Saturday, April 30, 2011

We have moved!

Moving day!
UPDATE: The blog formerly known as Man Boobz has now moved to

I've moved this blog over to Wordpress. You can reach it at or Almost all of the old posts and comments have been ported over there, so if you want to continue discussing any of them, head to the new Man Boobz.

I've closed down commenting on all the posts here.

Meet me at wordpress!

If you have any problems accessing the blog at its new location, please email me; click on my profile for the email address.


  1. Both links are broken, and give a 404.

  2. Yea, I'm getting the 404 as well.

  3. Hmm. They work for me. But I got errors for awhile after switching the URL, including 404s at one point. I think this is because it takes awhile for the change to propagate to all domain name servers.

    Or maybe there's some other glitch I need to take care of.

    If you guys try again, could you let me know if you're still having trouble? Post a comment here if you get a 404, and a comment there if you get through.


  4. Do I need to change mah rss-machine thingy?

    (Oh, and also, because I haven't commented here before: love the blog! It has become one of my new favorites in the world.)

  5. Also still getting 404 as of a few minutes ago.

  6. Wasn't getting a 404 on compadomp this morning, but I'm getting one on my phone now. Just FYI.


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.