Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pay no attention to the man behind the turntables

He's up to his neck in pussy, no doubt.
So the fellows over on NiceGuy's MGTOW forum are discussing why women seem to like DJs -- sorry, "why a womyn so crazy about DJs?" Because that's what Men Going Their Own Way like to do: spend all their time speculating about the details of the dating lives of the women that they totally don't want to have anything to do with.

I can't answer for the, er, womyn, but last year I had a date with a woman who did a bit of DJing, and considering that I'm sort of a music obsessive her DJing seemed maybe just a tiny bit, you know, cool?

But  apparently for the womyn it's all about status. Also, women are apparently extremely stupid. According to the going-his-own-way-dude Iron John:

Womyn are focused always on two things 1) The immediate situation, as they lack foresight and hindsight, 2) Immediate foodchain. So when they find themselves in a night club they are looking for immediate indications of status. What do they see? A single individual who gets to control the music, lights, etc. They don't see the artists that created this stuff ahead of time, the business men who owns the establishment, or the bankers who collect the profits. The see just one man who appears to be running everything. They can't see anything else so to them it does not exist. Since that one man is in control of their immediate environment he MUST be the, "alpha male". And we all know what girls think of him.

Yeah, that must be it. That's why, whenever they get on a bus, women immediately start throwing themselves at the bus driver. He's driving the thing! Obvious Alpha!  Or why when they go to a convenience store, they throw themselves at the clerk. He controls access to the shriveled hot dogs and lottery tickets! Obvious Alpha! Or why, whenever they get into elevators, they throw themselves at the elevator buttons. They control where the elevator goes! Obvious Alpha.

I just wish I understood women as well as these guys.


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  1. and this is why there is a book written by a woman called I don't care about your band. Yeah women are totally obsessed with the men who have fake power mmmhmm

  2. I had no idea DJs were so sought after. I love learning about new stereotypes. I remember the day I learned that black people loved grape flavoring.

  3. @ tanya, WTF???? Where the hell did that idea come from?

  4. Tangent:

    Why are black people sterotyped as loving certain foods that are universally recognizable as delicious? Grape soda, fried chicken, watermelons: all of these things are AMAZING.

    Beyond that, DJs: people like to feel a connection to other people. If you like the music playing, the DJ's the guy who chose to put that music on. There's one thing you have in common off the bat.

  5. According to one of my African-American lit grad school profs, watermelons were easy to grow, large, and nutritious, easy to plant for extra calories when you were enslaved and your asshole owners didn't provide you with enough food to complete your forced labor. If that's true (and I always assumed it was), then you've got an at-one-point reasonable association--black people eating watermelons--which combines with racism and classism (watermelon is cheap and plentiful and THOSE people eat it) to make it a vicious, lasting stereotype.

  6. "...but last year I had a date with a woman who did a bit of DJing..."

    Funny. I totally thought you were gay.

  7. @rebeka:

  8. That picture just gets better and better the more I look at it. I don't even like kitty pictures that much. I'm going to have to go with the mgtow forum member on this one. Man controlling lights = tingles in special places. Of course context matters, so the bus driver analogy fails. That kitty pic though is epic win. And again, need I remind everyone that by "women", these boys mean alpha females. That's who the pity parties are about. It's theirs an they'll cry if they want to.

  9. Tanya said...
    I had no idea DJs were so sought after. I love learning about new stereotypes...

    This thread, copied by David from our Niceguy-Forum using his fake-ID, is not about USA or Europe.

    It was started by our member from Bangkok, who is a native Thai and this is his impression about discos, girls and DJs in Thailand.

    David: whenever they get on a bus, women immediately start throwing themselves at the bus driver. He's driving the thing! Obvious Alpha! Or why when they go to a convenience store, they throw themselves at the clerk. He controls access to the shriveled hot dogs and lottery tickets!

    Typical nonsense a la David!

    It is a big difference between a simple low-paid driver or salesman in USA or an upper-class experienced DJ in Bangkok' disco/nightclubs.

    In Bangkok/Pattaya's nightclubs/discos, girls have the chance for a lucrative introduction to rich men, if they know the DJ, girls like to run after him...not only in Bangkok I think.

  10. Wait, does this mean the misogynists over at Niceguy are now boycotting Thai women too, er, sorry excuse me, in Niceguy terms 'thai-skanks' (as compared to Ameriskanks)? Well, life just got a tiny bit better for Thai women if these a-holes have started boycotting them.

    @Yohan, I swear, you just automatically defend anything posted on an MRA/MGOTW website, no matter how vile. I also love how your pathetic defense contradicts the comment at issue. "In Bangkok/Pattaya's nightclubs/discos, girls have the chance for a lucrative introduction to rich men, if they know the DJ," So women are both too stupid to see the greater 'foodchain' but are also clever manipulators in order to gain higher status in it?

  11. By the way-off topic, but I was amused by this site. It's a slight variation on the PUA, and-well, you'll see it. Love to hear your take on it.

  12. Gee, what happens when a woman goes into a discotheque and it is a woman DJ?

    Of course it could be due to the vibes emanating from the speakers.

  13. @DarkSideCat

    If you really think that ALL Thai women are living in poverty, then you know nothing about this country.

    There are plenty of Thai women who enjoy a lavish life-style and most of them are not related to nightlife, but to politics, industry, sales, property ownership etc.

    You need really to check out and see with your own eyes how rich women in Thailand are spending their money.

    For your information, upper-class nightlife is not for Western customers in Thailand, it exists for serving rich Thai men.

    Only a small part of Thailand's nightlife is for Western men.

    Your comment, general life in Thailand will improve without foreigners is highly questionable, you need only to compare the economic situation in other countries nearby, Myanmar, Cambodia or Bangladesh for example with those of Thailand.

    For sure, Thailand is attracting frequently huge investment for industry and nowadays exports bring more money into Thailand than foreign tourists.

    Foreign tourists and foreign long-term residents are also bringing money into Thailand of course, but only a small part of this foreign money is going into nightlife.

    Most of this foreign income regarding tourism is used for construction, like huge residential condominiums or upper-class hotels, shopping centers and various other tourist-related investments.

    Locals for sure have 10000s of jobs in construction, hotel, restaurants, transport, sales etc. because of these 15+ million foreigners visiting Thailand.

    About Thai women and your question if Thai women are better or worse than Western women...

    I think they are about the same.
    Why should they be better or worse?

  14. Elizabeth said...
    Gee, what happens when a woman goes into a discotheque and it is a woman DJ?

    I don't know, you have to ask your lesbian sisters for advice. That's truly a question for feminists and not for MRAs.

  15. Well to answer why they should be better or worse, cultural and economic circumstances always play a part. And, the segment involved in nightlife that caters to sex tourism, if it's like anywhere else in the world, that's the poor segment of the population.

    When you say "I think they are about the same." I could see someone saying that, especially with opportunities in America declining.
    But overall Thailand is a much poorer country than western countries, or Asian ones further north.

    I find foreign women I funny little microcosm of the white knight concept. I hate when people of any persuasion men women, whoever, look down on foreign women. Theoretically, I have no problems with men wanting foreign wives. Mra men and their nonsense has got me a little worried, but really, I love the people here in the Philippines. I would love my son to marry a woman from here. I prefer it actually. I think that most of the women here are WAY to good for these MRA types. Blech.

  16. DJ Adam aka Adam Goldstein has dated Nicole Ritchie, Mandy Moore, Jessica Stam, Paris Hilton, and Hayley Wood before he died according to

    I'm sure his position as a DJ had nothing to do with it.

    In fact even though I've seen DJ's and bartenders get hit on relentlessly, I'm sure those were merely aberrations that had nothing to do with their percevied status.

    Random Brother

  17. So Paris Hilton was after DJ Adam's money?

  18. @ David

    There's lots of kinds of status, David.

    Maybe he *sniff* had some *sniff* connections *sniff* to some guys with some stuff *sniff*
    as those sort of guys *sniff* tend to.

    Random Brother

  19. Yes, of course. Because however would rich and famous ladies obtain illegal drugs on their own?

  20. @ Shannon

    DJ Adam also died of a drug overdose.

    According to wikipedia "Goldstein was found dead at his New York City apartment at 5:22 p.m. EDT on Friday, August 28, 2009, from an apparent drug overdose after friends, unable to reach Goldstein for a few days became concerned and called police.[45][46] Drug paraphernalia, including a crack pipe and a bag of crack cocaine, were found in the apartment, but no signs of foul play.[47][48] Reports indicate that Goldstein was found with nine OxyContin pills in his body.[49]

    On September 29, 2009, the New York medical examiner determined that Goldstein's death was an accident caused by an "acute intoxication" from a combination of cocaine and prescription drugs. He died from a combination of Cocaine, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Lorazepam, Clonazepam, Alprazolam, Diphenhydramine and Levamisole (a drug used to cut cocaine).[53]"

    Random Brother

  21. Nowadays, practically everyone has done a bit of DJing here or there.

  22. Because of course, Iron John, no women ever fuck musicians, nightclub owners or bankers. Musicians in particular cry constantly about their lack of, as a hypothetical example, groupies.

  23. booboonation said...
    ..... But overall Thailand is a much poorer country than western countries, or Asian ones further north.

    Not really - According to the world bank, huge China (and Mongolia also) has a lower income per capita than Thailand (= rank 115 out of 213 countries).

    Not to mention the deep poverty of NorthKorea and some Central Asian countries (former USSR).

    Thailand's citizens have a considerable higher income than people from Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia...of course better off than in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Nepal etc. ....

    About Western countries, not all are rich and even below Thailand, for example Ukraine is lower, and remarkable low income you will notice in some Western orientated peaceful countries like Paraguay or Morocco.

    Thailand is not that poor as you might think. You cannot compare the Thai living standard with impoverished Philippines.

    Theoretically, I have no problems with men wanting foreign wives. Mra men and their nonsense has got me a little worried ...

    Here in Japan there are considerably more foreign wives with Japanese husbands than foreign men with Japanese wives.
    It's about 2:1 according to the last census.

    'MRAs and their nonsense' points mainly to Western (white) men from USA/UK, rarely to men living in Continental Europe and never to Asian men. Why is it so? Because of feminism?

    But we are not so many Western men living here in Asia, compared to its huge population.

    Why should I not live with an Asian wife despite I am a Western man? I am living over 35+ years in Asia, mostly in Japan.

  24. Oh my... that submissive women secrets website is hysterical. It's so over the top, I'm guessing it was written by a submissive woman with the idea of scamming idiots. Just the premise... that a man can be *trained* to be dominant. I'm not sure which angle of this is funniest. Probably the fact that the advice being sold was most likely written on Opposite Day.

  25. belledame222 said...
    By the way-off topic, but I was amused by this site. It's a slight variation on the PUA, and-well, you'll see it. Love to hear your take on it.

    This is your feminist blog, right?
    let them eat pro-sm feminist safe spaces

    You consider yourself as a radical feminist according to the text of your blog?

    Very interesting, and this is also your blog about SM?

    I am sure, David like that...

  26. Sophia X said...
    Oh my... that submissive women secrets website is hysterical. It's so over the top, I'm guessing it was written by a submissive woman with the idea of scamming idiots...

    I think so too, the usual spammer with links to sex-blogs, nothing unusual on the internet.

  27. "Well, life just got a tiny bit better for Thai women if these a-holes have started boycotting them." I think you misunderestood this comment. I think life gets a tiny bit better for any women that those at the Niceguy forums start boycotting. It was not meant to be a reference to the general quality or lack therefore of any specific woman or country of women. Also, for someone who spent an entire comment whinging about how the comment was made by a thai man, your assumption that I was discussing only American or Western European men is extra ridiculous.

  28. Yohan ignores that the fact that there are more "foreign wives with Japanese husbands" in Japan is because Japanese men too find that their own women are too "feminist" (lolz) and seek out those they perceive to be more grateful and submissive. So you have Eastern European women, women from Thailand or the Philippines or China, and guess what? They have little legal recourse if their husbands abuse them or divorce them.

    *BOOT* Git back to China! You want to see your children? Ha ha ha. Sucker.

    Which isn't to say western women (what few there are) married to Japanese men have much sway either. Rates of abuse in Japan are extremely high, and most of it goes unreported due to the way the culture is structured. Being British won't protect you from that, although it makes it more likely that someone will kick up a fuss if you're found dead.

    As an anecdote, I had a friend who had a Japanese boyfriend. He would abuse her in public. No one would do a damn thing to help her, and he treated her like slime until she finally broke it off. She was American, but with her mixed heritage she looked Filipina. A Japanese man abusing an "Asian" woman on the street? Meh. Who cares?

  29. Yes, those are my blogs. Well, they're all pretty moribund at the moment, but yeah. What's your point?

    No, I'm not a radical feminist. I mean, by anyone's definition other than an MRA's, which basically has anyone to the left of Camille Paglia as a "radical feminist." The actual radical feminists think I'm a patriarchy-blowing traitor, at least last I was bothering to talk to them much. I'm basically in it for the lulz at this point. On which note: keep talkin'.

  30. I should say: SM feminists is a group blog and I never had all that much input; it's not "mine." But yes, I was amused at the submissive women site because like pretty much anyone who has even a passing acquaintance with BDSM (or for that matter, Earth), this is...not how it work. Not even a little bit.

    "You missed the funny part."

  31. @chocomintlipwax
    So you have Eastern European women, women from Thailand or the Philippines or China, and guess what?

    There are about 2 million foreigners in Japan.
    I cannot give you a breakup in gender, but the number of Eastern European men+women in Japan is very small, nowhere listed and is therefore only among 'others' of the last census.

    The number of Thai people in Japan is small, totally considered to be about 43000.
    Many of them have working contracts for construction and are men and not women.

    A big community are the Koreans, (not mentioned by you), about 25+ percent of all foreigners, about 600000 from NorthKorea and SouthKorea.

    Another large group are the SouthAmericans, from Brazil/Peru, and usually 3rd or 4th generation of former Japanese nationals.

    Next are the Filipinos, about 10 percent of all foreigners.

    China is the big neighbour next to Japan and of course the foreign community here is the largest of all, 30+ percent of foreigners in Japan are Chinese, this includes people from Taiwan and HongKong.

    If you think that all these Chinese people (and other foreigners) living here are poor and female mail-order-brides or prostitutes, then you are totally wrong and do not know anything about the real life in Japan.

    About marriage between Japanese men and foreign females - it usually takes place between rural people, as Japanese young women move away into the big cities and there are many more Japanese men in the remote farming and fishing areas living than women. What shall these men do? Their choice is either to live as a single or to look for a foreign wife.

    On the other side, in all major Japanese cities there are more women than men.

    About the crime rate in Japan, it is about 1:20 compared to the USA. Your idea that crimes are not reported because this is Japan and not USA is bare nonsense.

    About violence of Japanese men and Japanese women, investigations of the Ministry of Welfare in Japan show a figure of about 2:1 - which means Japanese women are also violent, but not like in USA or UK, where women and men are equally violent, or even more violent than men.

  32. DarkSideCat: ... your assumption that I was discussing only American or Western European men is extra ridiculous.

    But when reading your comments and those of other feminists, I read only about American/Western European men...

    However these men are only a tiny part of the entire nightlife in Thailand.

    I read about poor Filipinas, mistreated by their foreign husband, but I read nothing about poor Filipinas or Indonesian maids, mistreated by their female employers. Special silence of course about a certain religion...

    Feminism was never free of racist tendency, as it benefits only certain group of (mostly white) females, who are anyway financially far away from being poor.

    Feminism is biased regarding crimes - crimes by women (preferable white) are ignored or even excused even in case the victim is a woman of color or Asian etc., while all men, also those without criminal record, are seen as wife-beaters, rapists, pedophiles or otherwise criminals.

  33. belledame222 said...
    Yes, those are my blogs. Well, they're all pretty moribund at the moment, but yeah. What's your point?

    Well, I was just thinking, maybe David needs urgently a spanking...

  34. @ Yohan

    Has David recovered from the one Paul Elam gave him yet?

    Random Brother

  35. while all men, also those without criminal record, are seen as wife-beaters, rapists, pedophiles or otherwise criminals.

    Don't be silly, speaking for my feminist self I look at all men, criminal records or not, as potential tenders of the grill and pickle jar openers. Suffer the matriarchy!!!!

  36. Classical DJ's are hot. They control all the Beethoven. I will put out for that velvet-voiced bad boy who plays me some Violin Concerto in D Major, without batting an eye. And when he puts on Schubert's Trout Quintet, winking at me mischievously over his shoulder, I will, of course, go right on to the kitchen to prepare, well, trout. Because men with classical music CD's have that much power over me.


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