Sunday, February 27, 2011

No Sperm for Feminists!

Don't let her have it! She reads Pandagon!
Hey, fellas, you know that stuff that comes out of your penis when you masturbate? Whatever you do, don't give it to a feminist! No matter how nicely she asks! Especially -- I repeat, ESPECIALLY -- if she wants to put it in her vagina. It is the KEY TO EVERYTHING!!! Rebel, commenting on angry-dude mecca The Spearhead, explains:

If feminists do not breed, they will disappear. ...

We have complete control over female reproduction, CONTRARILY to what most think. We hold the spark of life in our hands (polite form..)

Simple: NO DNA TRANSFER is it.

That’s why I said: don’t give your seeds.
Without them, women become TOTALLY powerless.
If we set our minds to it, collectively, two generations at most and the problem is gone.
I say:”Breed the suckers out”. Period. Don’t have sex with feminists.
Don’t have sex with those who hate you.
Breed the feminists OUT!!

Our grandchildren will then have a working society back.

I actually think this plan will be remarkably easy to implement. I don't really think many feminists are lining up to collect sperm from Spearheaders.


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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.


  1. So, by this logic, can we "breed out" Spearheaders by never having sex with them? Because that seems like a remarkably easy thing to set my mind to over the course of several generations.

  2. Yet another insight into the MRA mindset - the absolute conviction that their sperm is so magical and powerful that it is to be desired above all else. Women, especially feminists, want nothing more than sperm from glorious MEN! And the best way to make a feminist suffer is by refusing her access to the wonder of MRA sperm. What a strange mix of narcissism and sour grapes.

    Too bad they think feminists reproduce that way; when, as I understood it, our primary method was educating people who were already here. But seeing feminists as almost a separate ethnic group that can be bred out is also telling.

  3. So I'll only be left with manginas and women to fuck? Ohmigod. That is so terrible. How on earth will I survive, only sleeping with people who respect me and my sexuality?


    I already do that.

    Never mind.

  4. Hey, Spearheaders: There is no feminism gene.

    I spread my feminism *without* sperm.

    (And just for the record, I do NOT reproduce by mitosis.)

  5. "I don't avoid women, Mandrake. But I do deny them my essence."

  6. "By choice, man, by choice."

    The Spearheaders are sitting outside a 7/11 at midnight on a Saturday, but it's totally voluntary.

  7. Hahaha, "don't have sex with those who hate you!"

    You must have some serious self loathing to need to be reminded of this via call to action.

  8. Except they forgot the male feminists. Feminists can breed with other feminists and often do.

  9. @ Sandy:

    Yeah, but to a sexually active hetero misogynist, having sex with someone you hate is just kind of par for the course. I feel kind of bad for these people - sex and dating is neither adversarial nor a zero sum game. Or, rather, it doesn't have to be if you don't like it.

  10. "We hold the spark of life in our hands (polite form..)"

    Not to mention, in our socks, hand towels, and tissues.

  11. @DarkSideCat:

    I was going to say the same thing.

    MRA: "Oi, anti-feminists! Don't impregnate women!"
    Feminist ladies interested in breeding with dudefolk: "That's cool with us, we'll just have babies with men who respect us and share our values."

  12. Step 1: No sex with feminists.
    Step 2: ???
    Step 3: Three generations later, you catch a woman reading A Room of Her Own.
    Step 4: Dammit.

  13. A Room of One's Own. Whoops.

  14. Another poster (Steigl) on the Spearhead begs to disagree.

    It's not withholding of the mighty sperm that will bring down feminism - it's withholding contraception. That will put women right back in the home where they belong:

    ::: I think the only way feminism will be destroyed is when abortion/birth control is made illegal. The main reason we didn’t have today’s problems in the past is that we couldn’t – a woman gets pregnant soon after she starts sleeping around, and her marriage prospects suddenly disappear the moment she does. The women thus wanted to get married asap, which is what kept hypergamy in check. Instead of looking for Mr. Alpha for 12+ years until she is almost 30, she looks for him for 2-3 years and then decides Mr. Normal Guy is good enough. She doesn’t have 20+ partners, she hasn’t dated Mr. Super-Badboy-that-noone-can-ever-measure-up-to, and all parties are happy. :::

    I question his assumption that the scenario he envisions will make all parties happy.

  15. Wow, Steigl really just lays all the misogynist anxieties out there on the table for us. Don't you just miss the 50s, when if you were terrible in bed, the woman either had no clue or was at least polite enough to pretend she had no clue?

  16. And then Steigl will scream and cry about the unfairness of child support.

  17. Ha, carswell, you beat me to the punch. I was going to use that comment for me next post. Probably still will. That one Spearhead thread is a fucking goldmine of loopy misogyny.

  18. Can I get a dispension from the no-birth-control if I promise to only fuck nerds? I have references! Not a single badboy has gotten to see me even half-naked, but a wide array of insecure, Star-Wars-loving, virginal, non-asshole guys have gotten to fuck me.

  19. LOL David - no shortage of options left - LOL - starting with the original article.

    I was hard pressed to pick but one example to bring over here. A goldmine indeed.

  20. "I have references! Not a single badboy has gotten to see me even half-naked, but a wide array of insecure, Star-Wars-loving, virginal, non-asshole guys have gotten to fuck me."

    Are you an Adriana Lima look-alike? No? Average lady? Sorry. You should be bending over backwards to please the nerd-boys you date. Non-beautiful women are barely human.

  21. Wait, wait, I thought "hypergamy" was the reason 70% of men will never have sex in their lives*; us women are all holding out for the same tiny handful of "alphas." Now it's also responsible for the average woman sleeping with dozens of different guys? This is all too confusing for my tiny female brain.

    *Shut up it's true. You guys who claim to have had sex are LIARS.

  22. @ Ozymandias

    We have the same dating pool, it seems :)

    Though I suppose we're damned if we do, and damned if we don't. Either we're hypergamous bitches, thug loving bimbos or cock-carousel-riding sluts.

    NOTE TO MRAS: The above is called misogyny. If you find yourself thinking 'She's trying to be funny, but she's right,' you are a misogynist!

  23. Yes, contrary to the complaints of my compatriots in high school (and sometimes myself, I'll fess up), there are chicks out there who dig nerds. As a refutation of MRAs' "alpha male" bullshit that's an important point. But there are misogynistic nerds out there too. A lot of nerds evolve into Nice Guys, in fact.

  24. Ha. I think I saw a livejournal post like, 7 years ago by a woman who was encouraging women not to have sex with pro-life men. I think that was more of a Lysistrata type plan though, and less of a don't-allow-them-to-have-children plan.

  25. That follows the same reasoning that the conservatives will win out because they have more kids then liberals.

    Well that assumes that conservative kids are all morons who cannot think. Molly Ivins came from a very conservative background and she was a raging Texas liberal.

    So having children only with non-feminists just means that the kids will figure out that mom's life sucked so they will go look up feminist writings.

  26. Oddly, I think Steigl's comment is the one that is most grounded in reality (admittedly, this isn't saying much): a ban on birth control and abortion would be a dramatic setback for the women's movement and for women's equality. This is why the religious right has been so focused on these issues. Of course, such a ban would hurt men, too, but I imagine these guys would consider that to be acceptable collateral damage in the war on feminism.

    Still, I'm far more concerned about the religious right than I am about these Bozos. If we wake up tomorrow and feminism has vanished from the fact of the earth, it will be in spite of, not because of, these guys.

  27. keiko-- I honestly can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

    Victoria-- The only solution that the Spearhead commenters would like is if all women only fucked Spearhead commenters.

    Although any definition of hypergamy that encompasses a broke guy who spends most of his free time studying or roleplaying and has terminally low self-esteem (my current boyfriend!) is clearly broken.

    Clarisse-- I remember that post! Although I have a "don't have PIV intercourse with pro-life men" policy for the much more simple reason that I would rather not abort a pro-life person's child.

  28. Molly Ivins came from a very conservative background and she was a raging Texas liberal. So having children only with non-feminists just means that the kids will figure out that mom's life sucked so they will go look up feminist writings.

    You do know this works both ways, right? Many of the most misogynistic MRAs come from households led by, in their own admission, "very feminist" mothers (single or not).

  29. You do know this works both ways, right? Many of the most misogynistic MRAs come from households led by, in their own admission, "very feminist" mothers (single or not).

    That's not the inverse situation at all. Women who see the plight of their mothers and thus become feminists, vs. men who are angry that their mothers didn't do their laundry often enough. Not really an equally sympathetic point of view.

  30. men who are angry that their mothers didn't do their laundry often enough.

    I dunno, man. You ask a guy like AntZ why he hates his mother and he'll tell you it's because she forced him to have sex with a bunch of older women as a kid (look at the comment @ dec. 28, 2010).

    Maybe it's just my troll side coming out again, but I can't help but feel a bit of sympathy for a child who was whored out by his own parent. Just me though (also, in b4 "he's lying," "he's making it up," and so on, and so forth).

  31. Well the story in that comment is certainly unlikely and difficult to believe, but I don't have any reason to assume he's making it up. That kind of shit does happen. An ex-girlfriend of mine had an abusive mother who was so delusional as to be convinced that she was a great mother and all her failures were her daughter's fault. That kind of delusion is very common.

    But that article you linked to, and virtually every response to it, is attacking the same kind of straw feminism that MRAs are always attacking. The writer of the article blames his mother's abusiveness of feminism and liberalism, which is moronic. My own verbally, emotionally abusive mother was conservative as all hell. The aforementioned ex's mother was liberal. There's just no correlation either way. Naturally the Spearheaders are all convinced that feminism creates these kinds of monsters, but Spearheaders are dumbasses, so there we are.

  32. Vagrant-I could see a young man who watches his own father's miserable life because of a woman growing up to hate women in your scenario but the reason I brought up Molly Ivins as an example of someone going against what they were raised with is because she was raised in Texas. Texas in the 50s and 60s was...shall we say, filled with racists? And she said that as a child she saw things that did not actually go with what her parents and others were claiming. So that made her think "what else are they lying about?"

    I just cannot see a man who is raised to believe that women are equal to men is going to see it as something that she is lying about.

  33. Victoria-- The only solution that the Spearhead commenters would like is if all women only fucked Spearhead commenters.

    But... I don't want to fuck them....

    Gee, thanks, feminism, for giving me a choice!


    Now I begin to understand why the Spearheaders hate feminism so much!!

  34. Do these guys not realize that maybe if they actually treated women with respect they'd get a hell of a lot more support, and that maybe just maybe they might find a lasting relationship, because you know they aren't being douchebags, or pretending to not be douchebags but legitimately sweet caring guys?

  35. But a guy who treats a woman with respect is a total mangina!

  36. I dunno, man. You ask a guy like AntZ why he hates his mother and he'll tell you it's because she forced him to have sex with a bunch of older women as a kid (look at the comment @ dec. 28, 2010).

    I think that would give him an excellent reason to hate his mother.

  37. Hm, weird, do they think feminism is hereditary?

    I know at least 3 adopted feminists. Nature or nuture?


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