Friday, January 7, 2011

Women Are ... Part 6: Herd of Hens Edition

We all agree that ladies are too conformist.
Another installment of our popular "Women Are ..." series, in which I collect examples of manosphere misogynists rudely generalizing about women like there's no tomorrow. I'll let you figure out the theme this time. It's not herd, er, hard.

Women are: A herd of hens

All women constitute one huge herd. They are a uniform group, and their thinking always falls into line. I've actually had women make that "I'm so shocked noise" and then ask, "you don't really think that do you?" Yeah, I do. I have a mind of my own.

They don't search for facts, reality, or truth. They search for consensus and emotional validation. They are cackling hens. Cackle cackle cackle :)

Women are: Herd creatures who won't date you.

Most women in a culture are nearly psychologically identical. So ... if you arent successful with the first 25 women, chances are you wont be successful with any of women within that same subset, cause they are herd creatures and take cues from the environment rather than having any real personalities of their own.

Women are: Bleating, uncritical sheep

Women are like herd animals and desperately desire to belong.

Men on the other hand are critical and won't blindly follow someone if they don't merit our approval. This is the difference in critical, mature thinking, and sheep bleating.

Women are: A herd of orgasmic voters

Women love to vote (group herd orgasm with her sisters). ... In fact, women love any group activity. Men largely want to be left alone to live their lives in freedom. ... That is why men do not really care about government. Men do not need it. So men do [not] vote that much. Women love government so women love to vote.

Women are: A herd of Facebook cunts

The problem is Ameriskank mindsets, they are close minded and stereotype every strange man as a pedophile, creepy, or a loser....

You need INTELLIGENCE & an OPEN MIND to meet & understand NEW people and Ameriskanks have none of the above.

Ameriskanks are the ultimate HERD animal. I can not stand these fucking cunts from Junior High & High School messaging me on Fucking Facebook (all single moms) wanting to start a "friendship" aka "find a sucker to take care of my bastard children".

Women are: Matrimony-minded herd creatures who hate doing chores

Women ARE herd creatures - the mentality of the group is more important than the self realized truth brought by evidence. However woman also demand products to do every chore for them, and ask the government to freely provide money to they can live without working either from government handouts or by getting government to enforce draconian laws that allow women to rip men off with the lie of 'holy matrimony'.

Women are: Hormonal herd creatures unchecked by patriarchy

The problem is, too many women allow their emotions, their hormones, their herd instinct, and the media to run their lives. Again, in past eras, these were all checked by patriarchal institutions, but these have long since disintegrated.

Women are: Herd beasts who don't want anyone to see them naked. 

An ancient king was once faced with a rash of suicides of young women.
He ordered that the body if any woman who killed herself would be displayed naked in the public square.

The suicides stopped.

Shame works better on women than on men because women are herd beasts. Women care more about the opinion of the group than their own thoughts or even their own lives.

You know what's ironic? Groups of like-minded lady-hating men gathering together online to talk endlessly about what herd creatures women are.


  1. I orgasmed when that guy said, "Patriarchal Institutions", having a cigarette now.

    This blog is so funny when you first skim through it and read all the headings, "facebook cunts". Oh god, no. Not that. Do you know how many guys asked me if I would start doing Farmville? Um,no there are a plethora of things to do online that I do not have time for as it is, I cannot fathom FARMING a FAKE FARM as one of them. People are freaks.

  2. Yes. Not like all of these rugged, individual men who have banded together in their myopic echo chamber. These guys are are real freethinkers, I tell ya.

  3. Men largely want to be left alone to live their lives in freedom. This is why men love team sports so much.

    That is why men do not really care about government. Men do not need it. This is why there have never been any laws regarding contraception, divorce, abortion, property rights/inheritance, or voting that favored men in any way. I'm also pretty sure a bunch of women wrote the Constitution, after locking all the men in jails and setting fire to them.

    You need INTELLIGENCE & an OPEN MIND to meet & understand NEW people and Ameriskanks have none of the above. I personally enjoy showing how open-minded I am by stereotyping every American woman as a mindless slut.

    The problem is, too many women allow their emotions, their hormones, their herd instinct, and the media to run their lives. Not like men. The anger that fuels us in our crusade against women is most certainly NOT an emotion, and I'm pretty certain that men have no hormones whatsoever. That's a girl thing.

    Men on the other hand are critical and won't blindly follow someone if they don't merit our approval. This is why no boys ever get bullied in school. We understand that other boys are all independent free-spirits and have no insecurities about posturing for groups or wanting to be a part of social cliques. That's such a girl thing.

    Most women in a culture are nearly psychologically identical. So ... if you arent successful with the first 25 women, chances are you wont be successful with any of women within that same subset, cause they are herd creatures and take cues from the environment rather than having any real personalities of their own. This is the reason I can't get any dates, you see. It's all THEM. It can't be me being a creepy bastard, because obviously it's just that all women are identically disgusting.

  4. I'm noticing this "echo chamber" meme making its rounds with the feminists of late. Do you guys all tune in to the hive mind for your latest arguments or something? Can I subscribe to stay on the bleeding edge of bleeding liberal wit?

  5. Dear Dr. Deezee,

    A commonly used phrase is not a "meme." That term has been used by people in the English-speaking world to describe self-congratulatory closed systems of discussion for as long as I've been alive. It is not a witticism.

    Yours in accuracy,

  6. Dr. Deeze, you must not read a lot of political commentary. The term "echo chamber" was not recently coined, nor was it popularized recently.

  7. David, thanks for all your hard work. Sometimes I read your posts out loud to my husband and we laugh and laugh. "Feral Female Sexuality" (per a prior post) is now a running joke in our household. I realize you were quoting directly from the sources, but it's actually a "brood", a "run", or a "peep" of hens. There's no such thing as a herd of hens. Which I guess just goes to show...

  8. These guys say that because they cannot get laid. They are constantly rejected by women and they conclude that women are like a herd because all women reject them. At the same time, they are surrounded by guys that have no problem attracting women, so they conclude that these guys are alpha males and women are attracted to them like a herd.

  9. "'Feral Female Sexuality' (per a prior post) is now a running joke in our household."

    Hahaha it is in our household as well!

  10. Feral Female Sexuality: Much more entertaining than Domesticated Female Sexuality!

    I think I'll have to claim this one too.

  11. wrt the photo in the OP, check out the guy with the bowtie in the second row from the top. in your face, necktie-wearing conformists!

  12. The second guy from the left in the front row is either wearing a bowtie, no tie, or a white tie. Clearly he's trouble.

  13. What about the guy in black-not light grey, grey or dark grey but black.

    I bet he was the one who got all the ladies.

  14. Jeez, "herd animals" who are closed-minded, look for emotional validation rather than facts, who fall into line, and are psychologically identical is exactly what comes to mind when I think of the conservatives in Congress!

    And which end of the political spectrum are these MRAs most likely to be on?

  15. Dear M,

    A meme is "Richard Dawkins's term for an idea considered as a replicator, especially with the connotation that memes parasitise people into propagating them much as viruses do." Whenever somebody spouts off at the mouth with that sweet five-dollar term they just learned to sound cool, they're meme'in tough. I suppose you could accuse me of the same for dropping the term "meme" but...

    Yours in hypocrisy,

    Dr. Deezee

    Dearest Sandy,

    I realize the invention of the phrase "echo chamber" is neither recent nor particularly witty. Insinuating it was the latter was meant as a "dig," or if you prefer, "insult." I have, however, noticed a recent resurgence in its popularity amongst the femblogs and various parts of the femisphere I troll to remain fair and balanced.

    Yours in obviousness,

    Deezee, Ph.D

  16. Dear Dezee,

    I know you cannot tell us people apart, but I did not make the "witty" comment. Also note I said the phrases popularity is also not recent. The phrase was popularized to describe the media. It was then adopted to describe online communities that exhibit the same effect. It's use to describe online communities is not limited to femblogs.


  17. First couple thousand times I came across the term "echo chamber" was from anti-feminist trolls on feminist blogs.

  18. Deeze, I know what a meme is. The term "echo chamber" is not a meme.

  19. Sandy,

    My deepest apologies.


    Depends on context. Mindless repetition = meme. It's especially ironic to hear it (not in this case, but in others I've encountered) from people who run "echo-chambers" themselves with draconian moderation policies.

  20. No, for the love of god, it is seriously not a meme. No context would make it a meme.

  21. Speaking of love of God, that's a meme. ;]

  22. I think you're wrong.

    It's a neat and convenient term to use to describe a number of different situations. I think many people find themselves trapped within echo chambers, myself included from time to time. But it is really not a "meme". It is used by all sorts of folks for all sorts of reasons. Not only is it trenchant and well defined, but it's exceedingly useful for describing a good number of situations. At any rate, I suppose I should refrain from using well entrenched figures of speech in the future, eh?

  23. "The problem is, too many women allow their emotions, their hormones, their herd instinct, and the media to run their lives. Again, in past eras, these were all checked by patriarchal institutions, but these have long since disintegrated."


  24. John Taylor -

    It could just be coincidence to see a bunch of pro-feminists using the same term at the same time; were that not the case I'd agree it can be useful but to see it used by close to a dozen different individuals in different places on the same day got me "suspicious." Obviously there isn't a hive mind, but sometimes you wonder.

  25. I agree that what David stated is misogyny.

    On the other hand, there is a deafening silence from feminists when women express: it's hard to find a decent man, most men think with their dicks, don't trust most men until proven otherwise. etc etc.

    It is good to have hostility towards misogyny, but feminists don't do a damn thing about misandry. Even that they claim to be a gender equality movement

  26. "On the other hand, there is a deafening silence from feminists when women express: it's hard to find a decent man, most men think with their dicks, don't trust most men until proven otherwise. etc etc."

    Every time people make those generalizations, feminists respond in the negative.

    In fact, those phrases are heard way more often among non-feminist women, because (a) they have been taught and believe that men and women are totally different species and it is their job to bitch about not getting a diamond while it's men's job to withhold the diamond, and (b) they tend to spend a lot more time with non-feminist men, who are enabled by their culture to embody those descriptions.

    It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you live in an anti-feminist world, those things do tend to be true.

    Anti-feminist culture says men naturally do think with their dicks. You can't spend ten minutes on PUA forums, for example, without encountering endless evo-psych "reasoning" being used to support the right of men to interact with women only in service of their dicks, to avoid relationships and responsibilies as much as possible, and to lie in service of those goals.

  27. Jupiter9 is exactly right.

    Also, there's a big difference between a woman expressing her frustration in finding a partner ("it's hard to find a decent man") with guys who devote a significant portions of their lives on message boards devoted to the notion that women (or American women) are so awful they should be avoided if at all possible.

    Guys sometimes express similar frustration with women. A guy who has a date with a flakey woman may later comment to friends "women are crazy." That's really not a big deal either.

    And the thing about not trusting men? Again, this is generally not expressed as a damning generalization about all men, merely a recognition that *some* men are actually dangerous, and it's not always easy to tell which men are, so it makes sense for women to be cautious and aware when dealing with men when, for example, they are alone and it is late at night. Caution is not misandry.

  28. *ROF LMAO*

    Okay. I really LOLed at so many different things in both the original well as the comments.

    It's hard to believe that these men actually exist because you just don't see this kind of mentality in real-life except maybe in shanties in the woods where there's some serious banjo-playing going on. Or Cults, maybe. So you have to wonder where these types of crazies are hiding and hope to never accidentally stumble into one!

    I feel very badly for the majority of normal men out there who must read this stuff by their "fellow man" and blush with embarrassment for the low collective IQ amongst these MRA types.

    It's good that they can cry and rant on the internet together, though. Gives them someone to talk to. Lord knows it's not happening IRL for them.

    *Still ROFLMAO from "facebook cunts"....*

  29. "Women love to vote..." No! Democracy bad! How dare you enjoy participating in it, you harpies!

  30. Christ, what are these "women" things and "men" things? Sure glad I've never met any of them. They sound awful!

  31. "I really LOLed at so many different things in both the original well as the comments."---ladyraine

    Oh boy.

    Here comes the self-described Queen of Everything with her tap dance and manipulative word play (as well as boundless narcissism) herself.

    The stunning thing is that she makes the typical feminist around here seem reasonable and grounded. I guess the Spearhead give her the iron boot so she has to have another playground to lord over and wreck (without taking any accountability for it whatsoever).

  32. Dear Wytchfind555--

    I have no idea who you are or what you're rambling about.

    PS: I take full accountability for that statement.

    Lady Raine


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