Monday, February 14, 2011

Animal lust

What better day than Valentine's Day for a post about love? Or at least the MGTOW version of love, which is more like a mixture of lust and loathing.

I've spoken before about what I've called the MGTOW Paradox: Men Going Their Own Way generally seem to hate the ladies, but the ladies still keep giving them boners. Recently, on the grotequely misnamed Happy Bachelors forum, Marcus Aurelius -- who describes himself without irony as "one of the more, if you will, 'spiritual' voices on the forum" -- offered four partial solutions to this problem of excess lady desire. They are, in order: Porn, furious masturbation, a deep understanding of the Buddhist notion of "the impermanence of form," and ... whatever this is:

And another thing I do...when [desire]  ACTUALLY say I see a hot looking girl at work, and it starts to creep up, I actually indulge in it for a moment. I look at the woman. Think about my attraction to her nice...whatever. Then, I think about it as tho I am at the Public Zoo. Seriously. At the zoo, you will see a wild exotic animal, and you will stare through that glass in awe of this animal.....but you wouldn't set foot in that damn cage...because you KNOW if you did....that damn thing would TEAR YOU APART. Thats how I like to look at attractive american women. Animals in a zoo.

That only works for so long, dude. Then you turn into a furry.


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*Yes, that was a Bioshock reference.


  1. Yeah, the metaphor breaks down once you introduce the whole "sexual desire" thing into the mix.

  2. "When I go to the zoo, I look at the wild exotic animals behind the glass... and furiously masturbate..."

  3. If I am an animal in a zoo, can I be a koala? They are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo adorable!

  4. Aw, it sounds like someone needs to work on not projecting his anima all over the place.

  5. "one of the more, if you will, 'spiritual' voices on the forum" --

    I will not, sir. This zoo analogy you're using for human beings is pretty un-spiritual.

  6. I read this article and thought back to this blog post. With all due respect, I imagine that when Marcus talks about furious masturbation, he really means furious chooching.

  7. That is unfair.

    Most of the furries I have met have been wonderful, kind, well-adjusted, nerdy people with a weird fetish.

  8. OMFG, chooching.

    I rarely LOL while reading stuff online, but I really DID LOL to this.

    No floor-rolling, though; I've got a headache.

  9. And I learned a new word today! Thanks to Bee, you're post was not only entertaining, but also educational.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Chooching. Well. You learn something new everyday.

    Actually - I usually learn something new here most days since I discovered this blog - not necessarily something I really wanted to know, mind you... but new nonetheless.

  12. I'd laugh, but every attempt at lovemaking I've ever engaged in has ended in a prolonged bout of chooching.

    No, I'm just kidding. It happened to a roommate though. Just once. He was pretty repressed.

  13. Speaking of beasts...

    I've been reading through the archives of the Dear Sugar column on The Rumpus to cleanse the spiritual palate, and this column makes me think of this blog. But, you know, in a happy way.

    "You will never have my permission to close yourself off to love and give up. Never. You must do everything you can to get what you want and need, to find 'that type of love.' It’s there for you. I know it’s arrogant of me to say so, because what the hell do I know about looking like a monster or a beast? Not a thing. But I do know that we are here, all of us — beasts and monsters and beauties and wallflowers alike — to do the best we can. And every last one of us can do better than give up."

    Anyway, today's my anniversary. Happy V-Day, everyone.

  14. Our anniversary is in four days, but tonight my wife is away on business. I’m a little jealous even though we don’t honor the holiday by the lack of posts today on men boobz, seems people had plans for tonight.

    Then I visited spearhead, a couple of others (I was bored, being that all of our friends were out), talked to the wife for a while on the phone and ended up very happy. My wife loves me and I love her, I have good real friends as opposed to fantasy friends who share common hatred on the internet, I have great kids and I’m not sitting online complaining about the women who are both whores and unattainable.

    I also took my father out for dinner tonight. We lost my mom about a year ago and it’s been very hard on him. At least those mgtow guys will never feel the pain he’s gone through. There is something to be said for that I guess.

    Also my niece was married a few months ago and her and her husband moved to another province after a name change last week. The chances of my brother being able to track her down are next to nil. I can relax on the tracking of his death threats on the mra blogs!

    Happy Valentines Day!

  15. The feminist version of valentines day

    Eve Ensler is an extreme misandrist, yet I wonder how she gained admiration within the feminist movement?

    Men like David who crawl up women's butts like to point out how MRA's upvote misogyny. And here we have people like Eve Ensler. I wonder how she gained popularity to begin with? Feminist supporters? The same deal goes for people like Andrea Dworkin. The only reason these types are well known is because of the huge amount of admiration and support from feminists. Otherwise, these people would not be heard of.

  16. furiously masturbating the Buddhist way.

    ... o.0

    Nick, that was quite a ridiculous article, but my favorite part was crazy Camille talking...
    Feminist Camille Paglia similarly expressed disdain for the play.

    "The perversion of feminism that Ensler represents -- turning Valentine's Day, the one holiday celebrating romantic harmony between the sexes,.."


    Anyway, I don't know anything about the V-Monologues and after reading that ridiculous article, I still don't.

  17. nicko81m;

    Yeah, I really wonder where all of the feminists are speaking out against Ensler and Dworkin. They won't.

    Read or listen to anything that Dworkin said about men, and you might as well glean that she would have proudly gloated in the extermination of all men.

    If a man said that about women, I would not support him whatsoever and call him a hatemonger. But it is okay for the feminists of the world to unleash their venom.

    So the hypocrisy continues, eh?

  18. That was an inane article that completely missed the point behind things like the Vagina Monologues.

    Not a surprise, most of the conservatives in the US miss the point behind satire. I should go re-read the transcript of the Fox News suit against Senator Franken.

  19. "That was an inane article that completely missed the point behind things like the Vagina Monologues."---Elizabeth

    Like going after underaged girls? So you approve of such criminality?


  20. Again, what's the evidence that Eve Ensler hates men? Because she's an activist devoted to fighting against violence against women, especially sexual violence? Because she wrote a play celebrating the vagina?

    You guys' bar for what constitutes generalized man-hatred is set ridiculously low. Unless you are TRYING to conflate "men" with "rapists".

  21. @wytch, you can't find feminist criticisms of Dworkin? Are you fucking serious? (extra irony points for the fact that this blog's author has written one). She was a highly controversial figure even back in the 70s and 80s (when she actually had a following). Her anti-porn org was picketed by feminist groups (yes, at the height of her career), including Samois. You could try reading Gayle Rubin or Ellen Willis's well known works that were published, often in direct response to Dworkin, during the 70s and 80s. Considering that there has been an entire 'wave' of feminism refuting Dworkin's ideas inbetween then and now, try to join us in the present. "Radical Feminism" is widely criticized and not very damned popular within feminist circles.

  22. Wytch-I have neither watched nor read the Monologues so I have no idea if that is an accurate quote or not. Based on the article's premise and lack of understanding of satire/irony, I have a feeling there are problems with the claim that they are making.

    Kind of like how James O'Keefe called his plan a "seduction" when it was obvious it was not.

  23. Why, when people are talking about the alleged horror-show that is radical feminism, no one talks about the glorious Shulamith Firestone? Best radfem ever, without a doubt.

    "The end goal of the feminist revolution is the elimination of the sex distinction itself." Yay!

  24. "wytch, you can't find feminist criticisms of Dworkin? Are you fucking serious?"---DSC

    I could see someone of Paglia or Sommers-minded being critical, but she wasn't as overtly castigated as I can recall.

    If I actually was feminist I would have never had anything to do with the Dworkins of the world, but it seems they are never denounced that loudly nor marginalized as lunatics as they are.

  25. The question remains, how did people like Dworkin and other hateful feminists gain popularity and that certain high social status to be heard to begin with?

    One answer: feminist supporters.

    This case is worse than any up votes MRAs do in websites towards misogyny

  26. Nick:
    In other words-if someone like Dworkin has stated some stuff that gets her attention from *gasp* the media who use provocative speech to sell their papers/shows, it excuses any nasty commentator on a MRA or the supporters that guy has.

  27. wytch, here's an example of a feminist being critical of Dworkin:

  28. Anything else other than you as a reference? No offensive, but a sole tome is not impressive.

  29. David, you are a typical feminist that always has a double standard against men to help your cause.

    You like to jump up and down about some MRAs upvoting misogynist behaviour. Not all MRAs may do this but you make out that the whole movement is evil when you shout in your little soap box.

    I acknowledge that not all feminists like Dworkin, however it's undeniable that the only way Dworkin and other such misandrist feminist gained such a social status to be heard and listened to from the public was that there were enough feminists supporting her to raise her to that status and be iconic to the movement.

    Cases like this are far worse than just a dozen or 20 MRAs upvoting misogynist behaviour in a underground website.

    Cases like this shows total ridicule and irony against your crap anti-male blog

  30. wytchfinde555: Why don't you google it yourself? You're not going to believe David's research, so perhaps you would be more satisfied doing your own.

  31. "wytchfinde555: Why don't you google it yourself? You're not going to believe David's research, so perhaps you would be more satisfied doing your own."---H&S

    Believe it or not, I think David probably did look into her stance and disagreed with much of her pespective. That's not my main thrust here.

    Incidentally, I find this wholly intriguing, because when I didn't provide links to a topic I mentioned recently (nor did I obligate myself to do it), I was called a cowardly liar by one of the misandrists. Now I'm asked to do my own digging, however.

    Not that would slag you in turn per se, nor do I have problems with looking things up. But the above needs to be said.

    Anyway, my response is that one critical examination of a hatemonger from an individual within a group that gives more support and power to a figure in that group is just not good enough. Dworkin is still revered by many of the pro-feministed minded and mass denounciations have yet to happen.

    Not to mention any clout she possessed didn't just come in a vacuum.

  32. Personally, I think this guy does a good job of taking Dworkin to task:

  33. "Not to mention any clout she possessed didn't just come in a vacuum."

    I think that this is true. A lot of the attention given to Dworkin comes from people who disagree with her, but she has really been made famous by people who hold her up as representative of the evil which is feminism.

    I've read some Dworkin, and reading it is like chipping away at a brick with your teeth, but am more opposed because she is not my "wave." She does not speak for me any more than Elizabeth Cady Stanton or Victoria Woodhull or any of the 19th century feminists.

    I'm sure that the MRM will come to feel the same way about, I don't know, Iron John or whatever works become your canon. Movements move forward in the areas they disagree with themselves.

  34. wytch, I just posted a number of links in another topic that deal with feminism's "sex wars" and feminist critiques of Dworkin/MaKinnon et al. Here are some more:

    (Strossen is a feminist.)

    (the authors of this book are feminists)

    (You might have to read the whole thing to actually understand the Tiger Beatdown post; don't just read the into section and say, oh she likes Dworkin.)

  35. David---thank you for taking your time out to supply the links. I'm burnt out from grappling practice, but over time will check 'em out. Dissent can be healthy done right.

    "I've read some Dworkin, and reading it is like chipping away at a brick with your teeth, but am more opposed because she is not my "wave." She does not speak for me any more than Elizabeth Cady Stanton or Victoria Woodhull or any of the 19th century feminists.

    I'm sure that the MRM will come to feel the same way about, I don't know, Iron John or whatever works become your canon. Movements move forward in the areas they disagree with themselves."H&S

    You make a good point here.

    (I would elaborate but I'm running on two hours of sleep and trained at the gym this evening. Ugh).

    What I say is that the Dworkins of the world have/had too much power and influence when they should have been under psychological care.

  36. "What I say is that the Dworkins of the world have/had too much power and influence when they should have been under psychological care."

    I can think of MANY MRAs/MGTOWs/antifeminists that could use such care; I've even (gasp!) SEEN THEM ON THIS BLOG. Your point is?

    Silence them? Take away freedom of speech?

    Feminists PROTESTED Dworkin; many of us thought she was a nutbar. Dave PROVED THIS. This wasn't good enough for you; it's more convenient/easier to just continue to castigate feminists for allegedly even after we long proved that we *did* speak out against her excesses and her idiocies.

    Also, keep this in mind: there ARE NO FEMINIST POLICE. There ARE NO ideological police out there cruising feminist publications, demonstrations, universities, etc., able to pull over and arrest feminists YOU deem a threat with "too much power and influence."

    Andrea Dworkin had the same civil rights that you, I, Dave, Elizabeth, or anyone else had: the freedom to speak out on her perspective. Deal with this or don't!

  37. CORRECTION: "anyone else **has**." My mistake.


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