Friday, March 25, 2011

Twats Know It: Or, Why The World Hates a Bachelor

... and one more thing!
I’m not quite sure what this comment from S.T.A.L.K.E.R over on is supposed to be. Some sort of experimental free-verse poetry?  It’s definitely not a limerick. (Doesn’t rhyme or involve anyone from Nantucket). Or a haiku. (Way too many syllables.)

Basically, it’s the sort of thing you might expect to hear from the angry drunk guy sitting on the barstool next to you in a dive bar at 2 AM. Or from the angry drunk guy sitting across from you on the subway at 4 AM. (The exact time or location isn’t quite as important as the whole “angry drunk” thing.)

Now, with the help of the technological marvel known as the internet, you get to enjoy all of the insights you expect to hear, whether you like it or not, from angry drunk dudes without actually having to deal with them in person. The internet is wonderful.

So without further ado, here’s the prose poem/rant/whatever the fuck it is that I'd like to call “Twats Know It.”

A bachelor guy is a happy guy, and the world hates him. specially women.
also its a common understanding in every society that women need men for their survival. women are kids in adult bodies.
No matter how loudly these brainless feminists shout, but the truth is well known... You know it, I know it... twats know it.
if they are left alone, women automatically lead to the path of self destruction and will die... so according to society's rule ... you should man up and save a twat ( kid in adult body) and if you do that it means, they can depend on you for their survival so you are a responsible guy ( A good sucker).
Unlike women we men generate our strength from inside. we dont need the constant approval of 12 cunt friends to " FEEEEEEEEEEEEL GOOD" . they simply hate us because we are men with unlimited potential, that's the heart of misandry. Y chromosome makes all the difference.

Shine on, you crazy bachelor!

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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.


  1. "Unlike women we men generate our strength from inside. we dont need the constant approval of 12 cunt friends to " FEEEEEEEEEEEEL GOOD" "

    As a woman who is also an extreme introvert, has struggled with avoidant personality disorder and social anxiety, that bit really sticks out to me. Funny that while my whole life I've preferred to be alone, and do get much of my strength and energy from introspection, apparently my lack of a Y chromosome makes me a walking contradiction! Just another example of blanket generalizations and stereotyping, of course.

  2. wow is this loser still sucking off the teet of successful MRA blogs for his content.

    Manboobz = highly controlled and biased "refutations" of henpicked MRA quotes.

    "*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference."

    the only part of your posts that dont hinge on spearhead commentary

  3. wait, so if women are kids in adult bodies, does that make sex with them paedophilia?

    possibly this could be classified as slam poetry? or performance art?

  4. bar, yes I can see how baffling it must be to you that a blog devoted to critiquing misogyny would regularly quote misogynists.

    Are you similarly baffled that book reviewers keep "hinging" their reviews on, you know, books?

  5. Is "henpicked" some sort of bastard child of "hand-picked" and "hen-pecked?"

  6. I don't know. I never hen-pick. I only cherry-peck.

  7. Sooooo, this guy is ... happy? Is there a different definition of "happy" that I don't know about?

  8. This would make an awesome dance mix.

  9. Man... I am a bachelor and I am not happy about that. It's rather tedious a lifestyle and sometimes you do just want a cuddle.

    To quote Mark Twain.

    "What would men be without women? Mighty scarce sir! Mighty scarce!"

  10. Bar

    If you want David to look at your blog can't you ask nicely?

    How about, "David I would like more attention, could you please make a post about me"?

    Maybe if you're really nice he'll link to you!

  11. Somehow I doubt that a person who refers to himself as "S.T.A.L.K.E.R." is peacefully leaving women alone and going about his own thing.

  12. It's a reference to a videogame, Cat.

  13. @vagrant, okay, that context makes it slightly less creepy. Still a bit creepy though to call oneself stalker on a forum discussing gender though.

  14. Bar, I'm really enjoying the visuals of "successful MRA blogs" having teets, er, teats. Keep on suckling!

  15. Perhaps all those Spearheads are actually nipples.

  16. The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (god I hate typing that) games are excellent, incidentally. I hate that this guy is sullying their good, if over-punctuated, name.

    But DSC's right - taking a name like that and applying it to an extreme misogynist is a tad creepy.

  17. Gee, I am so sad he's not my husband. What would I do with a man like that to look after me?

  18. I meant to type without, but I think that was a Freudian slip.

  19. "if they are left alone, women automatically lead to the path of self destruction and will die... so according to society's rule ... you should man up and save a twat"

    See, this right here makes NO sense to me. I can count on no hands the number of times my life has been preserved by the timely intervention of a man. Is there some subculture I'm unaware of, where women are constantly blundering into danger, and men are leaping in to save them, and thus form life-partnerships thereby?

    In fact, I can count on one hand the number of times my life has been in actual, imminent danger of ending (thanks, modern society!) Most of those times were in a canoe, on a river, and the people who helped me in those cases were all women... One time I got an IV for severe dehydration administered by a male doctor. Probably wouldn't have killed me to go without, but it did make my recovery much more comfortable. Does that count? Course, he was assisted by a female nurse, so...

  20. Is there some subculture I'm unaware of, where women are constantly blundering into danger, and men are leaping in to save them, and thus form life-partnerships thereby?


    Not real cowboys, of course. But the ones in the movies, who always have a damsel in distress to save.

    Not the True Grit remake, of course. The older Westerns.


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