Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blah blah Scott Adams blah blah blah

Scott Adams' giant brain (Artist's rendering)
In case anyone is still interested, certified genius Scott Adams has written a little apologia (not an apology) for his recently exposed sockpuppet self-puffery. Actually, it’s not so little. It’s about a bazillion words long, and I couldn’t bring myself to read the whole thing. But I rather liked Mary Elizabeth Williams’ take on Adams’ self-inflicted PR woes in Salon. Adams is turning into a nerdy cartoonist version of Charlie Sheen.

You know who’s a much better cartoonist? Kate Beaton of Hark, A Vagrant. This one of hers is my fave. Or maybe this one. This one’s good too. Also, this. Oh, I can’t decide.


  1. I will never give up my love of Pearls Before Swine!

  2. Same here, Elizabeth.

    I'll also add Frazz, Zits and Get Fuzzy as personal favorites of mine.

  3. Wait, so Scott Adams has naked men on the brain?

    Because that would mean he and I have something in common.

  4. Wait, looking closer, that might be a naked woman. I can't tell. Luckily I'm into naked people in general, but Scott Adams reeks of privilege-denying hetero, so I hope there's an opening for a gay joke here.

  5. I'm not going to bother reading Scott Adams, mostly because you've reminded me that there is always time to read through the Hark! A Vagrant archives. Oh, Kate Beaton, you are a history comic goddess.

  6. Nothing on this earth will ever top Tesla the Celibate Scientist, with the possible exception of another Kate Beaton comic.

  7. I'm pretty sure that's a naked dude on the album cover. A naked dude with a mullet, doing some sort of ballet pose. I assume naked dude is supposed to represent the right hemisphere of the brain while business dude with the bowler hat represents the left.

    I'm not sure where the philosopher or the plowman fit in all this. I think you'll need to ask Neil Peart that.

  8. Oh, these are good too:




  9. That's a dude, all right. Look at the waistline.

  10. Man, I thought Neil Peart's lyrics were just so deep and profound when I was in high school...

    He's still a good drummer, though.

  11. "Don't hate the tool."

    Oh that is just too much.

  12. Scott Adam's should not be kicked anymore inho.

  13. David, it's the "creative" hemisphere of the brain compered to the "logical" hemisphere of the brain.

  14. Oh, I LOVE Hark, A Vagrant! So happy to see her getting some love!


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