Sunday, February 20, 2011

Do Men Going Their Own Way Dream of Misogynistic Sheep?

Let's just flush superbad into space.
Some manosphere dudes dream of a future filled with robogirl sex slaves eager to fulfill their every twisted wish. Over on Happy Bachelors, superbad dreams bigger. And weirder. Here's his vision of a futuristic misogynistic sex utopia, a sort of sexed-up sci-fi version of that old creepy fairy tale about Bluebeard, mixed with a bit of Moonraker for good measure:

in an ideal world i would live alone on a huge spaceship with a large queue of sexy virgin's in cryofreeze. when i got the urge i would select one to be thawed on a non-Windows OS computer. after having my way with them, if they asked anything too personal, like my name, i'd hit a big red panic button and have them flushed into space. then i'd eat some souvlaki and log on to a feminist forum and tell them how deeply i cared about their cause. "you're right Sarah! i think twats should rule the world... YAAY TWATS!" then till the wee hours i would work on my mangina annihilation ray. when perfected i'd pull up to earth, get on a 100 million watt transmitter, and announce, while sipping ouzo, "you all got 24 hours to get the f*ck out".

Yeah. Good luck with that.


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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.


  1. He's like Un-Smoove B - "And then I will thaw you out, only on the finest non-Windows OS computer."

  2. Sorry to make my first comment here an off-topic one, but when I saw the title of your article, my first thought wasn't Philip K. Dick's novel but the TV series, Fringe (episode titled Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep?). Would you happen to be a fan of that series?

  3. This sounds like the kind of future that would warrant a TARDIS suddenly appearing in some corner of his space ship.

  4. I like how he specifies "non-Windows." iHotVirginalSexSlave?

  5. And here some MGTOWs, NiceGuys(TM) and perhaps a few other men have been lamenting that women have been dissing them in favour of the bad boys or alpha thugs, when the truth may have been staring them in the face all along.... they might have asked something way too personal, like, the woman's name.

  6. There are only two things about his fantasy that I like: spaceships and souvlaki. Both are awesome.

    Incidentally, the creepiest part of his (very, very creepy) fantasy is that all the women must be virgins before he gets to them. I mean not to mention that they're all frozen like slabs of meat, which is basically how he regards them.

  7. In keeping with the "most stereotypes are true", as found in the comments section of the previous article, while eating souvlaki and sipping ouzo, superbad might just want to take a closer look at the sexy virgins in the cryofreeze.

  8. "after having my way with them, if they asked anything too personal, like my name, i'd hit a big red panic button and have them flushed into space. "

    Just wow. I love how they always complain that they're betas, and women don't like them because they're "too nice." The opposite of that being alphas who hurt and abuse women.

    This dickhole is advocating freezing virgins, fucking them (probably consensually or not) and then killing them.

    Yea, true gentle beta right there.

    Oh and then killing all men who actually LIKE women and don't want to murder them (manginas).

    Yea, he's totally a NICE guy who is getting put down by our feminist led government.

    So NOT a murderous psychopath with paranoid schizophrenia....

    On a completely unrelated note Dave - have you seen this?
    You've talked about a few of these before, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on all of it as it's listed here. You know, this being more proof of our "feminist controlled government."

  9. Ah, but Keiko, don't you realize? They've been driven... DRIVEN, I tell you, into becoming heartless, mean-spirited douches by, uh, teh hot wimminz who wouldn't go out with them or who wouldn't go Dutch. Otherwise they'd be, like, totally sensitive and nice and wouldn't blast anyone out the airlock at all!

  10. On the one hand, following that quote is an immediate disclaimer that this fantasy is "humor." On the other hand, one really has to wonder how many MRAs really want to live like that.

  11. David has addressed MRA claims of "humor" and "satire" before. The thing is, it's not funny. Violent fantasies about an already oppressed group of people are inherently unfunny. Humor can only really flow uphill.

  12. So wait...if Nice Guys(tm) are gentle beta males, what's the difference between a Nice Guy(tm) and a mangina? Is it just that the latter actually succeeds in niceness? Also in women?

    If a mangina bags a woman, is he bumped up to alpha thug by default? That's quite a leap isn't it.

    Man, if these guys are gentle betas, I don't want to meet the thugs...

  13. Incidentally, the creepiest part of his (very, very creepy) fantasy is that all the women must be virgins before he gets to them.

    I think the whole "flushed into space" thing is probably the creepiest part. Then again, there's not really a part that isn't creepy.

  14. Seriously, why does he have to do this to real people? They make some pretty realistic dolls nowadays, and with AI technology getting better (and kinda creepy, IMO), there's no reason that this future has to include actual virginal women.

    Of course, it seems like he's trying to be a mad scientist, and really, he's failing. Death ray to get rid of "manginas"? THAT'S an evil plot? Whatever. Death rays are so yesterday.

  15. Of course, it seems like he's trying to be a mad scientist, and really, he's failing. Death ray to get rid of "manginas"? THAT'S an evil plot? Whatever. Death rays are so yesterday.

    And perhaps he's gonna demand "ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!!"

  16. I don't really get why they buy into the whole alpha/beta bullshit in the first place. Its like an own goal. I don't know any females that actually think men come in only 2 categories (and only one man who buys into it). When Alpha is used in my sphere it usually denotes an arsehole to be cautious about (and I work in a male dominated industry - heavy engineering) It is usually used by both males and females when there is a couple of bloke circling each other who look like they are about to start pissing in the corners of the room to mark their territory cos there is some power struggle going on. No one wants to work for them and they certainly aren't looked up to and actually they don't get their pick of women either.

    Its just bizzare that some blokes made up some stupid and artificial categories (if I recall correctly the whole alpha type personality was one of about 10 personality types anyway originally) and then all these other men just sit around going yes alpha and beta. I will accept this uncritically and try to live up to being one or the other. Thats one of the fun things about the world - the broad and diverse range of human experience and existance. Id someone tried to paint me as one of 2 things (ie alpha or beta) I'd just laugh at them and tell them where to get off and exactly how (with more than 2 options and some creative imagery)

  17. I love the fact that even in this dudes fantasy, there are still feminists and manginas. It's YOUR fantasy, dude, no one has to have ever existed if you don't want them to!
    That just completely cracks me up!


  18. His hate is important to his self-identity. It doesn't even occur to him to imagine a world without the people he hates. He'd rather have a world where he can enact violence on them.

  19. I'm picturing him as "Comic Book Guy" from The Simpsons: "Best fantasy EVAR!"

  20. "on a non-Windows OS computer"

    Good luck with that indeed!

  21. "This dickhole is advocating freezing virgins, fucking them (probably consensually or not) and then killing them."---keiko44

    Careful now. You sound like one of those serial killer groupies in the making. Don't get too excited just yet.

    johnnykaje said...
    "So wait...if Nice Guys(tm) are gentle beta males, what's the difference between a Nice Guy(tm) and a mangina? Is it just that the latter actually succeeds in niceness?."

    Aren't niceguys supposed to be bitter guys that can't get laid? I'm confused. Make up your mind one of these years and I'll get to you then.

  22. >> "This dickhole is advocating freezing virgins, fucking them (probably consensually or not) and then killing them."---keiko44

    > Careful now. You sound like one of those serial killer groupies in the making. Don't get too excited just yet.


    You missed the part where keiko called the guy a "dickhole".

  23. "You missed the part where keiko called the guy a "dickhole"."---(Hungry) Joe

    I was actually referring to keiko.

    Or is it Geico, ya know, the insurance company?

  24. That burn confirms my suspicion that Wytch is 12.

    Man I love this blog.

  25. oh my god, this is amazing.

    a men's rights activist...his ULTIMATE FANTASY WORLD is one where he spends any amount of time logging onto feminist forums!

    feminist forums exist in his ultimate fantasy! he needs feminism around to fuel his violence. hate. hate. hate.

  26. feminist forums exist in his ultimate fantasy! he needs feminism around to fuel his violence.

    I don't think it's so much needing it to fuel his violence and needing it as a target. If there wasn't feminism to scapegoat, they'd start turning on (not in the romantic/sexual sense) each other.

  27. "'So wait...if Nice Guys(tm) are gentle beta males, what's the difference between a Nice Guy(tm) and a mangina? Is it just that the latter actually succeeds in niceness?.'

    Aren't niceguys supposed to be bitter guys that can't get laid? I'm confused. Make up your mind one of these years and I'll get to you then. "

    There are few things more satisfying than watching some goober make an ass of himself with a nuclear-grade reading comprehension pratfall. Everyone, bask in the glory of the above.

  28. "Everyone, bask in the glory of the above."---johnnycakes

    You're basking in a nuclear fallout? Damh, you are quite the glutton for punishment.

  29. Nuclear fallouts are perfect for basking, Witchy. You hadn't heard? All the cool kids are doing it.

  30. The whole "cakes" thing reminds me of something from the Series of Unfortunate Events books. These three siblings are sent to a boarding school of some sort, and the school bully targets them. She repeatedly calls the siblings "cakesniffers". It's supposed to sting; but both the protagonists and the reader are too busy wondering "what the fuck is a 'cakesniffer'?" to be offended.


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