Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bangkok Girl: Looking Behind the Fantasy of the Nubile, Pliable Non-Western Woman

It's a commonplace fantasy amongst a certain kind of American man: to abandon a world filled with "picky," "demanding," "angry" women, infected with feminism and a sense of entitlement, to find paradise in the arms of a nubile, pliable, and above all grateful woman from an exotic place like Thailand, the Philippines, or Eastern Europe.

Not surprisingly, many Men's Rights websites and forums are filled with angry rants about American (or more broadly, Western) women. "Western men have now had plenty of evidence over recent years of what western wimmin have become as a result of feminist  indoctrination and media propaganda," writes Ledburian, a regular on the message boards. "I reckon it would be a good idea for all western wimmin to be forced to carry tattoos on their foreheads warning all men that they can be a serious threat to male wealth and well being."

Meanwhile, the "fun bachelor" behind, a site whose URL conveniently encapsulates its message, assures his anxious readers that paradise is within reach of any Western man with a passport: "Date Foreign Women Only, and be treated like a king."

The reality, of course, is far more sordid and depressing than the fantasy: The reason that some Eastern women are more agreeable to Western men has less to do with culture than it does with economics. Women in the west have more options, and so are less willing to put up with crap from Western men; women in countries where many if not most people are living in abject poverty may decide that putting up with disagreeable Western men is slightly less of a bad bargain than working a poverty-wage job and living in a shithole.

Recently, I watched a sad, powerful short documentary called Bangkok Girl (also known as Falang: Behind Bangkok's Smile), a portrait of a bar girl in a city overrun with sex tourists from all over the developed world. The whole thing is worth watching -- it's available for instant watching on Netflix and on YouTube -- but one scene stood out in particular for me: a street inverview with a drunken British expat who puts his arms around Pla, the girl at the center of the documentary, and declares to the camera that she's his "girlfriend." (She's not.)

It's immediately and abundantly clear that she wants nothing to do with the creepy lout -- but he's a regular at the bar and she'll lose her job if she rebuffs him.  He's either completely oblivious to her obvious discomfort, or he simply doesn't give a shit. This is what "paradise" really looks like, to anyone really paying attention. Watch the scene here.


  1. That may be part of it, but it's just as likely women from "third world" cultures really do treat the men in their lives better. Many folks say that even female immigrants from non-western cultures (Bangladesh, Japan, and Africa, among other places) are nicer even when they're doctors or educated people who can take care of themselves. Anecdotal evidence? Sure. But no less anecdotal than a sob story from a single documentary.

  2. It's funny that David's weak defence against this is only an example of Bar Girls lol.

    It's not like that anyone is forcing these women to be in such terrible situations. But human trafficking/sexual slavery is a different story. As if 99 percent of western men would want anything to do with sexual slavery.

    I lived in the Philippines for a few years. It is true that women from such a country are generally more laid back and don't have the superior feminist influenced attitudes like many western women have today. My brother is married to a doctor who he met in the Philippines. She is far from being anyone submissive and yet she doesn't go on with the same BS that western women do.

    Bar women may be somewhat submissive, but Asian women in general are not submissive. People will accuse western men for only wanting submissive women if they choose Asian women over western women. This accusation is a load of crap.

    People who use this accusation are trying to deny the fact that these certain western men are just simply fed up with the superior feminist influenced attitudes many western women have in this generation.

  3. It's not like that anyone is forcing these women to be in such terrible situations.

    No, it's not like anyone is forcing them. Just the social and economic conditions of the country they were born in.

    Seriously, what a weird comment.

    People will accuse western men for only wanting submissive women if they choose Asian women over western women. ... People who use this accusation are trying to deny the fact that these certain western men are just simply fed up with the superior feminist influenced attitudes many western women have in this generation.

    It's funny how you frame those two justifications as being opposed to one another when really, they're exactly the same.

    From The New York Times:
    "Thai women are a lot like women in America were 50 years ago," said [54-year-old Joseph Davis of Fresno, California, who is married to 30-year-old Nui Davis], before they discovered their rights and became "strong-headed and opinionated."

    "The women now know they are equal," said Mr. Davis, a retired Naval officer who has been divorced twice, "so the situation is not as relaxed and peaceful as it is between an American and a Thai lady."

  4. Here's a question for you, Marissa: Why *shouldn't* we want "submissive" women?

    Not trolling--I know there are guys out there who don't care much for those kinds of girls. For those of us who do, however, why, exactly, should we feel any differently?

  5. I don't give a shit about what you want. What matters is that people treat each other with respect. Assuming that a woman has no opinions because she's financially dependent on you, as the guy in the article seems to assume, is not indicative of a respectful relationship.

  6. Marissa

    "Seriously, what a weird comment."

    What's weird about it? It's perfectly simple, its not the men's fault. These women choose to degrade themselves, so the logical thing to do is to blame these women and don’t portray it as the evil of men.

    "It's funny how you frame those two justifications as being opposed to one another when really, they're exactly the same."

    How so? Please explain in logical detail

  7. Oh, really? And why, pray tell, should we give a shit about respect? Because you think it's important? Yeah, well, you don't give a shit about what we want, we don't give a shit about what you want. Fair play and all.

  8. wanderer does make a point. But I am not going to generalise and paint the same brush on every western woman.

    Many of today's western women expect men to hand them everything they want on a silver platter. Or in other words, woo them/impress them in an exaggerated manner. It seems to be a trend for many western women to have this attitude in the ways of believing they are a winning prize while men who are below that worth in their eyes have to win the said prize.

    But if males had such strong expectations and the same type of attitude towards women, it would be considered as chauvinism.

    This is where the respect part comes into it. The attitude from women I expressed above is not showing respect for men, it’s placing men below them. Yet, these same women jump up and down and demand respect from men.

  9. Sucking up to the feminists won't get you laid. Maybe by a fat single mother, but that's about it.

    Seriously, I don't waste my time debating with those with less intelligence than myself, so I just leave hit and run comments like this.

    You probably sit down to pee too.

  10. @Nick

    It's perfectly simple, its not the men's fault. These women choose to degrade themselves, so the logical thing to do is to blame these women and don’t portray it as the evil of men.

    It's hardly a choice. They're in a desperate situation, others are exploiting that.

    And the feminists I know would get pretty pissed off if you tried to "hand them" anything.

    @ wanderer

    You're like a child pouting, "what about MEEEE!" You need someone to take the time to explain to you how treating other with dignity benefits you? That's sad. I hope you interact with very few people in real life.

  11. "You need someone to take the time to explain to you how treating other with dignity benefits you?"

    I dunno, if what guys like Joseph Fresno is doing is "disrespectful" and "undignified," he seems pretty happy despite it. Maybe it really doesn't benefit anybody as much as you claim. If observing that makes me 'childish,' I think I quite like being a child.

    In any case, Mr. Futrelle still hasn't refuted the claim that even women from non-Western cultures who aren't impoverished (ranging from wealthy immigrants from counties like Bangladesh or the Phillipines to women from well-developed places like Japan or Singapore) are much preferable to many men. What's the "economic" explanation for those girls?

  12. Ughhh poor girl. Thank you for posting this.

  13. Economics does have something to do with it.

    Race also plays a part. Filipino women find white skin desirable - hair color other than brown, and eye color other than brown.

    However, culture plays a very important role here too - it is a fact that in other cultures, women are raised to respect men - or at least, they are not raised to despise men.

    "It's immediately and abundantly clear that she wants nothing to do with the creepy lout"

    The only way to know this is if she openly SAYS she does not feel comfortable around him.

    It is a fact that in many Asian cultures, public displays of affection are considered "indecent".

    You are making assumptions about how this woman feels towards him.

    Interesting assumptions that do not reveal anything about the woman's character or emotions - but rather - yours...

    Set yourself free manboobz...

  14. Scarecrow: She CANNOT say anything. She would lose her job if she did. If after watching that clip you think she might actually be into the dude, you are either more oblivious than the guy in the clip.

    Wanderer: I'm supposed to "refute" the fact that some men prefer asian women even when they're not impoverished? Obviously some do. In some cases it's a simple matter of taste, or of an interest in Asian culture; in other cases it's tied up with fantasies about their supposed submissiveness, fantasies that may have absolutely no connection with the personalities of the women they're attracted to, who are often far from submissive.

    What I'm talking about in this post is the whole "go to Thailand and be treated like a king" mentality. I'm talking about sex tourists. I guarantee you that almost every western man seen trolling the streets of Bangkok for prostitutes in this documentary would offer an elaborate rant on why western women are too stuck up, etc, if asked.

  15. Actually, I was referring specifically to this statement:

    "The reason that some Eastern women are more agreeable to Western men has less to do with culture than it does with economics."

    No, it if was purely or even mostly "economic," Western men wouldn't extoll the virtues of economically secure Asian women as well. To be charitable to you, I won't say economics (or taste, Asian culture, etc.) is entirely irrelevant, but you simply haven't made a convincing argument against the fact that many Western men, rightly or wrongly, feel the foreign women simply aren't as bitchy and hard to deal with as Western women, *even when they're economically secure enough to be as choosy as Western women.*

    "I guarantee you that almost every western man seen trolling the streets of Bangkok for prostitutes in this documentary would offer an elaborate rant on why western women are too stuck up, etc, if asked."

    I'm not sure I'd bet on it, but if it makes you feel better to believe that, go ahead.

  16. @David.

    Sorry, as I pointed out - displays of affection in public can be considered "indecent" in those cultures.

    In Britain however, such displays are not "indecent".

    You are still making an assumption about why she had the said expression on her face.

    Prove to me that it was not her cultural programming of: "public displays of affection are indecent" that made her put such a look on her face.

    Also, prove to me that she would lose her job if she did.

    You are making assumptions. However, in all fairness, I will view it again.

    Please let me know which one it is in (1-4) - and give me a time index.

  17. Wanderer: Maybe I overstated that point in the piece. Obviously culture plays a role (though again, a lot of western men are reacting less to culture than to stereotypes; they are still projecting a fantasy onto Asian women). I will come back to this issue in later points, because this "western women suck" stuff is so pervasive on MRA blogs/forums/youtube.

  18. Tell me where western men point out that they want Asian women for long term because they are submissive?

    Sexpats looking for some fun on a holiday doesn't count, David. Your whole laughable argument on this is aimed at all western men only wanting bar girls.

    I find it laughable how brainwashed feminist minded people like you David automatically assume that western men want Asian women because they want someone submissive.

    Wanderer has already refuted that ridiculous claim. When I lived in the Philippines, I saw western men everywhere dating Asian women with good careers and high intelligence. These women were not dependant on a man to get by.

    Secondly, western men in general prefer Asian women because they generally have more respect for men. Speaking of respect, this does not mean submissiveness. If you are going to compare the term "respect" into “submissiveness”, why doesn't the same apply to western women when they demand respect? What an awful double standard.

    Western culture these days is poisoned by feminist propaganda that raises women to have contempt and superior attitudes towards men. This is what these certain western men are avoiding when they prefer Asian women in other cultures.

  19. Nick --

    Guys learn pretty quickly that if they say they like Asian women because they're submissive(or because they think Asian women are submissive), people will consider them douchebags. So they say things like "respectful" instead.

    If you look at the things the western-women-haters say about western women, many of those things invariably involve their frustration when western women stand up for themselves.

    Again, not all western men who like Asian women are driven by retrograde fantasies, but many are.

    Scarecrow: The link at the bottom of the post should take you to the correct point in the video. If not, it's 4:53 into the 4th segment.

  20. Yes of course your stance is either that all western men only want bar girls or all Asian women, even the educated ones are submissive.

    Rolls eyes

    "Again, not all western men who like Asian women are driven by retrograde fantasies, but many are."

    You mean the sexpats? Of course.

  21. "Guys learn pretty quickly that if they say they like Asian women because they're submissive(or because they think Asian women are submissive), people will consider them douchebags. So they say things like "respectful" instead. "

    Why doesn't this apply to western women who aggressively demand respect from men?

    Why the double standard? Why are men only raised in suspicion of seeking submission and not women when it comes to wanting respect? Isn't that a biased point of view?

  22. You don't think western women deserve respect?

    The point here is that the retrograde Asian-fetishist guys I'm talking about here are using the word "respect" to mean something very different than what western women are "aggressively demanding"; they are using it essentially as a more polite and more poltically correct way to say "submissive," "traditional," and all that stuff.

  23. "You don't think western women deserve respect?"

    Yes, western women deserve respect. But ONLY the ones who are willing to give respect in return. Unlike the example in that picture in the original post. And/or loudly boasting out that I am a strong woman who doesn't need men, you have to treat me as a superior princess, all men are evil until proven otherwise BS is not respecting men as a gender.

    "The point here is that the retrograde Asian-fetishist guys I'm talking about here are using the word "respect" to mean something very different than what western women are "aggressively demanding"; they are using it essentially as a more polite and more poltically correct way to say "submissive," "traditional," and all that stuff."

    Can you please back this up with some proof and logic instead of using a warped feminist theory to demonise men from an invisible position?

    Just giving an example of a minority of men who hang around red light districts is a very weak argument. It's truly pathetic.

  24. Nick --

    You do realize that the woman in the picture is not actually saying all of those things, right, that all that "bitch princess" stuff is just a caption some dork added to a picture on the internet? I've never met a woman like that in real life ever and I suspect you haven't either.

    Do you get equally indignant at all the cheezeburger-demanding lolcats out there?

    Anyway, no, I can't prove that the guys I'm talking about are using the word "respect" in the way I'm saying, but you can't prove they aren't, either. Impasse!

  25. "You do realize that the woman in the picture is not actually saying all of those things, right"

    Yes, if you comprehend my post properly, that's why I used the words "and/or".

    You can deny the fact that the princess entitlement syndrome does not exists all you want. There is no point in arguing with someone who simply doesn't want to admit it or refuses to open his eyes.

    Secondly, to brand most or all Asian women as submissive dumbos is blatantly racist.

    As feminism is against sexism and also seems to complain a lot about white males being racist towards other ethnicities, you pretty much shoot your self in the foot if you want favour from feminist when you brand a whole race of females (Asian women) as someone who is submissive/mindless/dumb.

    This even weakens your argument more to think that most western men only want Asian women due to this racist point of view.

  26. Sigh. Learn to read. I didn't say Asian women were submissive or dumb or anything like that. I said some men with Asian fetishes like Asian women because they (the guys) believe the stereotype that Asian women are submissive.

  27. David, it seems that way to me. Or it is that you think all western men who simply have choices/preferences, are racist or somehow evil?

    Wow, I wonder how well it goes when women's choices are criticised? Will we likely get accused in the terms of we can't handle a liberated woman with CHOICES? Us evil men are wanting patriarchy if we disagree with women making choices that we don't approve?


  28. Nick -- Once again you have completely misread what I've written. I'm done here.

  29. These poor girls are making lots of money (i.e. relative to other occupations where they live) by catering to scum of the earth white males instead of making less money doing more 'dignified' activities like rice picking or something like that.

    Feminists think it's better for non-western women to live in abject poverty than it is for evil white dudes to get their rocks off with them.

    Nice to know that feminists can always be relied upon to place their sexual jealousies and insecurities above the interests of the poor.

  30. Oh and by the way David.
    You know that scene in that clip where she gives that man the finger?
    That's what we men do to our feminist wives and girlfriends when they aren't looking.

  31. As I said in the post, "women in countries where many if not most people are living in abject poverty may decide that putting up with disagreeable Western men is slightly less of a bad bargain than working a poverty-wage job and living in a shithole."

    It's their choice, yes, but it's basically the least horrible of a bunch of horrible choices. They would be exploited if they worked in a factory for shit wages; they are exploited working as prostitutes. Prostitution pays better, but it's more degrading and dangerous; many of these women have HIV. They are exploited not only sexually, but also by corrupt police, criminals, etc etc.

    Read the post again, as you clearly missed the whole point of it, and actually watch the clip.

  32. Well, I guess you did watch the clip. If that's your only reaction you are pretty stunted as a human being.

  33. "Prostitution pays better, but it's more degrading and dangerous"

    Coal mining pays better than most factory work but it's also more dangerous.

    Also about that clip. Why did she flip that guy off? Didn't she realize that if her sleaze boss saw that tape it would be back to the rice patty?

    Unless of course I'm looking at something not entirely candid. Not that the media has ever been known to lie or exaggerate to manipulate public opinion.

  34. "The point here is that the retrograde Asian-fetishist guys I'm talking about here are using the word "respect" to mean something very different than what western women are "aggressively demanding""

    Asian-fetishist guys.

    A fetish is a sexual attraction to an inanimate object - such as high-heels, cigars, stockings etc...

    It is impossible to say that a man has a "fetish" towards an actual "woman".

    Excellent display of ignorance sir!

    I was not aware that Asians were now considered inanimate objects.

    That remarks was very condescending to Asian women.

    In fact, I'll go so far as to say it was racist and sexist.

  35. If one were to actually go to one of many different foreign countries, one would observe that the women in those countries also treat the men THERE like kings. This is true even though many men there are POOR… No financial gain for the women there treating the men like kings. Your fantasy has been busted.


  36. Also, there is no need to pay for foreign women. An American man with decent character, manners, and personality will have plenty of foreign women lined up to date him. He simply must learn about the foreign culture, and do his homework in advance.


  37. Also, trying to associate the FWO blog with this documentary is just another of many Female Supremacist false accusations… one of the favorite pages out of their playbook.


  38. Articles like this are pure propaganda. They are designed solely to manipulate with the emotions of women in order to gin-up hatred of men. Shame on you Mr. Futrelle.

  39. The above should read: "manipulate the emotions."

  40. Just got done watching the whole wretched pile of cultural marxist shlock.

    Saw a lot of plain, middle aged guys having the time of their life with women the likes of which they could never have in the west. See the looks on those guys faces? Don't think I've EVER seen guys like that so happy before.
    No wonder the feminists want to shut it down!

    Enlighten me David. What insidious imperialist mechanism allows us evil white men to be responsible for that girls mom scalding her hand? That's a new one for me.

    It IS a tragedy she died. (Assuming that much of the documentary is even true which it always is because communists never lie.)

    Of course it's also a tragedy when a straight, caucasian, male fireman dies rescuing some future femi-fascist from a burning building so she can grow up to pass laws making it a crime for a guy to go to a foreign land to get sex from a sweet girl who is obviously SOOOOOOO oppressed by the 'falang' that one of them once gave her a gold watch and necklace!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. What Gavid doesn't realise or refuses to admit is that these bangcockworhipping bitches are in this position by choice.

    Just think of the whole population of thai women in poverty. If the whole population of thai women in poverty were in these gogo bars, there would be millions of these bars. Obviously there are not millions of these bars as women in poverty have other choices.

    So do us all a favor and be another person who doesn’t blame men are blamed for nearly all women's problems in this world.

  42. "What matters is that people treat each other with respect."

    Most Western women are disrespectful towards men and masculinity.

  43. Bangkok is a world capital of human trafficking, most of those girls aren't there by choice, hell, most of them are truly underage girls, not women (here's a link with some facts about human trafficking in Thailand A lot of these women and children are litterally being sold as slaves. And, men who look to buy a foreign woman are looking for a slave. Thinking that you can spend $2000 and then 'own' a woman who will be your live in servant and sex toy who can't leave because you control her immigration papers and every other aspect of her life means that you are looking for a slave. There is no choice involved in slavery.

    Also, men who fetishize foreign and asian women as submissive and obedient are racists, just like men who fetishize black women as oversexed and agressive are racists. Relating to people only via racist stereotypes is racists. Duh.

  44. Cat

    Here is a quote from your link

    "Around 80,000 women and children have been sold into Thailand's sex idustry since 1990"

    Since 1990, right? That seems like a very small minority compared to how many gogo girls roam these places.

    In my younger years, I used to roam around these types of bars with mates to get majorly pissed.

    The stories from these women were very different to the "poor women are oppressed" story that feminists try to paint over every woman on the planet to demonise men.

    These women were there by choice. They had the freedom to walk out the bars and roam the streets any time they wanted. When they got clients, they went to unknown hotels/motels or even back to the clients place. They had their own little flats they lived in. They used to save up money and go back to family in provinces to help support their needs.

    A slave wouldn't have any such freedom, am I right?

    I am not saying that human trafficking is non-existent. However, I find it to be a very poor argument how the feminists on here are trying to say that all these western males are seeking Asian women in slavery. Maybe a very small tiny minority of western men may be this messed up in the head. But around 99 percent of western males would just simply want a sexy Asian woman who is different to western women without submission in their mind.

    Where are these men who are looking to buy women? You see, there is a difference between RENTING a woman by her consent for ONE NIGHT then there is to forcefully buy a woman to own for the rest of your life. Secondly, are you going to make a cockeyed claim and say that all or most or even a quarter of western men who go to thailand look in gogo bars or look for human trafficking outlets? Are feminists such as your self seriously this stupid?

    But feminists such as your self want to twist the real story into such ridiculous claims for another excuse to demonise men.

    "Also, men who fetishize foreign and asian women as submissive and obedient are racists, just like men who fetishize black women as oversexed and agressive are racists. Relating to people only via racist stereotypes is racists. Duh."

    Where are all these men who want Asian women because they only want submissive women? Can you please back this up with proof? It’s such a laughable argument to say western men only want Asian women for submission.

    Again, this is just another cheap shot to demonise men because feminists and other western women are butthurt at the fact that western men simply don't want them.

    Western men are entitled to have choices to, ya know. Just like the battle cry the liberated woman has, "We 21st century liberated western women are entitled to have choices" wah wah wah. And any man who is against this is a sexist/chauvinist.

    It's a 2 way street, men get to have choices to. Even when it’s not in the spoilt western woman's favour.

    Get over it

  45. Feminists pretend sex workers are victims.
    So they can pretend to feel sorry for them.
    So that no one will suspect that they are just jealous. "I'm not jealous! How can I envy someone I feel sorry for?"

    If feminists REALLY cared about women (as a group) they would do more for women living under Sharia law.
    Know why they don't? Because young women of middle eastern descent are some of the most gorgeous women on earth! The last thing that feminists want (hell western women in general for that matter) is for those girls to be able to cast off their beekeeper suits.
    This is why feminists say things like "Richard Dawkins only objects to the burka because it deprives him of the 'priviledge' of the male gaze."

    Women invariably despise anything that can provide men with better or cheaper sex than they themselves are willing or able to furnish.

  46. Bringing Up Princess: Turning Girls Into Narcissists

    This is a perfect example how western women are raised these days. Many to most western women these days demand men to hand them everything on a silver platter and treat them with royalty or else men are deemed as someone not respectful or worthy towards women. Yet these same entitled princesses are not willing to give any reciprocity in return as they obviously think being a woman is worth more than being a man.

    This is a perfect example how western women these days have no respect for men as they treat men as lower human beings. They exaggerate the claim of not making themselves someone easy and cheap by putting an unjustified price on them selves. Unfortunately in western culture, men are raised to fall for such rubbish or else get looked down upon. This is how such rubbish keeps prevailing. Instead of something being done about it, people just buy more and more rubbish.

    Regards to the article, it's not just turning western women into narcissists, it also turns them into extreme chauvinists. But this truth is too politically incorrect to be raised as a concerning issue to the general public.

  47. Those Thai women act like they like you so you'll give them money and not beat or kill them. They hate you as much as western feminists do. Rightfully.

  48. Heh. As the sociologist Eric Cohen observed in his account of fieldwork in a lane inhabited mostly by Thai bargirls, the western sexpats were divided into two groups: the fresh-off-the-planes, with starry eyes and dreams of how much more respectful, sweet and soft-spoken the local girls would be... And the oldtimers, made bitter by the realization that humans are humans, and are ultimately looking out for their own good. Shocking, I know.

    And Thai women treating their (Thai) husbands/boyfriends like kings? I lol'ed. Most of the Thai (and Khmer) women I've been friends with over the years make no bones about how much they loathe their partners. It's economics and social stigma. Anyone -- whatever their heritage -- who sees this as a good thing needs a little dose of the golden rule.

  49. “And Thai women treating their (Thai) husbands/boyfriends like kings? I lol'ed. Most of the Thai (and Khmer) women I've been friends with over the years make no bones about how much they loathe their partners.”

    I posted that same observation on many blogs and forums, and nobody who actually has spent any substantial time in non-Western foreign countries has ever been able to dispute it… Makes me willing to bet that you’ve never personally known any foreign women.

    I challenge all men to spend a couple of months in a non-Western foreign country to observe the truth for themselves.


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