Friday, February 25, 2011

Apocalypse Any Time Now

Practice with these guys first
Stop the presses! The Happy Bachelors Forum regular who calls himself hhb has ... gone Galt! Here's his announcement:

Feminism is a joke. I have refused to take part in this screwed-up society. I have sold my business and I will sit on my ass until conditions change.


It's only a matter of time now until civilization collapses in a heap. Start your countdown clock. Stock up on food and ammo. (Since my weapon of choice is the Potato Gun, food IS ammo!)

I do wonder, though, what hhb's "business" was. A paper route? A lemonade stand? Selling "Gone Galt" t-shirts on Zazzle?


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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.


  1. You mean the MGTOW are actually starting to GTOW? Thank fucking, that is, I mean, "Nooooo please don't go! How will we get by without you?"

    I mean, seriously, I'm going to have to find some other form of entertainment.

  2. I think the MGTOW and lesbian separatists should be dropped together onto a remote island. We can sell the video on pay-per-view. We'd make millions!

  3. ...You mean MGTOW-ers don't get paid to sit on the internets and complain about women all day?

    Wow, that's a lot of dedication to something that doesn't seem to benefit them in any way.

  4. Well, he certainly showed me! I know I'm rethinking my entire political philosophy because of one spiteful dude on the Internet is threatening to sit on his ass all day.

  5. @Lady Victoria von Syphilis:

    That's the spirit!

  6. Yeah, owning a business must be tough with your female customers all act like they have a right to reject your advances.

  7. If he goes his own way he won't have anything to complain about.

    He'll be back. More's the pity.

  8. scarecrow, we need to understand this little thing called sarcasm

  9. Someone with a business doesn't just up and quit like a child throwing a tantrum, there must have been some kind of trigger. The gossip-monger in me demands the juicy back story!

    Also it occurs to me that there are options between slaving for our feminist overlords and just sitting on your ass all day. Why doesn't this guy take a cue from that one commenter who never shuts up about his perfect Asian marriage and awesome expatriate lifestyle and pick up and move to someplace less screwed up? His sticking around and being petulantly useless isn't doing him any more good than it's doing me.

  10. B-but, how are we going to make it without HHB and all of his ... um ... Well, I'm sure we'll find a way to get by, now that I think of it.

    I don't know if this is true, but I think I've seen a connection between Randian Objectivism and the MRA/MGTOW contingent, what with the obsession with going Galt and some of the MRA commenters here talking about parasites and such. I thought it was interesting when I ran across this article that describes Ayn's great admiration of--that's right--what MRAs would call a "thugboy." Apparently her personal philosophy was inspired to a large extent by a serial killer.

    Just something to keep in mind the next time someone on the internet accuses you of being a "parasite." They mean: Not a psychopath.

  11. Who's being sarcastic?

    I'm totally serious!

    HHB's comment has moved me to my core. I think it's shameful that any man should ever be made to feel petulant. It's a crime against the human race that HHB hasn't gotten what he wanted, and I feel a deep sense of loss at his unnamed business vanishing. Surely, I and all women everywhere shall feel the sting of his withdrawal from the economy and society as whole.

    HHB is such a pinnacle of human development that whatever caused his upset is certainly unacceptable. I shall devote my life to alleviating the cause, because that's obviously the least that HHB deserves.

  12. Wow, not having to deal with spiteful little man poodles, yipping and snapping at my ankles? Say it ain't so!

  13. "Yeah, owning a business must be tough with your female customers all act like they have a right to reject your advances."

    You just can't help but make hateful, personal assumptions about people, can you? I see no indication of why he made this choice, or how professional he acted towards any female customers or if customer reactions had anything to do with it. He could have been very professional, or perhaps he didn't even have many if any female clients. For all we know, his choice is due to a feminist ex trying to get a % of his company, a % of the companies earnings and a % of his personal earnings in the divorce settlement. But simply because he choose to do something stupid in the name of anti-feminism, you assume he's some kind of sexual deviant who preys upon his own clients.

    Perhaps you're projecting? Perhaps all the hatred you direct towards MRA's are a reflection of your own self loathing because you can't bring yourself to admit the truth about men's issues?

    "scarecrow, we need to understand this little thing called sarcasm"

    Funny, I took scarecrows comment as offering up a sarcastic response to a sarcastic post. perhaps it is you who needs to understand it?

  14. For all we know, his choice is due to a feminist ex trying to get a % of his company, a % of the companies earnings and a % of his personal earnings in the divorce settlement.

    Haha, there it is again - this bizarre notion that trying to take a percentage of an ex-husband's property is a "feminist" thing to do.

    But simply because he choose to do something stupid in the name of anti-feminism, you assume he's some kind of sexual deviant who preys upon his own clients.

    That's not what I said. I wasn't implying that he's a sexual predator, I was implying that he, like many MRAs, is angry about the fact that women reject him. The rejection is not the assumption, by the way - everyone who dates women gets rejected by women. I get rejected by women. The common thread among MRAs is that they get very angry at women about it.

  15. TriP. You made an assumption that he was making advances to his customers and getting angry they were rejecting him. The assumption that that is how he treats his female customers, based on nothing but your own personal prejudices. That sounds like an accusation of being a predator to me, especially coming from you, given your history so far (IE, you make bold and hateful assumptions in anyone even minutely associated with the MRM, to the point you can't even acknowledge the very real issues men face).

  16. "Perhaps you're projecting?"

    I love all the "projecting" accusations that have been thrown around this board of late. It's like the MRAs got together and said, "I know--next time, let's tell the feminists, 'I know you are, but what am I?"

    "No, no, just say they're 'projecting.' Same idea, but it sounds smart!"

    "Ohhhh! We like sounding smart!"


  17. Funny, I took scarecrows comment as offering up a sarcastic response to a sarcastic post. perhaps it is you who needs to understand it?

    You might have a point if he hadn't called me 'von Syphilis.' But he did, so you don't.

  18. "The very real issues men face", Kratch, are easily solved if they just stop blaming women for what men do to themselves. Until you start doing that, you and your woman-hating buds deserve all the sarcasm you get.

  19. You made an assumption that he was making advances to his customers and getting angry they were rejecting him.

    Well, it's such a common story with MRAs.

    But you know what, you got me on one thing. I'm prejudiced. Shame on me. I admit it. Now if you ever figure out the difference between being prejudiced against people who voluntarily associate themselves with an ideological group, and being prejudiced against an entire gender, maybe we can have an adult conversation.

  20. "You might have a point if he hadn't called me 'von Syphilis.' But he did, so you don't."

    Insulting you doesn't preclude him from also sarcastically mocking your own sarcasm. It's no different then when my friend says "if ...blah blah blah..., then I'm the president", to which I follow with "why hello Mr president, you're looking awfully pale, are you OK?"

    "just stop blaming women"

    Funny, this man seems to be blaming feminism. And as tri pointed out, there is a difference between "being prejudiced against people who voluntarily associate themselves with an ideological group, and being prejudiced against an entire gender".

    "Well, it's such a common story with MRAs."

    I find most MRA's come from divorce and the trauma experienced in the family courts, or from family's where the mother was abusive (plus the occasional false rape victim), rather then simply being rejected. MGTOW might be another story, I don't really pay attention to them, as they aren't the same thing (some men may be both, but that doesn't make them a single unified ideology)

    "maybe we can have an adult conversation."

    Again with the insults. what you seem to realize is that your prejudice against MRA's was very likely instilled before you even knew about them. Simply speaking up on behalf of men incurs an ire from any feminist, a gut reaction to oppose anything that doesn't first support feminism. I don't know why that is, but it is consistent. Add to that your participation on this website, a website that specifically targets the worst of the worst to highlight, and always directing you to the worst of the MRM websites, that doesn't do anything to make yourself receptive to others (IE, non-feminist) problems.

    PS, as I said to ginmar, this person wasn't being prejudiced to an entire gender, he was blaming feminism. You are the one who decided that meant he was hating women. it seems that you can't differentiate between someone being prejudiced against an ideology vs a gender.

  21. That whole "it's not women, it's American/Western/feminist women" dodge doesn't work, because two minutes spent on any MRA/MGTOW blog or forum will reveal a lot of bigoted descriptions of women as a whole, with no limiting adjective.

  22. Not sure what article you're reading, but the article David wrote, upon which we are discussing, never even mentions women, let alone American/Western/feminist women (he said feminists, you and David are both feminists, so criticizing or attacking feminism is not a gender attack, it is an attack on an ideology. you yourself have said so, though you seem incapable of actually demonstrating you know the difference).

    As I also don't mention women, let alone American/Western/feminist women, I am uncertain what you are talking about, other then simply putting words into my mouth and claiming I'm using them to "dodge" something you said (???) so you can debate them.

  23. Kratch, the site on which the post I quoted appeared is "Happy BAchelors," a site that is mostly devoted to talking about how awful women/western women are and how great it is to totally avoid them. Indeed, the sub-forum in which HHB's post appeared is called "American/Western Women behavior, confessions, and whore stories."

  24. But I'm not talking about the site, I am talking about the accusation levied against the particular person you quoted in this article. An accusation that has no bases other then TriP's own hateful prejudice and assumption that anyone even remotely connected to the MRM is some kind of sexual deviate. There is no reason for TriP to assume that the person you quoted choose to sell his business and sit on the sidelines because he preyed on his female customers and got angry at their rejection. That is nothing but a bigoted assumption, and I'm calling him on that. It seems you choose to support/defend him.

  25. Kratch: HHB is the one who started the topic in the forum devoted to "American/Western Women behavior, confessions, and whore stories." He's literally posted 2096 posts on the site, a site devoted to AVOIDING WOMEN. There is every reason to assume he's a misogynist. Indeed, there's no reason to think that anyone regularly posting there who is NOT a misogynist.

    And indeed, looking through some of his most recent posts, he refers to women as "bitches" and "hags," declares flatly that "Women can never be trusted," that "Women really are disgusting vile creatures," "Women are truly messed up," "All women hate all men, all the time."

    And these comments were all in the past week or so. I'm sure I could find literally hundreds more from him that are equally misogynist.

    See for yourself:

    Here's a challenge for you kratch: find me a regular poster on happy bachelors' -- someone with more than a couple of hundred posts to his name -- who IS NOT a misogynist. Give me a name, and I'll see if I can prove you wrong.

    As for the Tri's remark about him preying on his customers, I believe that was a joke.

  26. Yeah David, you always say "I believe it's a joke" when one of your feminists says something bigoted. Here's a hint for you... One does not generally try to defend a joke the way he has (read his last 2 posts, both imply he felt justified in making the accusation).

    As for HHB, I don't give a damn about that site, and have no intention of wasting my time there to defend it, as even you can't deny that it's irrelevant to my issue (IE, Tri's assumption of sexual predation), otherwise, you wouldn't have felt a need to brush it off as a joke.


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