.
    Maybe this is why they flock together?

    Oh, the video was hilarious btw ;D

  12. Trying to get game is not a new concept.

  13. Captain Bathrobe said... PUAs appear to have adopted the same stance as our MRA friends--i.e., that the legal system is so biased against men that the only rational choice is to eschew marriage and long-term relationships completely.

    The legal system differs from country to country. In some feminist countries it is strongly biased against men.

    MRAs are not against marriage/long-term relationship in general.

    MRAs advice however men to inform themselves about the legal situation of their country and consider the risks in case of divorce BEFORE signing a marriage contract.

    I know to say this is 'misogynistic' by feminist definition.

    I am now living since almost 4 decades in Asia, which legal situation fits me.

    I just don't think it will have much value when they're all facing their declining years without any meaningful relationships.

    I found feminists to be very hateful and lonely, especially those from the USA.

    I will be always on the side of the MRAs, but this does not mean I am lonely. I am married since over 35 years, never divorced, 2 daughters and 1 fostergirl...old generation living with us, no elderly home required.

    I wonder how many feminists, male or female, do have family with children over decades without divorce and take care of their parents living with them...

    What about you?

  14. The video show what most PUAs are : crooks. And guys that seek PUAs advice are : naive.

    I'm not even sure that Mystery used "Game" to get his girlfriend. There is a lot a women that will want him just because he's a celebrity.

  15. Clarence wrote:

    Seriously, lots of PUA gurus teach about self-improvement, and not just at "picking up chicks"

    Insofar as that's true, good for them. I tend to wonder about the quality of the self-improvement advice, but I don't have any specific knowledge of what PUA gurus are teaching people in that area. If they are dispensing common-sense advice regarding boosting self-esteem, personal presentation, etc., then I don't really have a problem with it.

    Are we having a circle-jerk now?

    Yohan wrote:

    MRAs advice however men to inform themselves about the legal situation of their country and consider the risks in case of divorce BEFORE signing a marriage contract.

    Sounds like sensible advice. It never hurts to know the law.

    I found feminists to be very hateful and lonely, especially those from the USA.

    I've found the feminists tend to be personally far more successful, and happy in their relationships, than non-feminists. I think it has to do with feeling entitled to success and happiness--and possibly with being generally smarter than the average person. I think your characterization of bitter old feminists is laughably cartoonish, though I imagine such people do exist.

    As for your own experience: well, good. It sounds like it worked for you. Far be it from me to judge someone who is happy and satisfied in their own life, so long as no one is being harmed. I just question the validity of the PUA/MRA worldview as a particularly helpful one for men across the board. From some of the comments I've seen here, it seems like a refuge for people who've feel they've been badly wronged and need someone or something to blame for it. Feminism is a useful scapegoat here, though I think the logic of blaming feminism for most of these identified problems falls apart on close examination. Which is not to say that certain areas of, say, family law couldn't stand to be reformed. I just don't think the situation is quite as clear-cut as MRAs make it out to be.

    But for your own life, Yohan, I wish you nothing but good, in spite of any disagreements we might have here. Everyone has to find their own path and all that.

  16. Captain Bathrobe said...
    I've found the feminists tend to be personally far more successful...

    But for your own life, Yohan, I wish you nothing but good

    Thanks for your friendly comment.

    Feminism in Western countries indeed was very successful to collect huge amounts of money for running a highly agressive propaganda machine during the last decades.

    You have to see however the situation worldwide and not only within USA or UK or Sweden.

    I am highly sceptical if feminism will continue to remain successful in the future.

    The question is who will pay for feminism?

    Nobody can deny that feminism costs us all a lot of money, which is taken away from somewhere... mostly from men, from companies, from public funds...

    If there is no money from 'somewhere' feminism is finished, bankrupt. Feminism is not productive and Western governments are running out of money.

    MRAs, especially those with foreign wives, were very pleased when they read this:

    We MRAs are looking forward to cut-downs of many millions of USD for US-feminism - it will become much more difficult for Western feminists to claim their 'rights' because 'men have privileges'.

    I see no progress for feminists from now on in Central Europe and for the first time the last family reform in Germany benefits men and children but not women.

    I see no much progress for feminism in the Islamic world, but also not in non-Islamic countries here in Asia, because those countries are often very poor for feminism - examples are Philippines or Vietnam.

    Other countries don't care about feminists, like China or Japan, and why should they care? And not to mention Russia and all their former satellites...

    Economically seen, feminists are nowhere successful ...

  17. Yohan: What a load of bullshit. We ARE successful, and it pisses you boys off since you're losing your privilege- which allows men to hurt and subjugate women. We WILL win. It's already happening, and it will never stop.

    I must say on a positive note: it is cool that you and your wife are caring for her (?) parents at home. One thing about a lot of Western society that disgusts me is how the elderly are thrown away like trash and put into horrible old peoples' homes, where they are abused and neglected and left to die. After raising kids and living long, fruitful and interesting lives they are tossed aside. I think that sucks. I feel very strongly that ALL people- and especially the elderly- deserve to live and die with dignity and in the presence of comfort and, hopefully, love. This also includes women, of which I am one. OK going to bed goodnight.

  18. @doctressjulia

    It's our duty to care for OUR parents, even grandparents of my wife in the past, 4 generations under one roof. Now only the father of my wife is alive and one aunt.
    My own father died already a few years ago in our place, he was 101. Elderly care is now a problem as many families are broken up, but not for us.
    We are also taking care for others too like for my fostergirl in Philippines since many years.


    About feminism, it is not productive, it costs a lot of money. Feminism depends financially on others. No money and feminism is finished.

    I have never seen more MRA-websites in so many languages - for sure the movement is growing.

    A good example, how feminists take care of poor people, see article below.

    ..... includes women, of which I am one.

    Yes, true, I feel afraid of Western females while looking at your avatar.....


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