Thursday, September 30, 2010

No Sperm, No Peace: Crazy MRA Quote of the Day

Women are totally into this shit.
Sperm: It's What Women Crave. At least according to a post today on What Men Are Saying About Women. So where does that leave lesbians? Up shit creek without a paddle, or, more precisely, up the vagina without a flagellum:
Unlike heterosexual females the lesbians haven't got a chance in hell ... no sperm, no peace ... Butch lesbians may think they are a male but without sperm they are just sad, pathetic imitators of the real thing without the benefits.
The MRA who posted it, who quite conveniently goes by the name of MRA, is basing his highly scientific conclusion on a weird study from a number of years back which found that women who had unprotected spermy sex with men were happier than women whose partners used condoms; apparently semen is a kind of magic happy juice. Never mind that according to his logic, men who wear condoms should also be considered "sad, pathetic imitators of the real thing" as well.


  1. So, according to MRAs, the only good thing about guys is their sperm?

  2. No wonder my 5'4" 36DD 130lb Girlfriend is always so happy! Now I know...

    This weekend I'll be sure to give her lots of my magic happy juice...

    Pity there is not enough to supply the whole world of women with such happiness.

    I would encourage men everywhere to seek women out, and give them their magic happy juice.


    Happiness (ah - pee - niss) = A Penis!!!

    It almost sounds the same doesn't it...


    I think not!

    @marissa - in case you are not aware - its not just the sperm - but the process we give it to you...

    Hopefully, you'll find a man to do this with - and experience the joys of it.

  3. Well I feel pretty good after a hot beef injection myself.

    That's some specious reasoning there, Marissa.


  5. Oh man, that quote and the bragging troll are hilarious. He should apply for a job writing "male enhancement" spam emails. It sounded like that kind of advertising pitch.

    I probably shouldn't dignify anything with a response, but... Gee, it sure is boring around here. I wonder if fluid-bonded couples in general tend to be happier just because people are more likely to forgo protection in stable, long term relationships?

    Guess I need to turn in my woman card... my happiness doesn't fluctuate with condom usage. Orgasms make me happy, but there are many wonderful ways to share them. I could even share them with a person who doesn't have a penis!

    They (MRA or researchers) obviously didn't bother to consult any bisexual people or lesbians. Offer me a man au naturel, a man wearing a condom, and a woman, and I'd be 3 times as happy.

  6. "Never mind that according to his logic, men who wear condoms should also be considered "sad, pathetic imitators of the real thing" as well."

    Err, no. You see, the man wearing the condom has a shitload of sperm in his epididymis, with more being produced in his testicles.

    By the way, lesbians are the most violence group on the planet. Go look at the incidence rate for lezzo-on-lezzo violence if you don't believe me. Then go look at all of the satanic murders that have been committed by lezzos.

  7. I probably shouldn't bother, since you're obviously completely batshit, but where exactly are you getting your info on "satanic murders?" The Department of Satanic Statistics? Henry Makow? A voice in your head?


    Stop being lesbians and cum and get your magic happy cream ladies!

  9. ""

    Did you read the text of the source:

    For brevity's sake, [women and men who reported living with a same-sex intimate partner at least once in their lifetime] will be referred to as same-sex cohabitants, and [women and men who reported marrying/living with an opposite-sex partner but never with a same-sex partner] will be referred to as opposite-sex cohabitants

    So, for brevity, a sort of "one drop of blood" rule applies. A women who cohabited with men on thirty different occasions but with a women on one occasion is put into the "same-sex cohabitation" category.

    This group of women are more likely to be victimised by an intimate partner than their exclusively-heterosexual counterparts, but the source doesn't tell us the sex of the partner who victimised them. You just assumed that it was the same-sex partner.

  10. Also we know that women are more likely than men to report violence by their partner, so it is not surprising that lesbians report more violence then gay men. This doesn't mean that gay men are experiencing less violence.

  11. That reminds me, anyone hear about the new pill that cures lesbianism? It's called Trycoxagain.

  12. "I probably shouldn't bother, since you're obviously completely batshit, but where exactly are you getting your info on "satanic murders?" The Department of Satanic Statistics? Henry Makow? A voice in your head?"

    I can think of at least two murders in Australia that were committed by vampiric lesbians. Both murders involved lesbians who were either linked to a vampiric cult or, chose to ritualistically drink the blood of their respective victims.

    "Sick lesbian vampire killers
    AAP | January 26, 2008 12:00AM

    TWO lesbians who kissed over the body of a girl they killed to prove their love smiled as a Perth court heard it took the teenage victim half an hour to die.

    The pair bludgeoned 16-year-old Stacey Mitchell with a concrete block, strangled her with a chain and then videoed her blood-splattered bedroom and semi-naked body while they mocked her English accent, a court in Perth heard.

    One of the girls was a member of a vampire sub-culture, interested in violence and drinking blood."

    "Tracey Wiggington

    Tracey Wigginton (born 1965) is an Australian murderer who achieved notoriety for killing a man in 1989, supposedly in order to drink his blood.

    Wiggington was the only one of the four co-accused who pled guilty to the charge of murder. Therefore, there was no trial and few details were disclosed to the court as to why this incident occurred. Her then-girlfriend, Lisa Ptachinski, and two other women fuelled rumours about Wigginton having vampiric tendencies, stating that the reason for the murder was to enable the drinking of the man's blood.[1]

    On the night of the murder, Wigginton, Ptaschinski and two other women lured 47-year-old Edward Baldock to a park on the banks of the Brisbane River. There, Wigginton stabbed him 27 times, nearly severing his head.[2]

    In 1991, she was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Supreme Court of Queensland with a minimum of 13 years. Four parole applications have been turned down."

  13. Aileen Wuornos was introduced to satanism durning adolescence. She was a lesbian.

  14. That's a good one, being called "batshit" but an insane, pussy-begging cunt who aligns himself with the nutjobs on Any argument he may have had against radical MRAs lost all credibility when he decided to align himself with a group of batshit insane radical feminazis. A review of the insane, misandristic ramblings on makes the most radical MRAs look saintly!

  15. Hey Futrelle,

    Don't you get sick and tired of being wrong?

    Our conversation under "Women behaving badly, meet men behaving worse" is a good example.


    "Uh, CITATION NEEDED. All this stuff about black widows is fantasy on your part." -- Futrelle


    Did I or didn't I tell you that the statement was made on The FBI Files or Cold Case Files? Yes I did.

    Here it is again:

    "I recall hearing this on either The FBI Files or Cold Case Files."

    If I recall correctly, the person who made the comment was a law enforcement officer. The fact that you've written it off as "fantasy" proves that you're an ideologically driven bigot. You refuse to accept this information because it clashes with your agenda. But if you're still delusional enough to believe I live in a fantasy world, then take a look at this:

    "The typical pattern of a black widow killer is to murder six to eight victims in a period of 10 to 15 years. Numbers of victims have been known to be higher in areas where law enforcement is minimal and investigators are either less vigilant or less suspicious."

    The aforementioned excerpt is from Domestic Homicide of Male Spouses by Females: A Review for Death Investigators. You can see the full article here:

  16. So now most murders are commited by lesbians, despite the fact that most murders (90%) are committed by men, and, of women who do murder, the most common victim is a male intimate partner (and, before you jump on that, no, women don't kill intimate partners in larger numbers then men, they just don't commit as much stranger murder in addition). From the Department of Justice "Wives were more likely than husbands to be killed by their spouses: wives were about half of all spouses in the population in 2002, but 81% of all persons killed by their spouse. " There's this thing called reality, you could try living in it.

    "Go look at the incidence rate for lezzo-on-lezzo violence" Same sex domestic violence happens at comparable rates as opposite sex domestic violence (meaning that the risk of one partner being battered is comparable to that of a hetero woman being battered). It should be noted that trans women with hetero male partners are at enhanced risk for being the victims of abuse, which is the exception to the rule where LGB people are only abused by partners at comparable rates.

    Also, the fact that you could find a grand total of two murders by occultist lesbians in the entire world does not show statistical significance. Shoot, I could probably find a huge number of occultist murders by hetero men with a quick google search. Neither of these cases prove that this is common amoung lesbians any more than Luke Mitchell's murder of his girlfriend shows that pot heads do them all the time.

    Of course MRAs hate lesbians, because lesbians assert they have lives outside of being brainless fuckholes for MRA asshats, which doesn't do at all. And, they would have to stop being homophobes for them to not hate lesbians, something which they are obviously unwilling to do.

    A note to you all from a bisexual-dick ain't magic. Sure, it can be fun, just like pussy can be fun, but it sure as hell ain't magic.

  17. cat,

    Don't put words into my mouth. I never said most murders re committed by lesbians.

    Obviously you haven't read anything that I've said. If you did then you wouldn't have bothered citing a whole heap of statistics that I'm fully aware of. As I pointed out the other day, the sort of stats you've cited prove nothing other than man-on-woman homicide is detected more often than woman-on-man homicide, and, that the courts are better equipped to convict men. You can say this is "bullshit", but doing so will only reveal that you're a narrowminded simpleton who does not live in the real world. Anyone who knows a thing or two about crime is aware that women's choices for murder usually go undetected. This means women are more likely than men to get away with murder. The Department ofJustice's statistics don't take this fact into equation -- even though it has been acknowledged by other experts -- yet they have the audascity to say that the conviction rate for rapists does not represent the incidence of rape!

    Are you going to stay true to your logic and say that rape is one of the rarest crimes in society -- the Bureau of Justice's stats indicate only a small number or accused rapists are convicted -- or, like a true hypocrite who has an age4nda, will you abort your logic and argue that it only represents a flaw in the system? If you're going to say it's the latter then don't scoff at the idea that most women who murder get away with it.

    Let me remind you that the Australian Bureau of Statistics admitted that convicted women routinely receive ligher sentences and, that female defendants are more likely to be acquitted. This supports my theory nicely.

  18. "Also, the fact that you could find a grand total of two murders by occultist lesbians in the entire world does not show statistical significance."

    I didn't go out of my way to find vampiric murder cases involving lesbian perpetrators! I cited those cases because they occurred in my country and I'm familiar with them. I've never heard of a case involving a heterosexual man -- or a gay one, for that matter -- committing an offence like this against a woman. Lesbians make up less than 2% of Australia's population. If two of the highest profile Australian murder cases from the last 21 years involve lesbians killing in a vampiric manner, then it suggests there is something unusual about Australian lesbians.

    So tell me, why is it that I've never heard of a similar Australian case that was perpetrated by a man? If Australian men do it as often as Australian lesbians do, then for every vampiric murder that's committed by a lesbian, there would be numerous cases involving male perpetrators. If you cannot understand the logic, then I'll explain it more clearly for you: the fact that men outnumber lesbians by a very high percentage means there would be numerous acts committed by men (if they are as likely to do it as often, that is). Yet I've never heard of this happening. It's fair to conclude that it's a form of murder that is predominantly performed by lesbians. It much be rare as hell, but when it does happen, it's performed by lesbians.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. ""Go look at the incidence rate for lezzo-on-lezzo violence" Same sex domestic violence happens at comparable rates as opposite sex domestic violence (meaning that the risk of one partner being battered is comparable to that of a hetero woman being battered). It should be noted that trans women with hetero male partners are at enhanced risk for being the victims of abuse, which is the exception to the rule where LGB people are only abused by partners at comparable rates."

    You're either a liar or uneducated.

    In harm's way: Higher level of abuse among same-sex couples than straight ones, Hong Kong study
    by Nigel Collett

    Four times as many individuals in a same-sex relationship than in a straight one have reportedly been victimised by physical assault, according to a landmark study by the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the Women Coalition of HKSAR.

    The study, which is the only rigorous study made to date in Asia of same-sex partner violence, found higher levels of abuse than a Hong Kong study into heterosexual couple violence had found using the same measurement tool in 2005 (see note 1), For instance, whilst 9.6% of heterosexual individuals responding in 2005 had been victimised by physical assault, in this new study the comparative figure for same-sex individuals was 38.9%. For psychological abuse, the figures were 59.2% for heterosexual and 74.6% for same-sex individual members of partnerships.

    The results of the study titled ‘Same-sex Intimate Partner Violence in Hong Kong’ were made public on Jun 16 at a press conference by Professor Winnie W.S. Mak of CUHK’s Department of Psychology, her two students from the University, Mabel Kwong and Eddie Chong, and two spokespersons of the Women Coalition of HKSAR, Connie Chan Man-wai and Yeung Wai Wai.

    The results support the need for a speedy extension of the coverage of same-sex relationships under Hong Kong’s Domestic Violence Ordinance (DVO).

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  24. "Of course MRAs hate lesbians, because lesbians assert they have lives outside of being brainless fuckholes for MRA asshats, which doesn't do at all. And, they would have to stop being homophobes for them to not hate lesbians, something which they are obviously unwilling to do."

    MRAs hate radical lesbian feminists, such as the second-wave cunts who called for the mass killing of men. Radical lesbian feminazis like Mary Daly were in favour of culling men. Big difference.

  25. Uh, lesbian-obsessed Anonymous? Don't cut and paste entire articles into the comments. A link is sufficient. I've deleted the comments that are nothing more than pasted bits.

  26. Also, a quick Google search turned up a bunch of male vampire killers:

    And a heterosexual couple:

    I don't know why it needs to be said, but both men and women are capable of horrible things.

  27. That's nice Futrelle, but it's completely irrelevant to the conversation with cat. I spoke about vampiric murders that took place in Australia. None of the men on your list are Australian. Nor did they commit their crimes in Australia. As it stands, the only two Australian vampiric murders that we know about were committed by evil lesbians. :D

  28. This is possibly the dumbest discussion I have ever been in.

    Here's an male Australian vampire murder:

  29. "Here's an male Australian vampire murder:"

    Err, the murder they carried out on Carly Ryan did not contain any vampiric-related themes whatsoever.

    "An 'internet construct' was used to lure Miss Ryan to a final meeting at Port Elliot in February 2007.

    There, the father bashed Miss Ryan about the head, pushed her face into the sand and threw her into the water to drown.

    Her body was found by passersby at Horseshoe Bay the next morning."

    A vampiric murder involves the perpetrator drinking their victim's blood because they think they are a vampire. The perpetrators of Carly Ryan's murder did nothing of the sort. The only reason they killed her was because she rejected them. To say this is a "vampire murder" is fucking stupid.

    The only reference to vampirism was of the site they used to meet Carly. If they truly thought they were vampires then they would have performed vampiric acts on the victim.

    You fail, Futrelle.

  30. Futrelle, go read this article:

  31. Futrelle,

    The case you're citing is not a vampiric murder. I detailed why it's not a vampiric murder at least twice now. On both occasions you deleted my post. What's the matter, afraid of being shown up, again?

  32. David Futrelle does not know the definition of a vampire murder. He thinks that a case involving a paedophile luring and bashing a 15yo girl's head and drowing he in a waterway is vampiric. Fucking loon.

  33. I bow to your superior judgement on vampire murders, which make up about one-one millionth of the total number of murders in the world.

  34. I think anonymous homophobe just proved my point about MRAs hating lesbians.

    On the domestic abuse issue, the very study he cites is being compared to data procured using different methodology and studing a different age range (26 vs 40, different scales for measuring what counts as domestic abuse) and, the low number of subjects(92)and lack of control group alone make the study highly prone to error. It is quite possible that this is from a sampling flaw with the study itself, or that using the same measuring scale would put opposite sex abuse as happening at different rates than the other (rare) studies on heterosexuals. The descriptions of the study sample size, composition, and methodology were all available at the link he posted, funny how he didn't bother to read them... However, even if this study were accurate for Hong Kong, it would show that Hong Kong is actually statistically different than the US, the UK, and Australia. Australia, anon. homophobe's claimed homeland, shows that only two percent of all domestic violence against women is committed by same sex partners, a number which would make it roughly proportionate (assuming same sex dating women compose roughly two percent of the population of Australia). In the UK, only one percent of domestic abuse cases with a female victim involved a female perpetrator In the US, 22% of hetero women were found to be victims in government studies ( as compared to 10% of lesbians and 15% of gay men

    And, once again, one murder does not prove that this is typical. Unusual killings are more likely newsworthy. Two examples hardly shows a widespread cultural pattern. I'm not Australian (I'm from the US), so I don't know Australian law and statistics as well as the US, but I could not find that the Australian government tracks sexuality data in regards to homocides. However, they do track the sex of offenders, and males commit homocide at higher rates than females suggesting that murder in Australia is not primarily commited by lesbians. Some actual understanding of science and some sturdy data is recommended before you start making homophobic claims about how lesbians are violent.

  35. "However, they do track the sex of offenders, and males commit homocide at higher rates than females"

    Stop using manipulative language. The data only reflects known murders and actual convictions of suspected murderers. It does not take into consideration that roughly half of all murders are unsolved. Nor does it acknowledge the fact that female suspects are more likely to be acquitted. I notice you failed to cite this fact from the Australian Bureau of Statistics! What's the matter, is it too realistic for your liking?

    Like I said earlier, men are more likely to be caught when they commit murder. The investigative process used by law enforcement officers is aimed at capturing men who murder. It's why black widows usually kill 6 to 8 of their husbands before alluring suscpicion. If the police treated woman-on-man homicide as seriously as man-on-woman homicide then no black widow would get away with murder. It doesn't take much for a medical examiner to perform an extensive chemical analysis on a corpse's hair, blood, body tissue etc to see if they were subjected to unnaturally high levels of toxins. The cops and medical examiners don't bother to do this because they don't care if women murder their husbands. If they come across a case that shouts out at them, or if the odd cop who actually does his job does everything in his power to ensure justice is served, then the right procedures are performed, but this is not the general rule.

    Another thing the stats don't mention is how many homicides were performed by men at the request of women. It's not all that uncommon for a woman to con a man into killing her her.

    You can deny this fact all you like, but it only proves what I said about you being an uneducated bigot who lives in a fantasy world.

    "Some actual understanding of science and some sturdy data is recommended before you start making homophobic claims about how lesbians are violent.

    That's funny. You say that only 2% of domestic violence against Australian women is perpetrated by women. Only 2% of Australia's population are lesbians. Around 96% of Australians are heterosexual. The amount of women who are subjected to domestic violence by men is not anywhere close to being 96%. This means that the relative odds of a lesbian being violent are far higher. The absolute number of cases place men as being the main perpetrators, but this is only because men outnumber lesbians by a very, very large number. If the total number of lesbians and men living in Australia were the same and if the current incidence rates of DV remained the same, then the majority of DV cases would involve a lesbian as the perpetrator.

  36. the very study he cites is being compared to data procured using different methodology and studing a different age range (26 vs 40, different scales for measuring what counts as domestic abuse)


    Both studies were based on the Revised Conflict Tactics Scale. The one on lesbians, gays and bisexuals used additional LGB Sailient Tactics alongside the RCT scale, but only because some forms of abuse are unique to homosexuals, such as using the threat of outing a partner to a relative or a colleague. There was no difference in how physical violence and threats of physical violence were measured. The truth is only a very small amount of the data was obtained using different methodology. So, please don't imply that everything was uneven. Doing so proves you have an agenda and aren't shy of using deceitful means to further it.

    I notice you refused to acknowledge that the "findings were consistent with those of studies in the US". You go on to cite studies from the US, but you never cited the ones that support the findings from Professor Mak's study!

  37. "And, once again, one murder does not prove that this is typical."

    I never said they were. Go back and read what I said. I said that these sort of murders are extremely rare, but when they do occur in Australia, they are usually performed by lesbians. To my knowledge, no Australian man has committed this sort of crime.

  38. Okay, homophobia anonymous clearly has no basic understanding of statistics or how to read a scientific study, so I am going to recommend taking basic statistics and methodology of psycology courses, because giving him more information that he is not currently intellectually capable of understanding is a waste of my time.

    "The absolute number of cases place men as being the main perpetrators, but this is only because men outnumber lesbians by a very, very large number. " Yes, this is true, which is why I pointed out that haivng a population of two percent means that same sex abuse composing two percent of the abuse is comparable and proportionate, not marked lower. Of women abused by an intimate partner in Australia, ninty eight percent were abused by a man (tp say that of the victims, ninty eight percent were abused by a man is not the equivalent of saying that ninty eight percent of women are abused, learn basic statistics, please), two percent by a woman. If lesbians compose two percent of the population and commit two percent of domestic abuse, if gay males commit two percent of abuse as well, that means that heteros commit the remaining ninty six percent, meaning that heteros and queer people commit violence at COMPARABLE and PROPORTIONAL rates rather than higher ones, just like I said. "If the total number of lesbians and men living in Australia were the same and if the current incidence rates of DV remained the same, then the majority of DV cases would involve a lesbian as the perpetrator. " This does not follow from the data at all. What follows from the data is that if lesbians were fifty percent, they would commit fifty percent.

    Basic statistics-learn it, apply it.

    "You go on to cite studies from the US, but you never cited the ones that support the findings from Professor Mak's study" Studies of American queer people do not necessarily apply to queer people in Hong Kong, there are many, many studies on queer people and domestic abuse in the US (though less on trans and bi people than on gays and lesbians), which consistently find comparable rates of abuse, and only one from China which finds discrepant ones. So, there remains one study with a limited sample size (which has more men than women even in the very small sample, making this data not statistically significant with regards to lesbians), a different age group (the study on LGBT people looked at people in their mid twenties, as compared to the average age of forty in China, considering that people in their twenties in all groups commit more abuse than those in their forties, this is a big deal) which used a different measurement scale (which he concedes, but does not seem to understand the importance of, slightly differnet measurement scales can cause vastly different results in psycological studies) is a limited study that should not be taken on its face as accurate. More data is needed from larger, more precise studies before this claim should be accepted.

    Basic psycology methodology-learn it.

    When you only have two examples, you need to show that they are not coincidental.

    Correlation does not prove causation-learn it.

    Okay, so I just tried to debunk him, for the sake of making sure that others do not accpet his mistakes, however, I do not think he has the level of knowledge in either science or statistics to understand exactly why he is clearly wrong, so I still am recommending that he learn statistics and methodology of psycology before opening his mouth again.

  39. Okay let me try.

    There have been two vampiric lesbian murders in Australia, and that proves that lesbians are the most violent people in the world. Is that the argument? Or have we moved the goalposts over to the baseball diamond?

  40. "Yes, this is true, which is why I pointed out that haivng a population of two percent means that same sex abuse composing two percent of the abuse is comparable and proportionate, not marked lower. Of women abused by an intimate partner in Australia, ninty eight percent were abused by a man (tp say that of the victims, ninty eight percent were abused by a man is not the equivalent of saying that ninty eight percent of women are abused, learn basic statistics, please), two percent by a woman."

    So now you're talking about intimate partner violence instead of domestic violence. You originally said that lesbians only commit 2% of "all domestic violence". Here is your exact comment:

    "anon. homophobe's claimed homeland, shows that only two percent of all domestic violence against women is committed by same sex partners, a number which would make it roughly proportionate (assuming same sex dating women compose roughly two percent of the population of Australia)."

    Intimate partner violence is a form of domestic violence. Not all forms of domestic violence involve an intimate partner. A father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, grandparent, uncle, auntie, in-law, etc can commit domestic violence. This means your original claim about 2% of lesbians assaulting their partners proves my point. If 2% of DV against women is between same-sex partners, then the rate among heterosexual couples cannot be 98%. There are many women out there who've been assaulted by persons other than their partner.

    You see cat, if you meant to say that the study you referred to -- you know, the one which you never bothered to cite -- measured intimate partner violence only, then you shouldn't have said "anon. homophobe's claimed homeland, shows that only two percent of all domestic violence against women is committed by same sex partners". A person who understands how to read statistics would't refer to all forms of domestic violence when they really meant to say intimate partner violence.

    Big error on your behalf buddy.

  41. "which used a different measurement scale (which he concedes, but does not seem to understand the importance of, slightly differnet measurement scales can cause vastly different results in psycological studies)"

    Stop trying to deceive everyone with your psychobabble claptrap.

    Both studies used the same core methodology to obtain their statistics on physical, threats of violence and most forms of psychological abuse. The only reason the one on gays and lesbians added another scale to it is because there is an additional form of psychological abuse that is unique to gay and lesbian couples. Just because this forms of psychological abuse is unique to gays and lesbians doesn't mean it shouldn't be measured. If there was a unique form of psychological abuse among heterosexual couples, then it too would be up for measurement. If the gay and lesbian specific form of bullying still results in the victims feeling scared, intimidated and embarrassed, then it should be included in the study. The only reason you are against including this catergory is because you don't want people to know that gays and lesbians not only use the traditional forms of abuse that are used by heterosexuals and other family members, but have their own form of abuse that's unique to them.

    "Studies of American queer people do not necessarily apply to queer people in Hong Kong"

    What the hell are you on about? I merely pointed out that Professor Mak said her study supports the findings from American studies. That's what she said. If you have a problem with it, then take it up with her.

    I suppose you're going to say Professor Mak doesn't understand how to interpret statistics either?

    I'll take the word of Professor Mak over a bigoted lezzo called "cat".

  42. "Studies of American queer people do not necessarily apply to queer people in Hong Kong"

    What are you on about? I merely pointed out that Professor Mak said her study supports the findings from American studies. That's what Mak said. If you have a problem with it, then take it up with Mak.

    I suppose you're going to say Professor Mak doesn't understand how to interpret statistics either?

    I'll take Professor Mak's work over your inconsistent ramblings.

  43. Using the term 'domestic violence' to mean intimate partner violence is very common within psycology and within US law. Every study I cite and everything in the discussion was about partner abuse, not child abuse.

    "I merely pointed out that Professor Mak said her study supports the findings from American studies. " She is flat out wrong. Also, the sources she cites directly contradict her statements. The study footnoted as support did not find this, it found "Physical violence occurs in 11–12% of same-gender couples which suggests that domestic violence is an abuse of power that can happen in any type of intimate relationship, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Although incidents of violence occur at the same rate in same-gender couples and cross-gender couples, the violence appears to be milder in same-gender couples and it is unclear what percentage of same-gender violence should be characterized as abuse or intimate terrorism. Same-gender victims also suffer from the additional stress of severe isolation and the abuser's threats to expose the victim's sexual orientation in a hostile manner." ( The actual finding in the study she cites is consistent with the other government and psycology sources I cited. Seriously, look at the study by Rohrbaugh which she lists as the source of her statistic within her footnotes. What she states is not what Rohrbaugh found in this study. This is either very sloppy, unprofessional research or an outright intentional misrepresentation of data. You don't have to take her word, she gives her source, which says something completely different than her claims. Her other source (note three) also states "The reality is that domestic violence occurs at approximately the same rate in gay and lesbian relationships as it does in heterosexual unions" on page one ( Might want to check her sources before you worship her, because she is misrepresenting them, either intentionally or due to poor research in this case. I suspect the former, given that she appears not to be able to read up through page one of a book she cites. Again, learn to evalutate sources.


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