Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lady Killers

Feminist Training Camp
There's only really one rule to follow if you want to get upvoted on The Spearhead: make sure you say something hateful about women! If you follow this rule, you can say almost anything you want, no matter how completely batshit insane it is, and still get a couple of dozen upvotes. Works every time!

Consider, for example, this peculiar wisdom from one fellow calling himself Anonymous age 68, taken from a long, rambling comment that, the last time I checked, had 35 upvotes and only 11 downvotes. Take it away, you lovable old kook:

For 45 years, the man-haters who run this country have been saying privately they want to kill most men. I read MS. in the 80?s, and it was there. In recent years, they have shushed the stupids who have been saying it publicly, but you can be sure they are privately saying, “NOT YET, STUPID!” ...

Killing large numbers of men is the only one of the original feminist goals which has not yet been achieved. And, all the other things they have done to men were directly or indirectly in the original lists.

I subscribed to MS magazine in the 70?s and 80?s, until my stomach would not take it any more. They told right out in there, their original goals. The world cannot be safe until most men are terminated.

I tried to tell other men, who treated me like s**t. “Why do you worry about things like that? This is the USA, and nothing like that will ever happen. ...” 
Exactly what the Jew leaders told worried Jews in the 20th Century.That worked out real well.

Just in case you didn't subscribe to Ms. in the 70s and 80s, and you're wondering what the other original feminist goals were, here's the whole list:

1) Buy comfortable shoes
2) Create Lilith Fair
3) Kill men.
4) ???
5) Profit!


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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yeah, but don't you think 11 thumbs down on the spearhead is a record? I mean your looking at the glass half empty, I'm thinking, ELEVEN? WOW. Who visited there?

    The guy is flat out lying about MS. I'm so sick of lying psychopaths on the internet. I'm getting physically ill.

  3. Well, any group that would go after innocent children in and out of the womb, even to the extent to smear a toddler as a rapist, well, those sort of low lifes might do anything.

    Random Brother

  4. If anyone else said that, I would know they are being satirical but this is Richard so I will just roll my eyes.

  5. Reading MS magazine on a regular basis? In the 70s and 80s?

    What was the guy doing - trying to get in touch with his feminine side?

  6. I read MS back then because my mother did. One thing I clearly remember is an article about circumcision and how negative the practice is. I always get a chuckle when I read the mra's blaming feminists for this practice, considering as far as I know feminists were the first to stop doing it!

  7. So, because some feminists in the 70's and 80's (perhaps) wanted to kill some men, we current feminists, who were either not yet alive or who were (at the time) much more interested in watching He-Man in our Care Bears footie pajamas, now want to kill a bunch of men? We're just biding our time before the man-killing begins?

    Attack of the inter-generational feminist hive mind!! Trust no one!! Guard your testicles!!

  8. Well, any group that would go after innocent children in and out of the womb, even to the extent to smear a toddler as a rapist, well, those sort of low lifes might do anything.

    Yes, and a lie repeated often enough becomes true.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Well, anyone who would claim their enemy was after the lives of innocent children and saw children as rapists would clearly stoop to accusing them of a plot to murder adults.

  11. You know, if this were true, one would expect to see quite a few feminists jumping the gun not just rhetorically, but in actuality. And as far as I know, the murder rate has not risen significantly for women perp/male victim. And for the cases that do occur, I doubt that many of the women identify as feminists.

  12. Attack of the inter-generational feminist hive mind!! Trust no one!! Guard your testicles!!

    Oh, I've been doing that for years. They laughed at me back in Jr. High, but see who's laughing now! Ha HA!!!

  13. "There's only really one rule to follow if you want to get upvoted on The Spearhead: make sure you say something hateful about women!"

    And if you want to be upvoted and famous within the feminist movement, be a misandrist like Andrea, Ensler and the other hateful well known feminists

    Also, blame everything that's wrong in the world on men and perceive women as perfect princesses who are hardly or never at fault. In other words, be a femichauvinist

  14. I love that none of the MRA/MGTOW-ite guys who read this blog aren't willing to simply step up and say, "you know, that Anonymous age 68 guy might just be a tiny bit off in his statements here."

    Most feminists I know are perfectly willing to criticize other feminists they disagree with.

    nick, I'm no fan of Dworkin, as I've said about 40 zillion times, and as plenty of feminists have said over the years. And I have no more interest in seeing the Vagina Monologues than I have in, I dunno, being stuck in an elevator with you for an entire weekend.

    Well, maybe the Vagina Monologues might be slightly preferable to that.

    Also, the only perfect princess I know is my cat.

  15. I love that none of the MRA/MGTOW-ite guys who read this blog aren't willing to simply step up and say, "you know, that Anonymous age 68 guy might just be a tiny bit off in his statements here."

    Maybe not here, but they do it with each other. A while back Paul Elam wrote a critique of another MRA's (Jack Donovan) conceptions of masculinity that wouldn't sound that far out of place coming from you (and I don't mean that as an insult).

  16. Vagrantsvoice, I think David mentioned that before. Do either of you have a link?

  17. Sandy,

    If you're referring to Paul Elam's critique of Jack Donovan's conceptions of masculinity, I believe this is it.

  18. Nick wrote:

    Also, blame everything that's wrong in the world on men and perceive women as perfect princesses who are hardly or never at fault. In other words, be a femichauvinist

    And you'll be providing evidence of this...when? Dave offered you the front page. Let's see the proof!

    Until then, I will assume that you got nuthin'.

  19. That list up there reminds me of list that Scott Adams made to let a boss be "helpful"

    1. Think of toy
    2. Make Toy
    3. Assassinate the President of Valenzuela
    4. Market Toy

    The boss would think something is not right with the list and say "maybe number three should be taken out" and then you were supposed to be reluctant but take it out. Thereby harmlessly resolving the boss's need to be a buttinski.

    Maybe that is what is going on with the alternative universe Ms magazine's was giving men the opportunity to "help."

  20. Hey, the President of Valenzuela totally has it coming!

  21. Sandy, here you go:

  22. Hey, the President of Valenzuela totally has it coming!

    And don't get me started on the president of Zimbaboobooland. What a putz! Seriously, I hate that guy.

  23. I am insulted, not just by the suggestion that feminist women are all out to kill men, but by the suggestion that, even if they were, they would be so terrible at it. I mean, men are killing men at seven times the rate of women killing men and men are killing women at double the rate women are killing men. Men seem to be doing much better at accomplishing the goal of "murder all men" (simply by virtue of the fact that they murder far more men). Ah, no, wait! They are so clever that they can gendercide men by having men kill each other! They are also heartless to their own, given their willingness to sacrifice the quarter of murder victims that are female just to throw clever men like Anonymous! How could I have missed that one?

  24. I am waiting here for my orders from my sleeper cell leader, so I got a little time to kill. (Excuse the pun! Ha! Feminist man-killer humor.) I spent some of that time reading the rest of what Mr. Anonymous age 68 has to say. And friends, let me tell you, it was awesome. A short history lesson about the African American Civil Rights Movement: Malcolm X scared all the racists of Anonymous age 68's acquaintance, and *poof!* civil rights happened. All because of Anonymous age 68's scared little racist buddies changing their minds. One to grow on!

    So, he clearly has a really good grasp on a broad view of history. I totally trust his memory on the Ms. thing, given how darn right he is on everything else!

  25. They are so clever that they can gendercide men by having men kill each other!

    Precisely. Those wily feminist conspirators are pulling strings behind the scenes to start all the wars. Probably by threatening to withhold sex, like some kind of reverse Lysistrata.

  26. "I love that none of the MRA/MGTOW-ite guys who read this blog aren't willing to simply step up and say, "you know, that Anonymous age 68 guy might just be a tiny bit off in his statements here."

    Most feminists I know are perfectly willing to criticize other feminists they disagree with. "

    I've never seen you criticize one of your posters ether. In fact, you have actively made excuses to justify their hateful sayings, or brush them off as "a joke", such as "rape is a natural response to seeing an attractive woman".

    You have no problem criticizing Dworkan, true, but that's easy to do, given she (likely) won't read your criticism and respond.

    As for Anon age 63... I don't read the spearhead, so I don't know him. I also don't even know what magazine MS is, let alone read it through the 70's and 80's, as such, I can't comment on the validity or lunacy of Anon Age 63's claim. For all I know, there may very well be such an article as he suggests, after all, Dworkan got published (10 books, plus who knows what else) and presented as a speaker, why should it surprise me that some other hateful feminists could have managed to get some print/face time?

  27. Kratch, if you're so ignorant of feminism that you've never heard of Ms. magazine, it's really hard to take any assertions you make about the subject with any seriousness at all.

    It's a bit like pontificating about astrophysics without ever having heard of, I dunno, Uranus.

  28. It's a bit like pontificating about astrophysics without ever having heard of, I dunno, Uranus.

    There are so many places I could go with that remark, I don't even know where to begin. I thank you, Dave, for this bounty of cheap, immature laughs I am about to enjoy.

    (Huhuhuhuhuhuhuh! He said Uranus! Heheheheh!)

    Oh my, that was good.

  29. Face it David, extreme misandrists in the feminist movement have reached fame from the cause of feminist supporters. And this takes a lot more supporters than a small pack of MRAs upvoting misogyny in websites.

    There is no ignorance at all about that. There may be dirty players in the MRA movement but feminism is no better. In fact, probably a lot worse. In your world, women and feminist can never do wrong and you will always try to find some type of justification for their shitty behaviour. Yet when it’s a man or MRA, I have never ever seen you try to justify or defend similar behaviour. It’s because you are a feminist bigot, David. It’s so god damn obvious. You can deny it all you want but I know and I think many others can clearly see it

  30. @Kratch

    Dude, your logic is bent. "Just because something doesn't exist, doesn't mean it doesn't exist" doesn’t actually make sense.

    Also, if you’re going to dismiss all the work of an academic you’ve obviously never read, please at least Google her first so that you spell her name correctly: Dworkin.

  31. Face it David, extreme misandrists in the feminist movement have reached fame from the cause of feminist supporters. And this takes a lot more supporters than a small pack of MRAs upvoting misogyny in websites.

    I'll agree with you that Andrea Dworkin is a famous woman - but 'fame' doesn't necessarily mean someone who is admired, respected or looked to as a mentor. After all, Ted Bundy, Charles Manson and Justin Bieber are all famous - but who looks to those guys to set any kind of policy?

    If anything, Dworkin's fame comes because she has been criticized far more than she has been praised. Discussions of her ideas tend more towards, 'Holy crap, can you believe someone really thinks this way?' and less of, 'Holy crap, this is some insightful writing.'

  32. David, I think you owe me an apology. I have repeatedly stated that I live in Canada, and it seems to me, based on the two links bellow, that MS isn't sold (directly) in Canada. So it seems to me you just called me ignorant for not being in the same country as you...

    The first link is a list of top Magazines available in Canada, and MS isn't on the list...

    The following lists it as a national, not international, magazine...

    So are you still prepared to hold me up as ignorant for living in the wrong country? Is that how you act? Seems to me you're being the ignorant one. not to mention you're deflecting, attacking my credibility rather then owning the fact that you are even more incapable of doing what you damn MRA's for not doing... and I say more incapable because I have repeatedly given you an easy way to disagree with your posters without specifically calling them out without reason (IE, what you expect of MRA's).

    bathorie, not sure how you read that from my post, so I'll just ignore you. (unless and until you explain)

  33. I'd seriously like to know in what way eve ensler is radical considering the fact that all she wants is for women to realize that their vaginas are not evil and dirty.

  34. "I'll agree with you that Andrea Dworkin is a famous woman - but 'fame' doesn't necessarily mean someone who is admired,"

    She's as revered as she is reviled. She inspires a great deal of controversy, but she does so because there are many that agree with her ideals (to go with those that don't). You don't get 10+ books published, and calls for presentations or to testify in supreme courts, for being perceived as akin to Ted Bundy, Charles Manson and Justin Bieber.

    Furthermore, her legacy remains, in such PSA's as Josh's "redefine manhood to stop rape". A PSA that tells us that there is something inherent about the current definition of manhood that encourages rape. That that instinct to rape must be trained out of our sons right from the cradle. (sounds like an idea stemmed from the sex is rape mentality she was so well known for... because I will agree that men want sex, but unless sex = rape, that isn't enough to justify the attack from that ad and others like it).

    That said, I do acknowledge that she is at the radical end of feminism, but she remains a prominent figure at that end, and it is my opinion that many of the prominent feminist activists and politician's are closer to her end of the spectrum then they are to the average household feminist that truly believes they believe in equality, but doesn't actually do anything.

  35. All this fake bullshit about Andrea Dworkin being some sort of outlier for feminists is just that, bullshit. She's not even really a radical, not for feminsts. She's mainstream and they love her.

    Try this. Go to Type in national organization for women. In the search bar print Andrea Dworkin. And you get this:

    In Memoriam: Andrea Dworkin

    April 13, 2005

    Andrea Dworkin, internationally renowned radical feminist activist and author who helped break the silence around violence against women, died in her home on April 9 at the age of fifty-eight, after an illness. She was a longtime member of NOW.

    Dworkin was one of feminism's most rigorous minds and fiercest crusaders. In her determination to articulate the experiences of poor, lower-class, marginal, and prostituted women, Dworkin deepened public awareness of rape, battery, pornography, and prostitution. Called "the eloquent feminist" by syndicated columnist Ellen Goodman, Dworkin's impassioned words always informed, provoked and inspired.

    Visit the Stop Family Violence web site to learn more about Dworkin's life, read her inspiring remarks spoken just one week ago, and to leave your words of tribute or expressions of condolence. Stop Family Violence will forward your comments to her husband, John Stoltenberg.

    Rigorous mind?
    Eloquent feminist?
    Fiercest crusader?
    Inspiring remarks?

    Yeah that NOW organization really despises her. They are so critical of her.

    I wish there was a hell so she could rest in an appropriate place.

    Random Brother

  36. @ briget

    She also tried to teach that lesbians seducing underaged girls is "good rape."

    But she's a sister feminut so I'm sure that doesn't bother you.

    Random Brother

  37. @ David

    David said: "Most feminists I know are perfectly willing to criticize other feminists they disagree with."

    I doubt you have the moral fortitude to criticize any major feminist tenet in any legitimate way shape or form.

    Random Brother

  38. Yeah... I was a fetus in the 1970s, but I've been reading some Ms. magazine stuff from that period, and I haven't yet uncovered any of those articles in favor of mass-murdering men. Must be wedged in somewhere between the hand-wringing letters about whether feminists can be into BDSM and the twenty million articles about trying to pass the ERA.

    I am also interested to learn that man-haters have been running the country since 1966. Well, that was the year John met Yoko.


  39. Kratch said:

    "She's as revered as she is reviled. She inspires a great deal of controversy, but she does so because there are many that agree with her ideals (to go with those that don't). You don't get 10+ books published, and calls for presentations or to testify in supreme courts, for being perceived as akin to Ted Bundy, Charles Manson and Justin Bieber."


    I couldn't have said it better myself. I wanted to say something similar to Lady Victoria before but I felt a lazy before.

    But anyway, just watch the feminists in here who will try to make up any excuse in the world for it. Feminist bigots like David will always try to make some type of justification for it. Yet jump up and down and make threads about it when it’s MRAs being sexist.

  40. Kratch- For one, Ms. magazine was never conspiracy feminist literature spreading the message to “kill men”, hence the absurdity of Anon 68. Despite that, you are willing to consider that there is feminist writing doing exactly that, despite no evidence of it having been said. And your willingness to consider it is based on the character and academic work of Dworkin, who never wrote “kill men” in any of her books.

    That seriously does not make any sense. It's pure fantasy.

    Also, I live in Canada too, and Ms. Magazine is in the magazine rack of my local Chapters- it’s considered an import here. You can also probably find it in your public library, if you look.

  41. Sigh.

    Try some of the links here to learn about the history of feminists challenging Dworkin/MacKinnon and anti-porn feminism:

    The feminist sex wars sort of reached their crescendo in the mid-90s. (Richard: Back then I got hate mail from some radical feminists for publishing numerous articles challenging anti-porn feminism.) In the end, the anti-porn feminists basically lost. Most feminists you'll meet these days have rejected radical feminism.

    Yes, there still are some radical feminists around. Yes, there are still feminists who think mostly positive things about Dworkin. NOW is an organization that came out of second-wave feminism, and some of its founders and elder stateswomen, as it were, came out of the radical feminism of the early 70s, so I'm not shocked that they ran such a eulogy for her. As for Goodman's comment about her being "eloquent," well, she WAS eloquent. I think she was wrong about nearly everything, but she knew how to write a polemic.

    Kratch, living in Canada is really no excuse for not having heard of Ms, at least if you claim to know something about feminism. It's basically the most famous feminist magazine ever, and if you don;t know about it, you really don't know shit about feminism.

  42. And within that same comment page, this ultra-inflammatory comment has received 21 downvotes and 1 upvote so far:

    "So who took this forum down?

    And why did the police come to Welmer’s house? What did he do? Just curious."

  43. In fact, you have actively made excuses to justify their hateful sayings, or brush them off as "a joke", such as "rape is a natural response to seeing an attractive woman".

    If I'm not mistaken, that particular comment was made in response to one of the MGTOW forum comments where the guy was pretty much saying exactly that. I don't have enough time at the moment to seek out that particular thread, but if I have a chance later this afternoon or this evening, I'll go back and have a look for it.

    I've often heard and read men defending, for example, porn usage or drive-by cat-calling behaviour, by shrugging it off as, "Hey, we can't help it, it's in our genes/biology". Yet if a woman repeats what men themselves have said about themselves, it's suddenly vile misandry.

  44. Pam, I believe that was a quote from Amused that was part of a post summarizing an assortment of contradictory MGTOW arguments about male sexuality, of which that was one; it was clearly not Amused's own opinion.

  45. You may be right about that one, David, I recall seeing it I just can't remember within which comment thread, but it was clear to me that the author was reflecting upon the statement(s) of other(s).
    Time to head to the airport now (business trip, unfortunately, not pleasure trip).

  46. .

    Richard said:

    "She also tried to teach that lesbians seducing underaged girls is "good rape."

    The quote you stated is from the original Vagina Monologues. I do not believe
    Dworkin was involved in the writing of that play.

    Speaking of the Vagina Monologues as someone who attends the theater, fringe fests, etc I’ve always wondered why there is so little understanding of alternative performance art in America (actually I don’t wonder). Hopefully I can explain it to you.

    The Vagina Monologues consisted of narratives of women’s personal experiences with their bodies. One of the narratives was from a lesbian who had sex with an adult woman as a teen, she spoke about how she felt about the relationship. “Good rape” meant that although it would be considered to be statutory rape it she considered it to be a positive experience.

    As the Vagina Monologues gained in popularity this monologue was taken out of the production because of in my opinion puritan views of teen sex that is rampant in North America.

    I once attended a performance art piece, which the artist (a guy) stripped down and masturbated while being dosed with milk, makes the VM look pretty tame in comparison.

    Because his performance stayed within the art community the undertones of what seemed to be an Oedipus complex did not make national news.

  47. @ Kave

    Kave said: "I once attended a performance art piece, which the artist (a guy) stripped down and masturbated while being dosed with milk, makes the VM look pretty tame in comparison."

    Are all "male feminists" a bunch of weirdos?

    Random Brother

  48. Richard

    Are you unable to comprehend? You should get that checked.

  49. Of course not one mention of your error in attributing your quote to the wrong person.

    Richard.. Has anyone in you life taught you personal responsibility? Do you have any positive male role models? It seems like no one has taught you how to start taking on adult responsibilities.

    Are you attending one of those party hard liberal colleagues that parents pay too much for and perhaps striking out on the party deal? That’s the only thing I can imagine.

  50. Kave said:

    "Do you have any positive male role models? It seems like no one has taught you how to start taking on adult responsibilities."

    Good question. We live in a society these days where boys get their fathers stripped away from them due to anti father discrimination in family court and oppressive mothers who simply deny access.

    Then in media these days, most fathers are usually depicted as incompetent, stupid, lazy, beer drinking yobbos, abusers, rapists, chauvinists.

    Yep, boys are grown up with great male role models these days.

    But of course feminists won't see this as a problem, in fact they will likely try to twist it around and claim its not anti- male oppression or every thing is the menz fault.

    But if it was females facing this very thing, feminists would be screaming oppression, evil men waaah waaah waahh...let's find more excuses to demonise men.

  51. Nick I guess the answer is no.

    I also asked if you have ever learned about personal responsibility. I'm also going to take a leap and say that is a no as well.

    You also need to stop pretending that the evil is feminist, and start coming to terms with the fact that you hate women.

  52. actually richard if you were to read what she has said about that particular monologue it was that writing it made her extremely uncomfortable. She was reporting the words that someone else said in that particular monologue. Frankly, I personally am not comfortable with what happened either. However, that does not mean that that particular woman feels that what happened to her was rape. Since the girl in that monologue had been assaulted before I think that it is pretty safe to say she knew what her own experiences were. Just because the vagina monologues makes you uncomfortable because it talks about a body part which you find disgusting does not mean that there is anything inherently wrong with it

  53. @Kratch,

    I believe I have found the comment that you were referring to and which I previously remarked upon. Yes, it was from Amused, who said:

    "I don't know, Kratch, MRA's have been talking out of both sides of their mouths on that one. On the one hand, men supposedly "can't stop" from penetrating a woman once they see a bit of cleavage, on the other hand, how dare anyone suggest that men are dumb animals with poor impulse control. On the one hand, sex for men is a "need" that must be fulfilled at all costs, on the other, men have intellect and willpower (unlike women, presumably). On the one hand, rape is a "natural" response to seeing an attractive woman, on the other, don't you dare presume that men are natural rapists. On the one hand, rape is about sex (and violence is just a tool, not the purpose), and on the other, how dare you presume that most men are rapists, even though most men are very much into sex. On the one hand, a female rape victim is always somehow responsible for her own rape because she failed to divine the true nature of her attacker before it was too late, and on the other OMG, women who presume that all men are rapists until proven otherwise are detestable man-haters, OMG!! So which is it?"

    I dunno, maybe it's just my "herd mentality" (unlike the men who display "pack mentality" with their "individualism"), but it sure as hell looks to me like she's paraphrasing and condensing the contradictory "truths" that MRAs are constantly spouting and asking you, "so which will it be, then, since it can't be both at the same time".
    And it's not just sex or rape that MRAs spout contradictory "truths" about, they do the same with, say, women working outside the home vs. women working within the home. If you work outside the home, then you're a vile feminazi who is stealing a job away from a man, and if you remain in the domestic sphere, then you're a privilege princess parasitic leech.
    Honest to God, should women just swallow the kool-aid en masse and let the world be occupied by men alone, since there's obviously no space where a woman can be that she's not offending some man somewhere? Would that make men happier?

  54. I carry a satchel ninety percent of the time. Not only does it carry my laptop, papers, cash and cards I don't have a bulging back pocket wallet When I dont I carry just a money clip.

    I have the feeling that 90% of the mra's posting here choose a fanny pack instead.

  55. @Pam

    Feel sorry for them. It's all you can do.

  56. I know, I should just leave these bastions of logic and reason well-grounded in their own (un)reality. I just have a hard time believing that they can be that obtuse!

  57. @Pam: Want to talk about contradictory statements? How about attributing the arguments of a handful of MRA's to being said by all MRA's, but then demanding that Andrea Dworkin not be brought up when discussing feminism. Amused's response was a direct response to me, where I was simply answering the question David asked. And instead of addressing my point, IE, the reason Josh's PSA was offensive, I get told that MRA's are contradictory (and yet, David admits in this very thread that feminists have also been contradictory, for example, on the topic of pornography), and my comments reasoning was dismissed/ignored in favour of listing some of those contradictions between my opinion and that of others I am not even familiar with.

    @David, are you seriously trying to tell me that not knowing MS equates to being utterly ignorant regarding feminism as a whole? I have no interest in feminist literature, so I have no reason to go looking for it. I don't claim to be an expert on feminism, but I am certainly capable of doing some basic internet search's, and establishing an opinion based off of what I see being done by active political feminists and feminist organizations like NOW. If you are honestly prepared to dismiss anything I have to say simply because I didn't go out of my way to learn about feminist literature, well, that's fine, you were going to dismiss anything I had to say anyways simply because my opinion differs from your own. Now you just have an excuse to make yourself feels justified. Still doesn't change the fact that I have posited at least a half dozen questions to you that you have refused to answer, or have avoided. In one case, you even went so far as to say "I'll reply to your comments at a later time" and then nothing.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Kave said

    "Nick I guess the answer is no.

    I also asked if you have ever learned about personal responsibility. I'm also going to take a leap and say that is a no as well.

    You also need to stop pretending that the evil is feminist, and start coming to terms with the fact that you hate women."

    Well Kave, I guess you are too deluded in your pathetic and bigoted feminist agenda.

    I pretty much call out on the persuasive sexism against men in today’s society in this blog as this blog is all about the bad things men do. My post are no different to feminists calling out on misogyny.

    Can you see the double standard? I guess not.

    I am aware that women have problems too. But it magically turns into sexism when men act the exact same way as feminists do except going in the other direction. This is sexism, discrimination, and oppression within it's self.

    But I don't think a feminist bigot will ever see this light.

    The bottom line is, when it comes to many feminists such as your self and David in this blog, its only sexism when criticism is going towards women.

    And when there is exposure to sexism against men in this blog, feminists are full of excuses and bogus justifications for it.

    This is why I totally think this whole blog is disqualified as there is no balance what so ever. Do you know what gynocentrism means?

  60. To say that men in today’s western societies have no problems at all is laughable. As it is when it's going in the opposite direction.

    But when men talk about male issues, they are likely to be accused of being misogynists, someone who can’t get laid, someone who disrespects women etc etc etc.

    If you can sit here with a straight face and not call this discrimination and oppression against the male gender, there is seriously something fucking wrong

  61. How about attributing the arguments of a handful of MRA's to being said by all MRA's...

    If the arguments that I have read are from only a "handful" of MRAs (and I have been reading their arguments and other materials for a lot longer than this blog has even been in existence, never mind when my awareness of this blog occurred), then I would think that the majority of the world's male population were MRAs, a great many not being vocal at all, and perhaps this is true.
    Yes, I have read items where one or more MRAs disagree with each other, but it tends to be over the issue of methodology not a critical examination of the often contradictory beliefs that they spout. I say contradictory when it's the same persons holding/stating beliefs that are mutually exclusive, or when some agree wholeheartedly with mutually exclusive beliefs, not when one disagrees with another. For example, criticizing/condemning those who might appear to be saying that all/most men are potential rapists, but then those same critics, when speaking in defense of porn usage, state that incidences of rape have gone down significantly with the increase in availability of porn materials and that if porn was banned all/most men would then be out raping women.
    The beliefs seem to take a 180° turn depending on what it is that those same persons are protecting/defending.

    ...but then demanding that Andrea Dworkin not be brought up when discussing feminism.

    One single, solitary person (as opposed to many MRAs), whose primary focus was pornography and its effect of propagating a rape culture (not saying that I agree or disagree with her on this, just pointing out her main area of interest), is brought up time and again as being definitive of ALL areas of feminist thought and feminist concern for evermore. Additionally, bringing up Andrea Dworkin seems to be utilized as a method to bring the conversation to a grinding halt, as the persons who choose to bring her up seem to have no awareness of her works outside of a few out-of-context lines that appear in the ever-circulating list of "Feminist Hate Quotes", making the totality of her works or of any single one of her works rather difficult to discuss. By the same token, I wouldn't want to get into a discussion about, for example, the plays of William Shakespeare with someone whose sole experience of his plays is only a couple of lines from Hamlet or The Tragedy of MacBeth.

    Amused's response was a direct response to me, where I was simply answering the question David asked. And instead of addressing my point, IE, the reason Josh's PSA was offensive, I get told that MRA's are contradictory (and yet, David admits in this very thread that feminists have also been contradictory, for example, on the topic of pornography), and my comments reasoning was dismissed/ignored in favour of listing some of those contradictions between my opinion and that of others I am not even familiar with.

    That is a separate issue from what I was pointing out about your use of a small portion of Amused's response to you. Similar to the compilation and usage of that list of "Feminist Hate Quotes" (and no, I am not saying that you are necessarily responsible for that), you took a portion of Amused's reponse out of context and have presented it as evidence of her stating her own "hateful" belief, and then chastised David for not criticizing what you were trying to pass off as a "hateful saying" based upon that person's "hateful" belief.

  62. What Pam said.

    Plus, nick, you said:

    this blog is all about the bad things men do.

    No it's not. It's about the dumb things misogynists say. Many of these misogynists are MGTOW or MRAs.

    If I were writing about the bad things men do, this blog would mostly be links to news accounts of men committing heinous crimes.

    Ironically, there are a lot of MRA/MGTOW sites that basically do this, except with women instead of men, linking to or reposting every story of a "woman behaving badly" in the news they can find.

    I think that's pretty unhelpful, to say the least. We all know that individual members of both sexes do vile things.

    But the subject of this blog is misogyny. I've posted only a couple stories about crimes allegedly committed by men, and that was because the criminals in question seemed to be raging misogynists; one was a PUA whose "teachings" were basically a recipe for date rape; I mostly posted about what he had written, not what he apparently did.

  63. MRAs on this blog constantly make the mistake of thinking that they are representative of all men. It's incredibly arrogant, and, thank L. Ron, it's also far from the truth.

  64. “I think that's pretty unhelpful, to say the least. We all know that individual members of both sexes do vile things. “

    But that’s not true. Many of the posts that show “women behaving badly” include how these women are getting away with it, or are being excused and given lighter sentences. The domestic abuse industry alone is a huge example of society denying women perpetrators. It seems to me that many people, policymakers and law enforcement, are actually trying to deny these vile things. False accusations, when they are actually prosecuted, are done so, not because they did something vile in destroying a man’s life… No, when it is prosecuted, it is done so because “she wasted police time and taxpayer money”.

    "MRAs on this blog constantly make the mistake of thinking that they are representative of all men. It's incredibly arrogant"

    Are you referring to nick's comment "To say that men in today’s western societies have no problems at all is laughable."? because if so, then it would be contradictory to claim feminist's complaints about their problems in society is thinking they speak for all women and is arrogant. Most MRA's don't deny women had problems (though many argue those problems have ether been resolved, or are actually being held back due to poor methods being used, such as the fact that in the 50-60's, male and female domestic homicides were almost even. Since women's shelters became available, men's death's started to drop (since women now had an alternative), It is not unreasonable to question whether men having shelters would decrease women's death's, but that would require acknowledging male victimization), but the reverse clearly is true.

  65. No, rather I was referring to the fact that every time I call Wytche out for being a sniveling coward who preemptively wets his pants at the thought of possibly being mocked by anonymous internet commenters, he tells me it's because I hate men.

    No, dude. I hate YOU. You just happen to be a man.

    Similarly, every time anyone says something negative about MRAs, y'all are like, "More PROOF that feminists hate men!"

    No, dude. It's proof that feminists hate anti-feminists. Unsurprising, no?

    To say that men in today's western societies have no problems would indeed be laughable. Which is why nobody ever says such silly things, except for the straw feminists in Nick's brain.

  66. "To say that men in today's western societies have no problems would indeed be laughable. Which is why nobody ever says such silly things, except for the straw feminists in Nick's brain."

    sure, they don't deny the problems, but when a person tries to acknowledge those problems, they ether do so in a respectful, cordial manner, which gets them called weak and dismissed as just whining. Alternatively, if they aren't passive, they are labeled woman haters. There is no middle ground, you are ether whining or a woman hater, and quite frankly, that is why MRA's choose to be aggressive, because nether stance will be accepted, but an assertive stance will be heard. Feminists may not deny male problems, but they do usually deny a chance to speak for men without being personally attacked.

  67. "No, dude. I hate YOU. You just happen to be a man."---SS

    Hey, go fuck yourself, misandrist.

  68. If she is not talking about any other men, how is that being misandrist? Are you the world now Wytch?

  69. "Are you the world now Wytch?"---dork

    I'm from planet earth. Can't speak for you, however, or a twit that hates me because I don't cough up evidence for her fat ass. Maybe if I tell her to fetch some bon bons she'll work off the chub on her glutes and stop crying about not being fed the "correct" candy. Yah know, the expensive kind for only her lowness deserves to ingest.

  70. Someone is itching to be banned.

    You can dislike her personally just as she dislikes you personally-but if she only dislikes one man, that is not being misandrist. No matter how important you think you are.

  71. I dunno, Elizabeth, wytch's insults are so amazingly stupid I can't imagine they actually hurt anyone's feelings enough to merit a ban. They certainly don't make him look good.

  72. "I dunno, Elizabeth, wytch's insults are so amazingly stupid I can't imagine they actually hurt anyone's feelings enough to merit a ban. They certainly don't make him look good."---David

    Just wait 'til your feminist folk discovers what you really look like underneath it all.

  73. "Someone is itching to be banned."---Elizabeth

    Someone's feeling are hurt. Odd that, considering the mockery and scorn for anyone not feminist is twenty times as much.

    "Take it like a man!"

  74. "You also need to stop pretending that the evil is feminist, and start coming to terms with the fact that you hate women."---k(n)ave

    You need to come to terms with you are a weirdo that likes watching men "help themselves" with 2 percent milk, and you rationalize statutory rape as a side dish.

  75. "No matter how important you think you are."---Elizabeth

    A veiled insult! On your way to get your remarks deleted, Liz.

    You're like a tae knon do point sparring newbie getting owned by a cage fighter. Not a pretty sight.


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