Monday, February 7, 2011

The Cupcake Files, Part Three: MGTOW Proboards Forum Edition

Delicious, but deadly!
As I pointed out in the previous two installments of  The Cupcake Files, the Men Going Their Own Way movement has taken the deliciously innocent word "cupcake" and turned it into a synonym for an evil-she-bitch-from-hell.

Today, quotes on "cupcake" from the MGTOW proboards forum. (I'm too lazy to provide links for every example; they all can be found by searching for the word "cupcake" on the forum.)

Cupcake: Uses more than her fair share of health care resources.

[O]utside of sports medicine, 90% of health care is consumed by cunts. Men usually die from our first encounter with the system (heart attack, accident, violence, etc.) It is the cunts and their breeding that devour most of the health care dollars spent in this country. Probably even higher when you consider most men have chronic conditions as a result of either dangerous work to support cupcake or they live in total and abject stress due to having a manipulative withholding shrew at home who has racked up so much debt the man knows he'll be working until he is 104.

Cupcake: A monster disguised as a cupcake.

Ever notice how the less attractive females generally have the better personalities? Why do you think that is? Do you think unattractive females are genetically predisposed to have fun, laid-back personalities?

No, of course not. They have better personalities because they are making up for a flaw in another department. They are getting away with the maximum they can get away with, but underneath that fun cupcake is a MONSTER.

Cupcake: Should probably be forbidden from using Facebook

If cupcake has a facebook account you are basically giving her a free pass to cheat on you. She will have old flings on her account, past men she was interested in, all it takes is for you to piss her off one day and she will have one these men provide a "shoulder to cry on".

Cupcake: Has a loaded gun, and it's pointed at YOU, mister!

The gun is loaded, cocked and pointed at your head. Cupcake has had her finger on the trigger from the moment you said "I do" and she will pull it the moment you cease to entertain her.

Cupcake: Tired of having sex with you, but enjoys luxury cruises.

I will admit, it feels good to eat, have sex, fall asleep, then wake up in again for morning sex but what guys don't realize is that this does not last indefinitely .

Eventually, you get pussyfied from all this pleasure and you start putting up with more and more female demands as her pussy chips away at you to the point where you wake up one day and you have 3 kids, no friends, no hobbies, you're overweight, she refused sex for the second week, and now you have to go to work in a few hours to put in a 12 hour shift because cupcake wants to go on a luxury cruise where she just might have sex with you; but even then, it won't be all that great because she's now overweight and don't care.


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  1. I like how "3 kids" is seen as inherently negative.

  2. I find it telling that all these men seem to complain endlessly about women not enjoying sex, thinking their partners are bad or just putting up with sex.

    It's as if an enthusiastic, satisfied lover is completely outside their realm of experience....

  3. "Breeders". Hmmmmm. Like they impregnated themselves.

    Given the overall attitudes on display in the realm of MGTOW - I wouldn't be surprised if "an enthusiastic, satisfied lover is completely outside of their realm of experience". They have only themselves to blame.

  4. Man, look at all the things the cunt is capable of. Not only can it ravenously consume things like a blood-spurting black hole, it can also chip at things. I assume it does this with a retractable narwhal-like tusk.

    I thought it was teh feminutz that went overboard with "pussy power". Damn.

    I wonder if any cunts are capable of mimicking human speech, or opening bottle caps.

  5. johnnykaje, mine can blow a pretty good raspberry.

  6. It is the cunts and their breeding that devour most of the health care dollars spent in this country.

    Yep, we cunts CHOOSE to be blessed with the requisite anatomy for gestation and birth for the express purpose of devouring all those health care dollars. Too bad that the cunt who turned out to be his mother also chose to devour all those health care dollars.

  7. Pam-with his attitude, I am sure he was hatched at a zoo in the snake house.

  8. Pam-with his attitude, I am sure he was hatched at a zoo in the snake house.

    That's definitely not outside the realm of possibilities.

  9. Elizabeth--that tone of argument is completely uncalled for.

    I can personally attest that most snakes are much more affectionate than these people. :p

  10. It's entirely likely that the only facility capable of hatching him was at the snake house. Like a pod person.

  11. Well not like he was hatched on Ilha de Queimada Grande as that place was abandoned decades ago-he had to be hatched in a zoo so he could learn how to write.

  12. She will have old flings on her account, past men she was interested in, all it takes is for you to piss her off one day and she will have one these men provide a "shoulder to cry on".

    But wait! I thought Nice Guys never got laid! Man, this stuff is way too complex for my ladybrain.

  13. I love the monster one. If a person is nice, it's because they're not nice, only pretending.

  14. I love the monster one. If a person is nice, it's because they're not nice, only pretending.

    There's a flaw in your paraphrasing. They're not referring to "a person" being nice (but in actuality is not nice), it's an "unattractive female" being nice that is in actuality not nice.

  15. I'm thinking that "underneath that fun cupcake is a MONSTER" could be another t-shirt possibility.

    The t-shirts are coming, I promise! I just have to figure out a few things about vector art first. Any experienced vector artists out there with talent and/or expertise to share?

  16. Love how the person in the last one describes the theoretical man as " no friends, no hobbies, you're overweight", but, somehow, when women get fat, all of the joy in the world dies: "it won't be all that great because she's now overweight".

  17. "I like how '3 kids' is seen as inherently negative."

    And, like those women who use up all our health-care money, she just spontaneously generates children through parthenogenesis, with no help from her husband. Or, wait, maybe they're her love children from the guy she met on Facebook by pretending to be nice so he wouldn't notice how ugly she was!

    My favorite part is how the woman is to blame if she gets fat *or* if her husband gets fat. Whoever eats the cupcakes, it's Cupcake's fault.

  18. I would wear a T shirt that said that!


  19. I like the facebook fear. Because everyone knows that once you have sex with a guy he's at your beck and call forever. I have two or three exes on my facebook list and I'm sure their current girlfriends and jobs understand that if I'm ever upset, they've got no choice but to drive upwards of 8 hours to come console me. My siren song of neediness is irresistible.

  20. I would wear a T shirt that said that!

    So would I, especially if it had a rendering similar to the one in "The Cupcake Files, Part Two"!

  21. If you need a T-shirt illustration, I hereby volunteer my artistic skills. Contact info available through my LJ.

  22. so does this logic work the same way in reverse? Am I supposed to be utterly infuriated that my bf is still friends with every single one of his exes not only on facebook but IRL too and therefore ban him from having a facebook and ever leaving the house again? I mean seriously just because someone is friends with their exes does not mean that they are going to cheat on you with their ex.

  23. "Ever notice how the less attractive females generally have the better personalities?"

    I just love how they bitch about hot women AND average or unattractive women. Then he calls them a cupcake. Lawl, if anyone is a shallow cupcake, it's these guys.

  24. I love the monster one. If a person is nice, it's because they're not nice, only pretending.

    There's a flaw in your paraphrasing. They're not referring to "a person" being nice (but in actuality is not nice), it's an "unattractive female" being nice that is in actuality not nice.

    Do these so called "nice" guys not get the irony at all? Then again perhaps that's why they think the unattractive women are pretending to be nice. As the old saying goes,"It takes one to know one"

  25. I, too, volunteer my graphic design skillz. Contact info is on me blog, and here's some of me stuff.

  26. I have to say David I look forward to the pictures as much as your posts, so cleaver.

    I have taken a vow to refer to our misogynist, masochistic friends who come a calling here from now on as cupcake.

  27. I'm having a difficult time picturing a "pussy chipping away at you".

  28. "[O]utside of sports medicine, 90% of health care is consumed by cunts."

    What a weird stinking complaint. Seriously? I bet there's some truth to the sentiment behind the complaint (in my personal experience--which means diddlysquat if we're talking statistics, I know--guys are less likely to go to the doctor when they're ill), but the complaint isn't even, The women, they used all the medicine and now I can't have any. The complaint seems to be simply: Waaaaaaaaah.

    Also: "If cupcake has a facebook account you are basically giving her a free pass to cheat on you."

    No, if cupcake has a FB account, she has a FB account. Has nothing to do with you, Sir Sippycup.

    I do agree with the gun comment however. I have three clowns stashed in the closet. They just stop being entertaining after a while, and I just can't help myself. Whoops!

  29. Occasionally you get the feeling that a large portion of the MRA and PUA rants on the net are written by an out of control AI who was in the beta testing phase (hence the obsession with betas) and was accidentally released from the lab while at a time when only part of the programme had been loaded. Its been wandering round cyberspace ever since posting odd rantings and inserting random variables followed by 'so its all the cupcakes fault' etc etc etc Whatever the variable (health, weight, bloodgushing virgin pussies breaking your bath and chipping away at you) just insert one of a few carefully selected phrases. Make sure it contains cupcake, cunt, pussy, and pull the trigger. Or maybe a techy with a sociological bent released one for a laugh.

  30. shaenon and johnny, thanks! I'll be in touch.

  31. It would be interesting to know how many of these writers have actually had a real relationship with a real woman.

    I'm sure the figure isn't zero. But I am certain it is not all of them, either.

  32. I'm having a difficult time picturing a "pussy chipping away at you".

    With its teeth. It's the teeth that do the chipping.

  33. To Percyprune:

    I doubt that most of them had a real relationship with a woman because they don't talk like guys that ever had a relationship with a woman. I've known many guys in MGTOW movement that never had a real girlfriend.

  34. Another thing that I find revealing is the quote, "Eventually you get pussified from all the pleasure," where the pleasure referenced is mostly sex, food and sleep. The poster also describes a luxury cruise in such a way that implies the man working to pay for it won't enjoy it.

    What a terrible attitude to have towards pleasure.

  35. "I've known many guys in MGTOW movement that never had a real girlfriend."---avpd0nmmng said...

    Prove it. Site your sources.

    Like that one source you dug up from 1960? I'm sure that was reliable (rolls eyes).

  36. One is generally not asked to cite (with a "c") anecdotal experience. You might ask avpd0n to provide a citation that includes evidence that his anecdotal experience is statistically relevant to the larger group, but generally an argument wouldn't rest on something like "prove that you've met MRAs who haven't had girlfriends" since either avpd0n's word will be acceptable, or there will be no reasonable standard for accepting proof since personal relationships often don't come with documentation. On the other hand, whether or not avpd0n has known individual MRAs whose sole heterosexual relationships have been with Rosy Palm, his limited personal experience does not automatically have statistical relevance, and it's reasonable to ask for a citation that proves it does.

    I know this whole evidence-based discussion thing is confusing, but there's an underlying logic that dictates how different claims are treated, and I'm sure you'll eventually get it if you put your mind to it, cupcake.

    ("Ah, look at this beautiful empty land," said the explorer. "So large and free and green! The perfect place to build! It's here where I will site my sources!"...)

  37. @wytch

    > Prove it. Site your sources.

    Well, we *could* provide links, but you'd just dismiss them with rationalizations, I'm sure.

    Oh, wait, you're the one who said that.

  38. Wait, you mean no scientific studies on the quantity and quality of avpd0n's personal acquaintances have yet been done? Someone should alert the sociology department.

  39. Wait, so cupcake's pussy chips away at him? I am trying to envision what this looks like, and failing.

  40. "Wait, you mean no scientific studies on the quantity and quality of avpd0n's personal acquaintances have yet been done? Someone should alert the sociology department."----SS

    Go for it.


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