Sunday, March 6, 2011

T-Shirts Are Here!

The Man Boobz Store is open for business on Zazzle!

Mammoths and Cupcakes and t-shirts, oh my! So far we've got 5 t-shirt designs, illustrating 2 different boob utterances: "We hunted the mammoth to feed you," and "Underneath that fun cupcake is a MONSTER." You can pick the color and quality of the t-shirt, put the designs on a hoodie or a baby doll t-shirt or pretty much whatever you want. There are also stickers, coffee mugs, and an assortment of other swag. And I take requests: if there is something that Zazzle sells that you want to have a Man Boobz graphic on, let me know in the comments and I'll make it available.

Order now! Zazzle has a coupon for $5 off on t-shirts (the coupon code is listed on Zazzle); it expires on Monday. 

Big thanks to JohnnyKaje, who designed the t-shirts and provided a lovely mammoth cartoon (and who's got a Zazzle store too), and Shaenon, who drew that deliciously monstrous cupcake. Thanks also to the folks at who gave me the idea for the t-shirts in the first place, and suggested the now-legendary mammoth quote.

All profits will go to charity -- specifically, to Planned Parenthood. I'm offering the T-shirts at a variety of different costs, depending on how much you want to donate. With the T-shirts, some are being sold with only a 10% royalty fee -- the lowest that Zazzle allows -- for those who can't afford a big donation; others are sold with a 30% or 50% royalty. The rest of the swag is being sold with a royalty fee of 20%. The amount you end up donating to PP depends on how expensive the item is and what the royalty rate is. For a Man Boobz postcard, you'll be donating all of 22 cents; for one of the more expensive t-shirt options at a 50% royalty, you'll be donating about $20. (The royalty fee goes to me; I will send it along to PP.)

If you want to donate more than this, or if you need a receipt for tax purposes, donate directly here.

Depending on how this goes, I may decide to add some more t-shirt designs based on other strange quotes from the boobz. Make me proud.


If you enjoyed this post, would you kindly* use the "Share This" or one of the other buttons below to share it on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, or wherever else you want. I appreciate it.

*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.



    Totally buying one right now.

  2. aprons! they sell aprons, and the cupcake apron would be awesome!

  3. I'm going to order myself a coffee mug this week. It will have pride of place on my desk here at home.

  4. brigit -- Just created an apron for you! It may take several hours for it to show up on the store though.

  5. thank you! my b-day is coming up and my bf has been asking what I want. Now I legitimately have something to tell him that I want

  6. Yes, the biased blog that only mocks sexism going in one direction.

    A person would probably feel more proud wearing a shirt that wasn't one sided. Such as "Mocking misogyny and misandry since 2010"

    But that doesn't come into feminist logic. Feminist logic means gynocentrism

  7. Secondly, if there were such shirts that only said "mocking misandry", the men who wear it would be deemed as bitter jerks and it would be deemed as anti-social.

    That's social double standards for you. And yet, the nitwit femiclowns still have the audacity to claim that women are the second class citizens.

  8. Nick, you could always order a couple of shirts and burn them to express your outrage.

  9. The "we hunted the mammoth to feed you" would make a great apron for men who like to BBQ.

  10. Ooh, good idea. I'll do one of those too.

  11. Nick, you could always order a couple of shirts and burn them to express your outrage

    Or how about you stop being a feminist bigot and have a fair and balanced view when it comes to sexism instead of ONLY having concern towards sexism against women?

    That would be a better conclusion. But ummm not in a feminist perspective of course.

  12. What does equality mean to you David? Does it mean equal concern for sexism against a gender?

    If David ignores this question, what does this tell everyone?

  13. Haha, I had to come back to this thread and see what the MRAs that frequent this site came up with in protest. :D

    I likey. They're amusing without being just a blog-specific in-joke.

  14. nick, I'll answer your question after you go and post several dozen messages on or misandry review complaining belligerently about them not also focusing on misogyny. And then you can go attack A Voice For Men for not being A Voice For Men and Women Equally. And then, heck, the whole MEn's Rights movement for not being the Men's and Women's Rights Movement, BOth of Them, At The Same TIme, Absolutely Equally. (ACroynm: MWRMBTSTAE)

  15. Actually, heck, I'll answer your question: a person can be for equality AND against misogyny AT THE SAME TIME. In fact, you sort of have to be against misogyny if you want to be for equality. I'm also against misandry, but I see it as a much smaller issue than misogyny. And besides, I'm a guy, and misogynists annoy me especially because they're such an embarrassment to the male sex.

  16. I'm not against misandry. Well, more to the point, I'm quite certain that misandry doesn't exist. Don't get me wrong, there are women out there who hate men, but that hatred does no harm to men because men are the ones with power and women are not. "Misandry" as an institutional, collective thing does not exist.

    Oppression only flows one way. I'm terribly sorry that male oppression of women isn't quite as unchecked as it used to be, but that doesn't mean it's gone away as MRAs claim.

    (Actually, a lot of MRAs claim that patriarchy never really existed, even in previous eras, which is all the evidence you really need that they're balls-out loopy.)

  17. you know nick I could possibly take your offense at these shirts seriously if there wasn't countless shirts making rape jokes on them (can anyone say penny arcade and the dickwolves shirts?) already in existence, and guys who I go to school with wear them causing a triggering experience every time I go into the cafeteria to eat, every time I go to class to you know do what I came to do and study, every time I go to the library for coffee and paper break etc. When these shirts cause you to have an active flashback of a traumatic event that has happened in your life I'll listen to you. Until then you can be well in the knowledge that women will soon be getting health care courtesy of your movement's stupidity

  18. "When these shirts cause you to have an active flashback of a traumatic event that has happened in your life I'll listen to you. "

    Well, there was this one time when a woman had the AUDACITY not to sleep with him. And this other time when this uppity bitch got the parking spot he wanted. And did you know that there are laws REQUIRING men to financially support their own children! The horror!!


    Won't someone please think of my poor oppressed brothers!

  19. I wanted the Bad Boy Cock Carousel.


  20. Hey, if people buy a bunch of these we might just make some more with new slogans .....

  21. David, I am not an MRA. I don't really hang in MRA sites. It doesn't really interest me. However, this blog interest me as I get a good laugh at the feminist bigots who blatantly discriminate my gender.

    As this question I am asking you comes to mind when I am in this blog, I am asking it here. But you want to totally avoid this question. Instead, you say this...

    "I'm also against misandry, but I see it as a much smaller issue than misogyny."

    ROFL. You are a total idiot to think that one gender is less sexist than the other. But just like a lot of your post in the past, you give the impression that most women are perfect princesses who can never do wrong. You are totally deluded in this imagination

    The simple fact is that if you don't have EQUAL CONCERN towards misandry than you do with misogyny, that's sexist within it's self. That also means that you don't support equality, instead you support gynocentrism.

    But the feminists in this blog are too fucking dumb to realise this. It's entertaining but disturbing at the same time to see this ridiculous stupidity.

    The bottom line is that if you want more men to accept feminism, the movement needs to show equal concern towards sexism against men or else it just makes the movement look bigoted and retarded.

  22. Nick: "The simple fact is that if you don't have EQUAL CONCERN towards misandry than you do with misogyny, that's sexist within it's self."

    Well, then, if you actually do believe this, then it should work the other way:

    "The simple fact is that if you don't have EQUAL CONCERN towards misogynythan you do with misandry, that's sexist within it's self."

    So my question to you is why you aren't taking Men's Rights activists to task for not having EQUAL CONCERN about misogyny as well as misandry. Have you gone to and attacked them for not calling their web site

    Also, it's probably best not to use the word "retarded" in the exact same sentence in which you accuse someone of being bigoted.

  23. David, I just explained all of this to you and you totally ignore it. I will explain this in more detail for you.

    I don't agree with the MRA movement either as they are one sided just like the feminist movement.

    But what motivates me to ask this question here and not there?

    1. Because this site is sexist towards my gender. Yep, the body that I was born in. Of course I should be concerned towards that.

    2. This blog doesn't delete post. If I was to post in them MRA places, I would more likely get deleted which would be a waste of time to make the effort in doing the post to begin with. This is also why you don't see me in other feminist sites.

    Now, instead of reflecting this on me to cover your own ass, let's see your accountability in all of this.

    You own this blog, you made this blog. Which means, if you truly are equally concerned towards misandry, why not call this blog "mocking sexism" instead of "mocking misogyny"?

    You put in so much effort and time to show your concerns towards misogyny, yet in this blog you don't put in one little tiny bit of effort to show your concern towards misandry.

    What is this telling us, David?

    You can attempt to hide behind this fact by reflecting the same accusation on me all you want. But I am pulling you out in the open here and it seems that you are desperately trying to pull it back under the rug.

  24. I did actually answer your question a few comments back: I don't see misandry as a problem on or anywhere near the same level as misogyny. Misandry is not central to mainstream feminism; it is central to the MRA/MGTOW movements.

    In the past I have criticized radical feminists, and when the subject comes up I'm happy to criticize them today. But they are a small and declining force in feminism.

    If this were the 70s, I might be mocking lesbian separatism. But that's not really a thing anymore, while MGTOW is.

    Also, while I disagree with many of their conclusions, radical feminists had a hell of a lot more to be pissed off about than men do today.

  25. Nick-your complaints seem to be the same as Republicans complaining about not being able to post on the Democratic Underground.

    If it was "Political Discussions" the point would be valid. But that is not the name or game of the blog.

    This blog is the same-David has no need or obligation to change the parameters of a blog on misogyny to satisfy your complaints about misandry. And if it is such a concern, why not start your own blog to showcase the issue that you believe it deserves?

  26. > I don't see misandry as a problem on or anywhere near the same level as misogyny

    How so? Don't give me some link with long long long reading of some rhetorical feminist literature. Keep it simple and straight to the point.

    I see misandry everyday, that's how much it happens. A prime example; the extreme distrust towards the male gender. To say misandry is not a big problem is terribly ignorant.

    People shouldn't matter too much about feminism or men's rights these days as there are bigger problems happening in the western world. Such as Islamisation.

    I would prefer to follow this group

    Rather than any such movement like feminism or men's rights.

  27. I see misandry everyday, that's how much it happens. A prime example; the extreme distrust towards the male gender.

    Yeah, and what was with those Jim Crow-era blacks who insisted on distrusting white people? How unfair to white people.

  28. trip said--

    "I'm not against misandry. Well, more to the point, I'm quite certain that misandry doesn't exist. Don't get me wrong, there are women out there who hate men, but that hatred does no harm to men because men are the ones with power and women are not."
    *** so hating a group of people based on their gender is ok as long as the group is perceived to have power over any other group? That's clearly what you're saying here. As long as society perceives men to have power (regardless of any and all evidence to the contrary), we can hate them without impunity?....disgusting

    and also said:
    ""Misandry" as an institutional, collective thing does not exist."
    Which is sheerly your opinion, but it serves as a nice mirror for trip's next opinion which is:

    "(Actually, a lot of MRAs claim that patriarchy never really existed, even in previous eras, which is all the evidence you really need that they're balls-out loopy.)"

    So, in trip's world, hating men? totally sane. Misandry is a myth, which all 'sane' people recognize, but misogyny is very real and whoever doesn't think so is nuts...or "balls out loopy".
    trip, your logic is tits out deranged.

  29. tits out

    *looks up*

    Hm? Oh, just an expression. Sorry.


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