Sunday, April 24, 2011

Angels and Insects


Manosphere dudes devote a fuckwad of time to denouncing the evils of modern marriage. But if anything they drastically understate their case. A recent post on io9 took a look at an old Superman comic that faced the issue no one wants to talk about: What if your lovely bride turns into a giant bug and stings you to death!!?? 


Also, Happy Easter! 


As for me, I celebrate Easter a day late. Well, it’s not so much Easter that I celebrate as Leftover Easter Candy for 50% Off Day.  


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  1. Let me be the first to the say, after reading through the post, and imortal phrase summing up quite succinctly my feelings on the matter:


  2. surely you are not suggesting there is some crossover between comic book geeks/artists and misogynists!

    Heaven forfend! Fetch me the fainting couch.

  3. I am surprised the Man-o-sphere is not all atwitter about that poor pro athlete being stabbed by his girlfriend.

    Maybe they are too busy being happy that Gabby can go to her husband's launch! WOOOOOOOOT!!! *turns cartwheels*

    Nah, that cannot be it.

  4. The problem of giant insects masquerading as attractive women is a serious one, not to be taken lightly. Until scientists answer some pressing questions on the matter, such as, "Why are their human forms always white?" and "How the fuck does human DNA help an insect reproduce?" we must all remain vigilant.

    (To its credit, Farscape had a giant spider that turned into a brown chick.)

  5. Did anyone else have this old short piece on the topic of Superman by Larry Niven pop into their head during this discussion? (Yes, there is some problematic sexism, heterosexism, and homophobia in the piece, but it does make some hilarious points).

  6. I got Easter candy half off ... today!

    And everyone knows that Superman is a dick. Being stung to death might be too good for him.

    Don't believe me?

  7. Also, he's seems to be a little stalkery:

  8. Eliza: I love that site. The "Seduction of the Innocent" bit had me literally LOLing the first time I went there. Everyone should check that shit out.

    Or just twist this into another MRA-bashing session, either way.

  9. is an excellent source for batshit insane vintage comics. You should see the one where Lois and Lana stumble upon Superbaby and assume it's Superman (long story) and each seize the opportunity to brainwash the child into loving her (Lois or Lana, respectively, because obviously they're competing) when he returns to his adult form.

  10. I for one welcome our new hot-babe-insect overlords. Er, overladies.

    Also, scored me a great big hollow chocolate bunny.

  11. Bouquet- $50
    Chapel rental - $200
    All you can eat buffet - $500
    Superman's face upon realizing Lois Lane has a shiny exoskeleton - PRICELESS

  12. @Elizabeth

    Hey if you want an equally shitty story...

    A female athelete in India was pushed out of a train allegedly by eve teasers. She lost her leg. Eve Teasing is the practice of sexually harassing women found in Indian men in public places. It's more common in the north than in the south.

    It's actually encouraged by movies as a way of meeting women. Think of it as the cultural equivalent of screaming chat up lines into a woman's ear. Or indeed the cultural equivalent of the romantic comedy where two people meet and exchange witty and saucy banter at first conversation on a bus and instantly hit it off.

    I think these two stories cancelled each other out.

  13. @Ion

    Well, if you really want us to bash you, we could, but you haven't said anything particularly dickish yet. Keep up the good work.

  14. Well, if you really want us to bash you, we could, but you haven't said anything particularly dickish yet.

    When has that ever stopped you before? Just make up something I'd say and attack that, like in other threads.

    Also I'd mention for the fifth time or so I'm not an MRA, but then you'd all be like "YEAH YOU ARE" and I can't argue with that brilliant comeback.

    Also, since this is a thread about a comic:

    (sorry, I don't know how to do links with this thing)

  15. When I was but a wee lass, like a million years ago, there was a movie starring Debra Winger called "Black Widow." Tagline: Black widow. She mates and she kills. My friends and I found this so hilarious that, to this day, actually, I get Facebook comments saying: Black Bee. She mates and ... she mates again.

    So, that's kinda where I, personally, stand on this whole "stinging a man to death after sex" thing. Although I should add that I'm about as likely to sting a man to death as I am to gold-dig or any of the other ridiculous things MRAs seem to be frightened of. In that light maybe it is surprising that they haven't added man-killing-bug-metamorphosis to their list of reasons to avoid chicks.

    As a side note, can I say how much nicer this thread is than that other one? Happy discounted Easter candy to everyone!

  16. Avicenna, ugh, that is terrible. There needs to be more Lifetime TV piped in to make women stand up to this!

    (While I have no idea if it is accurate, the Freakonomics conclusion regarding cable TV creating more equitable treatment of girls in India makes as much sense as anything else. Kind of like how the Civil Rights movement in the US got a lot more positive reaction when the neatly dressed young men and women were attacked by vicious dogs and high power water hoses on live TV in the 50s and 60s.)

    Of course we also could give all young women tasers.

  17. So it's just HTML? I had the feeling I'd tried that before and it didn't work. Much obliged, anyway. :)

  18. What have you done, Elizabeth? Now he's going to start posting in different colors and sizes!

  19. Ion, I see your link, and I counter with...


    Uh, I mean, this...

  20. Cboye-it only lets you do bold, italics and a href.

  21. I love how the women in that comic are totally calm and reasonable the whole time... so realistic, and totally unbiased that comic is :P

  22. Elizabeth--and there's no possible way that could be horrendously annoying. Look, he's using his newfound knowledge already!

  23. Eh, unless he learns how to force you to go to the site, his limited use of HTML will not do much.

    Mmmm...chicken sammich...time for lunch!

  24. cboye - you should really take a look at this video, it explains a lot.

  25. I guess there's only one valid response to this.

    Ion, this one's for you.

  26. I love that song.

  27. It does make for a brilliant voice exercise. :)

  28. No, I like the Rick Astley one-I love eighties music.

  29. Gotcha. I've always been fond of Toto's Africa myself.

  30. Sometimes the obsecure stuff is good too.

  31. Here's my response.

    Kirbywarp: Do you have the lyrics?

  32. Oh-I meant the Trololo lyrics :)

  33. BTW, did anyone actually look at Ion's link? (I'm mostly interested in whether anyone looked, not in what he linked to.)

  34. Haha, you were too scared to click on my link. Worried it'll blow up your computer? It will, don't click it! :P

  35. @cboye

    I did. The site looks like it might be fun to check out, just Ion happened to link to the ones he thought were particularly descriptive of us feminists.

  36. Oh, and I just saw his later links. Obviously, my computer was destroyed.

  37. @Elizabeth

    "Of course we also could give all young women tasers."

    I have enough problems with dates without you equipping women to physically harm me!


    The problem is it's actually treated as harmless fun until someone loses a leg. And the backlash is insane. 50% of buses are reserved for women. However if the men's section is filled I have to stand like a berk even if no women are present.

    The laws have not adapted. India is a Cyber Victorian society (Not as steampunk awesome as it sounds). It's mainly women being oppressed under the guise of chastity and modesty while men goggle at women wearing clothes hookers would be embarrassed to seen in while gyrating about in the movies. It's "bloody daft". No wonder there is a billion people here.

  38. So it is better if we make Lifetime Television mandatory for all males Avicenna. :D
    My experience with guys from India is limited to one who now lives at the foot of the Himalayas because his parents nagged him too much about getting married which he has zero interest in doing. Plus he is lazy.

    The last link of Ion's was to Rick Astley's famous song "Never Gonna Give You Up."


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