Saturday, December 4, 2010

Not-So-Beautiful Losers

Guys, they're hiring!
I'm beginning to suspect that the Happy Bachelors who populate the Happy Bachelors Forum are not quite as happy as they let on. Why is this? Well, when anyone suggests that their single status might in any way be undesirable, they don't brush the comment off like most of us reasonably well-adjusted unmarried guys do. No, they get mad. Really mad. And they start talking about "femhags," "fem-nags," bitches and hoes (not the garden implement).

Here's the thread in question. "analyzing" starts off the festivities by pointing to an email from a lovelorn 42-year old lass to an online relationship advice column:

Maybe I shouldn't have waited [to get married], because it seems like every unmarried guy in the age range I'm looking for (40 to about 50) is a loser of one sort or another. If the guy has never been married, he's either got commitment issues, or he's lacking in social skills, or he drinks too much or has some other unattractive qualities. If he's divorced, he's either angry at women or so desperate to find a new one that he wants to hook up before he even knows you.

This comment is like a red flag to the Happy Bachelor bulls, who release a torrent of abuse that inadvertently reinforces every negative stereotype in the woman's email. After a few comments lauding the superiority of young Thai and Filipina women over fortysomething American gals, spocksdisciple gets the woman-hating orgy underway. (I've bolded some of the best -- as in worst -- bits in his comment and some of the others.)

Women like this lack an essential quality to even begin to comprehend why they are such total failures in their relationships.

That essential quality is that of introspection and reflection, instead of asking what bad choices she's made and her role in making these choices, she goes on the typical female tirade about how it's the fault of all the men around her. ...

I see lots and lots of cats in her future and nothing else, I will enjoy the upcoming decades as more and more of these useless bitches end up alone and going stir crazy. I'm betting that many of them will end up abusing drugs or alcohol to make their pain bearable. I will laugh at them because even then they will not look inwards to see if they were in part responsible for ending up alone.

Marcus Aurelius commends what he sees as an excellent analysis, and adds his own thoughts:

[W]omen are not capable of introspection, its always someone else's fault. They don't realize that their being cum dumpsters, going for Alphas, and their hypergamy destroys their chance at landing a mangina. They don't have a beta male mangina...because...they overlooked them...and still are. I think you are right, these aging women that are alone will be screwed up mentally. ...

Women just don't know what to do with themselves. ... Coming home to a quiet and empty home for like descending into hell because they don't know what to do once they get there. Men get hobbies. For them Its get drunk, or watch So You Think You Can Dance or the Bachelor...hahaha.....nothing goes on inside those heads of theirs.

I'm assuming he's not the real Marcus Aurelius -- I'm pretty sure the original Marcus Aurelius never used the term "cum dumpster."

Others contribute their own insights about women. In the process, Curiepoint explains why he never became a firefighter:

I find it an honor to be so offensive to the likes of women. After a lifetime of looking after everyone else, bowing and scraping for a meagre paycheck, and kissing the ass of a woman who voraciously consumed everything I had (two of them, actually) I am more than proud to stand in defiance of any woman's shitty personality.

I wouldn't piss on a woman if she were on fire. Chances are, that would amount to one huge, spitting grease fire, given how "hot" women are comprised mostly of blubber and cheap rayon clothing. ...

Women aren't worth the effort to work up enough spit to hurl at them. And, any man who would actually cave in to her demands deserves to burn right along side them. They are not men. Both barely qualify as being vaguely humanoid.

Lavastorm suggests that perhaps being a winner isn't what it's cracked up to be, based on the following (apparently typical) scenario:

So a "winner" is a "man" who follows society's pre-programmed path to self-destruction (gets married, becomes the wife's tool to keep up with the neighbors, works in a soul-destroying job, is destroyed by wife when she gets "bored," gets blamed for "destroying the marriage," is thrown to the gauntlet of dread judges, retarded pit bulls, and menopausing succubi who commence sucking his blood.

In case you're wondering: No, he never closes the parenthesis. He's Going His Own Way, grammatically.


  1. The Happy Bachelors site is the People of Wal-Mart site for the MRA community. That's the place where I found advice amongst bachelors to stop showering, toothbrushing, and start dressing like a homeless man so marriage-hungry women will leave you alone.

  2. All of those are very good tips!

  3. I'm so glad I paid attention during that fire prevention safety training video.
    STOP DROP and ROLL!!

  4. But is anything that lavastorm said in his post untrue?

    Random Brother

  5. Bishop: every word is TRUE. We are wimmen; we are evil. And we do want to steal your "resources!" Don't think you can pick up a nice thirteen-year-old bride in Thailand either; we are going to corrupt those sweet children - it's the next wave of feminism.

    But you can keep us away: stop brushing your teeth, stop washing yourself, and stop changing your clothes. That should do it.

  6. Shhh, Katz, you're giving away our secrets.

  7. "Well, when anyone suggests that their single status might in any way be undesirable, they don't brush the comment off like most of us reasonably well-adjusted unmarried guys do." This is so true. It really isn't that hard to opt out of relationships. You just say 'no' if folks who ask you out and never ask anyone out. I have an asexual friend who tells me this strategy works wonders.

  8. @ Katz

    KATZ SAID: "Bishop: every word is TRUE. We are wimmen; we are evil. And we do want to steal your "resources!" "

    If women didn't want to steal men's resources they'd never take any alimony now would they? So in fact you know that women do steal resources but try to cover it up with sarcasm and snark. Women also file 75 - 80% of all divorces, usually IMHO, after they've got the next provider lined up. As is the norm feminuts distort everything and then enlist the echo chamber.

    KATZ SAID: "Don't think you can pick up a nice thirteen-year-old bride in Thailand either; we are going to corrupt those sweet children - it's the next wave of feminism."

    Great more obese man hating societal leeches, you go girlfriend.

    KATZ SAID: "But you can keep us away: stop brushing your teeth, stop washing yourself, and stop changing your clothes. That should do it."

    Sort of like you femincows not shaving your legs or underarms and cutting off all your hair? Aren't feminists by nature ugly enough without trying at it?

    Random Brother

  9. While I do love blankly staring at a wall when I'm by myself, it's just not true that I don't have hobbies.

    I work very hard at my all-consuming passion of DESTROYING MEN'S LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!111one!eleventy

    Also getting fat, which is part of destroying men's lives. Oh, and Plants VS. Zombies.

  10. lol - "This comment is like a red flag to the Happy Bachelor bulls, who release a torrent of abuse that inadvertently reinforces every negative stereotype in the woman's email." Yup, nothing proves how "happy" you are as proving you're actually miserable, hateful, and deranged! Proves the "happiness" even more when the email wasn't even directed at them...

    Seriously, lou-zehers. And by the way, being an alcoholic isn't a hobby... it's a way of self-medicating more serious conditions like clinical depression, bi-polar, anxiety, etc...yup, these guys are seriously oooozing "happiness"....

  11. How do I steal resources from thee? Let me count the ways...
    I steal resources from thee from my first breath of life, in being a dependent child.
    I steal resources from thee when employed in the public sphere, in that I have stolen a job that rightfully belongs to a man.
    I steal resources from thee when NOT employed in the public sphere, when I am a dependent housewife (ooops, I mean "parasite") and, perhaps, a mother.
    I steal resources from thee when we separate, in that if I am granted primary custody, I am also granted to receive child support and sometimes alimony as well (seeing that I chose NOT to steal a man's job away from him).
    I steal resources from thee when I am a single mother who chooses to stay home with my child(ren) rather than "pawning them off" to relatives or a daycare facility so that I can work at a job, or two or more, that I stole from a man or men.

    What a cruel joke it was for women to have been created, as we exist only to steal the resources that were divvied up equally amongst all men in the beginning.

    I think that WOMEN, by nature, are ugly enough in that it was nature itself that endowed many of us with hair on our legs, arms, underarms and, **GASP!!**, pubic area. How DARE we not spend some of our time and our stolen resources to have some of this offensive hair removed! Oh god, NO!, we spend some of our time and our stolen resources cutting off the NON-offensive hair!! We can't even get THAT right!!

  12. Bishop: you forgot one of the other major MRA themes. Cuckolding. 70% of all babies actually are fathered by another man, not the actual husband. Not positive about that 70% figure, but hell, nether are you manboobz. I used the MRA methodology; pull any high figure out of your ass and make a claim.

  13. @Pam - sad reality of the typical MRA (double) standard...

    Also, gotta love that not bathing and brushing teeth in men = not shaving in women to Bishop. Shaving the underarms isn't even practiced worldwide. Um, someone needs to go back to gym class and relearn the part about basic hygiene...

  14. @Tec - Oh, I know!! And the sad reality of the privileges that ensure that they remain blind to their own hypocrisy. MRAs who spout off about how feminist ideology is centered around the extermination of all men are quite happily oblivious to how their ideology actually rails against the very existence of women (or, rather, the existence of women as sentient beings).

    AND, gotta love these "Happy Bachelors" who might be better off renaming themselves as MGTOW-BOAW (Men Going Their Own Way-By Obsessing About Women)

  15. @ PAM

    PAM PUKED: "How do I steal resources from thee? Let me count the ways...
    I steal resources from thee from my first breath of life, in being a dependent child."

    Did I say this? No, but don't let facts stop you.

    PAM SAID: "I steal resources from thee when employed in the public sphere, in that I have stolen a job that rightfully belongs to a man.
    I steal resources from thee when NOT employed in the public sphere, when I am a dependent housewife (ooops, I mean "parasite") and, perhaps, a mother."

    Nor did I say this, seriously, can you read?

    "I steal resources from thee when we separate, in that if I am granted primary custody,"

    If? If? Who the hell are you trying to fool? You mean when you are arbitrarily granted custoday.

    MORE PAM SNOT: "I am also granted to receive child support and sometimes alimony as well (seeing that I chose NOT to steal a man's job away from him)."

    Oh! So by taking alimony you're actually helping men! You're doing us a favor! Wow! I had it all wrong! It's like you're a superhero! Lazy Lying Resource Stealing Parasite Woman! They should do a tv show about you where you sit around your home lounging on the couch collecting alimony and child support and defending our nation by watching Oprah and the View! You keep us safe from doom by ensuring that your butt stays on the couch keeping it from attacking the president, you are amazing, thank you! Thank you for your sacrifice of TAKING SOMEONE ELSE'S MONEY. You're a find example of humanity. No really, you really are one of a kind, thank you.

    MORE GARBAGE: "I steal resources from thee when I am a single mother who chooses to stay home with my child(ren) rather than "pawning them off" to relatives or a daycare facility so that I can work at a job, or two or more, that I stole from a man or men."

    Get new material. This is not what I said and is beyond lame.

    PAM AGAIN: "What a cruel joke it was for women to have been created, as we exist only to steal the resources that were divvied up equally amongst all men in the beginning."

    And that's the problem you greedy immoral person. Resources have to be developed. They are not gift baskets sitting on a lawn that the evil men all took and wouldn't give to you. You deserve nothing in this world except what you can earn. Not what you can steal from someone productive. Still I'm not surprised that a feminist cannot understand this.

    "I think that WOMEN, by nature, are ugly enough in that it was nature itself that endowed many of us with hair on our legs, arms, underarms and, **GASP!!**, pubic area."

    So then, you keeping your wisdom teeth too, right? How about all the diseases of nature you just gonna keep them cause they're natural, right?

    PAM: How DARE we not spend some of our time and our stolen resources to have some of this offensive hair removed! Oh god, NO!, we spend some of our time and our stolen resources cutting off the NON-offensive hair!! We can't even get THAT right!!"

    If you want to look like a linebacker for the New York Jets fine by me.

    Random Brother

  16. @ KATZ

    KATZ SAID: "Bishop: you forgot one of the other major MRA themes. Cuckolding. 70% of all babies actually are fathered by another man, not the actual husband. Not positive about that 70% figure, but hell, nether are you manboobz. I used the MRA methodology; pull any high figure out of your ass and make a claim."

    If modern day "liberated" women could keep their legs closed for more than ten seconds at a time there wouldn't be this problem. But hey, then they wouldn't be liberated to spread STD'S across the world now would they? Girl power!

    Random Brother

  17. @ LUNATEC

    LUNATEC SAID: "Also, gotta love that not bathing and brushing teeth in men = not shaving in women to Bishop. Shaving the underarms isn't even practiced worldwide. Um, someone needs to go back to gym class and relearn the part about basic hygiene..."

    I'm sure in those starving far off African countries they're brusing their teeth every day. Dim dumb woman.

    Random Brother

  18. Should read "brushing their teeth every day.'

    Random Brother

  19. Bishop's comments illustrate perfectly why one can only respond with snark and sarcasm; there is no reasoning or intelligent discourse to be had with a manboob.

    But you keep going your own way, o brave soldier; push aside the Meagan Fox look-alikes reaching for you with their clutchy hands!

  20. @ KATZ

    All you ever post is snark you mindless cow. You haven't once attempted a cogent argument. That's good because it is clearly beyond your ability.

    BTW: When you get your cats please consider a shelter as many worthwhile animals need adoption.

    Random Brother

  21. How egocentric of you, bishopsinister, to think that I did my Elizabeth Barrett Browning revision in honour of you alone.

    "Bishop's comments illustrate perfectly why one can only respond with snark and sarcasm; there is no reasoning or intelligent discourse to be had with a manboob."
    Reminds me of one of my favourite movie lines, from the movie Se7en, "It's impressive to see a man feeding off his emotions"

  22. "You deserve nothing in this world except what you can earn. Not what you can steal from someone productive. Still I'm not surprised that a feminist cannot understand this."

    ROTFLMAO!!! You have GOT to be KIDDING me!! The entire history of much of this world revolves around stealing from others in order to "earn" what one "deserves"!! War, colonizing, slavery, Indian Treaties and Reservations, and on and on. Still, I'm not suprised that an MRA cannot understand this.

  23. @ Pam

    So what you're saying is in the past other people stole so now it's womyn's turn? I guess two wrongs don't make a right never occur to feminists.

    BTW YOU you pampered western princess are one of the recipients of that theft. Unless you're non white you don't have a damn thing to complain about.

    Also, your pampered western ass is the direct recipient of feminuts hijacking the civil rights movement as well.

    Another appeal to history for evil behavior in the present.

    Random Brother

  24. "So what you're saying is in the past other people stole so now it's womyn's turn?"

    What a narrow, simplistic rewording. And do you believe that it's all in the past? Do you believe that human trafficking and slavery no longer exist? Do you not see Imperialist America for what it truly is?

    "BTW YOU you pampered western princess are one of the recipients of that theft. Unless you're non white you don't have a damn thing to complain about."

    Sure we are, just as you privilege princes are one of the recipients of that theft.
    Well, I'm not considered white, some refer to me as yellow, so I guess I DO have damn things to complain about.

    "Also, your pampered western ass is the direct recipient of feminuts hijacking the civil rights movement as well"

    Actually, my pampered western ass is the direct recipient of the impetus behind consumerism, targeted primarily at women to lure them back into the private, domestic sphere in the affluent times post-WWII. And this push for consumerism was dreamed up by mostly... **GASP!!**... MEN!

  25. @Bishop - wtf do African women not brushing their teeth have to do with basic hygiene? Are you saying you're going your own way against the dentist too?

    @Pam - lol, it's hilarious reading the absolute hypocrisy of Male Privilege Apologists like Bishop. Completely oblivious to their own blatant double standards. How can I "work" for resources when those resources really belong to the poor manz whom I "stole" the job from???

    Also, gotta love how he thinks of housewife = Peg Bundy from Married with Children.

  26. @ PAM

    PAM SAID: "What a narrow, simplistic rewording."

    It's not a simplistic rewording, cow. It is boiling your statement down to the essence and that essence is either you believe that theft today is okay because of past theft or not. That simple. If you are too much of a coward to take a stand fine, but it would be great if you put your big girl panties on and try to answer it, okay skirt?

    PAM: "And do you believe that it's all in the past? Do you believe that human trafficking and slavery no longer exist? Do you not see Imperialist America for what it truly is?"

    Understand something. America has done some of the most fucked up things in history. But that does NOT mean that firstly other countries are more moral and secondly the answer is punishing men today who are NOT involved in human trafficking and the like. If you punish these men do you think they are going to be more or less likely to not give a shit about human trafficking?

    After men get screwed in divorce court and feminists tell them too bad because years ago men treated women poorly, you think they're gonna rush and become pro feminist? You say too bad Mr. "Loser" gets screwed in court, Mr. "Loser" isn't gonna give 2 shits about you or the government that enforces laws they think are unfair. How is that good for this country?

    Seriously, more than any other question I'm asking you, cow, this one I'd really lke answered. How is a large number of men feeling they've been screwed good for America?

    America needs to work towards a true meritocracy. It can't do that if people keep pulling out historical arguments that are used for continued unfairness. It will not work.

    PAM: "Well, I'm not considered white, some refer to me as yellow, so I guess I DO have damn things to complain about."

    What does this mean? Are you white, asian, multiracial, what? What is this vague bullshit?

    PAM: "Actually, my pampered western ass is the direct recipient of the impetus behind consumerism, targeted primarily at women to lure them back into the private, domestic sphere in the affluent times post-WWII. And this push for consumerism was dreamed up by mostly... **GASP!!**... MEN!"

    So. . .men made consumerism so it's okay to steal from men. . .what? You know you can be a consumer with money that you actually earn yourself! A novel concept for you feminists but try it you might not be as lazy as you think! (But I doubt it).

    Random Brother

  27. @ TEC

    Jesus Haploid Christ you're a stupid skirt.

    TEC SAID: "wtf do African women not brushing their teeth have to do with basic hygiene?"

    Are you fucking joking?

    Random Brother

  28. @Tec - yeah, no shit, huh? Has absolutely NO CLUE that the reason that MEN pushed for women to get out of the public sphere (i.e., stop earning at wage-paying jobs) and, instead, start consuming more from the domain of the private sphere was to give men (back, as the men see it) the wage-earning jobs that women were already performing in the public sphere, and also to ensure that there would be MORE jobs for MEN (and, more importantly, MORE PROFITS for the companies producing consumer goods). Yep, it's perfectly okay for a woman to be a consumer, so long as she's paying for her consumer goods out of the earnings she received at the job that she stole from a man.

    But what's REALLY hilarious is when he dips into his secret stash of condescension and shaming language....that's when you know his blood pressure must be ABSOLUTELY SOARING!! Hope he doesn't bend over to tie his shoes, else his head might blow up!!

  29. Going his own way against the dentist - That cracked me up! Thanks, Tec.

  30. @Pam - Quit it with your snark and conspiracy theories. If you've got some facts, we'll be glad to hear them. Otherwise, your feelings, emotions, and half-baked crackpot theories can take the back shelf. You sure don't care about our feelings and emotions about our quantifiable oppression (provider role, increased incarceration rates, earlier death) so we sure don't care about your hallucinations.

    If it can't be seen and recorded, don't bring it up. Nobody cares.

  31. @ Pam


    "@Tec - yeah, no shit, huh? Has absolutely NO CLUE that the reason that MEN pushed for women to get out of the public sphere (i.e., stop earning at wage-paying jobs) and, instead, start consuming more from the domain of the private sphere was to give men (back, as the men see it) the wage-earning jobs that women were already performing in the public sphere, and also to ensure that there would be MORE jobs for MEN (and, more importantly, MORE PROFITS for the companies producing consumer goods). Yep, it's perfectly okay for a woman to be a consumer, so long as she's paying for her consumer goods out of the earnings she received at the job that she stole from a man."

    Prove this. Oh wait, you can't it's a patriarichal conspiracy!!!! But you moo cows know the truth! That along with the truth about the hidden city of Atlantis, the Amazons, Elvis being alive and Bigfoot. You used your female intuition!

    As for condescension, remember skirt, it was Katz who started busting my chops on this thread because, apparently, I asked a question she didn't like, then the rest of the vagina herd joined in, not the other way around, got it penis warmer?

    Also, you're right, hearing you cows emote all over the place and call it logic could make someones head explode.

    Now go cry to David to come save you.

    Random Brother

  32. OMFG, there's a PLETHORA of information about post-WWII America, women's roles during the war and after the war, etc. Are the two of you willfully ignorant or just plain ignorant?

    LOL!! Why on earth would I go cry to David to come save me? I'm quite capable of defending myself, seeing as I'm not the one who's emoting all over the place and calling it logic, that's what MRA forums are for.

  33. @ PAM


    Futher, your belief is that men born in the 60's, 70,s, 80's, 90's and so on owe you alimony because of things that occurred in WW2?

    Another entitlement princess oozing delusion.

    And you cows talk about privilidge.

    Random Brother.

  34. Seems to me most women would relish coming home to a quiet and empty house... no screaming kids, no other-people dishes and laundry. Sounds like paradise.

    As for those guys not washing or brushing their teeth, and dressing like they're homeless, well, that's just redundant.

  35. "PROVE IT."

    As I said, there's an abundance of material available on the topic. Do your own research and reading.

    "Futher, your belief is that men born in the 60's, 70,s, 80's, 90's and so on owe you alimony because of things that occurred in WW2?"

    Yeeeaaaaahhhh. Wouldn't hurt for you to work on your reading comprehension skills, also.

  36. @thedelphiad - What's your opinion on spinsters who put on 50 pounds and live alone and miserable? Typical feminist, can't see past that pathetic series of handouts she calls a life.

  37. ... after a few comments lauding the superiority of young Thai and Filipina women over fortysomething American gals...

    What feminists do not want to understand is that Western men also have a choice.

    Men might accept what feminists are telling them, but they have still the right to say NO. Western men might remain single, they might look for a wife somewhere else...

    Western men have also the right to travel and to relocate. A step forward which I recommend.

    ... those guys not washing or brushing their teeth, and dressing like they're homeless...

    For sure such low-life men novadays have better chances with Western women than ordinary single young men, who are working full day, do not have a criminal record, keep their body clean and try to avoid spending money for nonsense like bars or porno.

    Most Western women are looking for men however, who are rich or otherwise exciting, or at least 'not boring', this includes thugs.

    A Western man who is working regularly and keeps himself and his little room clean and tries to save up some money has not much chance to find even a girlfriend for 30 minutes.

    I do not believe in superiority of Thai or Filipina women however and I do not recommend to bring them into USA/UK and other Western countries for various reasons.

    If you are able to relocate in those countries however you will find people's behavior generally better than in Western countries. Less materialistic, less demanding ...

    Countries like Thailand and the Philippines are very communicative - People are friendly and not mistrusting to each other - free of feminism, simply said.

  38. @Bishop

    It's privilege. You're illiterate.

  39. @ TEC

    So you concede you have no logical argument and have stooped to criticizing my spelling? God you're a pathetic cow.

    Random Brother

  40. @ Pam

    In other words you can't prove it and are just shuffling about to save face. You and lunatec love to dance around the truth of your sickening beliefs.

    Random Brother

  41. Yohan, I had no idea that American women went for dudes who don't brush their teeth! Time to throw out my toothbrush and see how many hotties I can lure back to my (messy) apartment with my hot halitosis!

    (Seriously, where exactly do you get your information about the dating habits of American women? It sounds almost as if you live in a different country and get all your information on the subject from MGTOW message boards and your own imagination.)

  42. @David:

    We live in America.

    It is a fact that there are a lot of women who "go" for sociopathic thugs. And some of them (the thugs) do not practice good hygiene.

    This can be seen in play: Serial Killers getting flooded with love letters - Ted Bundy actually fathered a child while on death row.

    There are many examples - however, instead of listing them, I suggest you do the research yourself.

    Ted Bundy did not have to make an effort to attract women - being a psychotic killer of even women was enough - the babes came to him.

    Most of us (like you and I), have to brush, groom, make an impression etc...

    The killers and other thugs - they do not have to make an effort - all they have to do is be psychotic.

    You are in deep denial aren't you?

  43. Yes, some women are attracted to serial killers. They make up a tiny portion of women. The fact that you can point to some women who like psychopaths does not mean that most women like psychopaths and thugs.

    Let's switch this up: some small percentage of men like women to poop on them. We cannot conclude from this that most men like women to poop on them, or even that they like it when women fart near them.

  44. I read a story about Casey Anthony getting tons of marriage proposals from men. By MRA logic, that means that most men like sociopathic baby killers.

  45. @bishopsinister

    No, in other words I'm not about to waste my time reinventing the wheel. The information is readily available, do your own research if you're truly interested.

  46. David Futrelle said...
    Yohan, .....
    Seriously, where exactly do you get your information live in a different country and get all your information on the subject from MGTOW message boards and your own imagination

    A part of my information is out of my personal experience - how I was treated by women as a child, as a student, as a young employee.

    Another part of my information is out of my observation and comparing it with the news...
    And all fits together...

    When reading your comments, David, I sometimes think, you are living in a cave as a hermit.
    You have no idea about the daily life in feminist countries, where girls 11 year old are getting contraceptives and abortion free of charge and there is no right for parents even to be informed what is going on.

    And this is about how men are treating in USA...

  47. @David "Seriously, where exactly do you get your information about the dating habits of American women? It sounds almost as if you live in a different country and get all your information on the subject from MGTOW message boards and your own imagination." Bingo. Hit that nail right on the head. Yohan has said before that he is not American, if I remember right, he is Scandanavian and lives in Japan. Yet, somehow, he has absorbed great deals of experience about American women from halfway around the world. He's just skilled like that. Also amusing: his sole source regarding the US is from a UK site.

    "where girls 11 year old are getting contraceptives and abortion free of charge and there is no right for parents even to be informed what is going on." Free of charge? Has this man ever seen the US health care system? We ain't getting shit free of charge. Abortion isn't covered by medicaid, so even those few who manage to get some sort of state paid health care cannot get abortions under it (by law, federally funded health programs do not cover elective abortions). The US has a patchwork of laws regarding parental consent, some states mandate privacy in medical decisions, even from parents, others mandate parental consent. Anyone informed about the debate surrounding abortion in the US would be aware of this, regardless of what side they were one. 35 states in the US have some sort of parental notification or consent law, that's a pretty big chunk of the US. This is a huge political issue in the US and gets fought over in pretty much every election. Congratulations, you have picked a highly contentious political issue and made it clear you are oblivious of facts you could have learned from a quick google search. Shoot, you could have learned about parental notification laws even if you only visited US anti-abortion sites, because anti-abortion groups in the US are constantly trying to get such laws passed or continued. Next time, try using google once before you start blabbing.

  48. David Futrelle said...
    ....The fact that you can point to some women who like psychopaths does not mean that most women like psychopaths and thugs.

    This statement is correct, however you fail to mention that the feminist biased law nevertheless protects the woman and not the man.

    As a man how do you know about the girl's reaction in the future? She might attack you for no reason, she might accuse you for any reason or no reason at all - and if found out, what will happen to her? Nothing...

    For sure NOT a good girl for a long-term relationship. Do you agree?

    And of course, all laws are gender neutral, but law execution is NOT...

    Judges have been told to treat female criminals more leniently than men when deciding sentences.

    Luckily there is the Men's Rights Movement...

    However, campaigners for male victims of domestic violence claimed that men are being treated as second-class citizens by the new guidelines.

    They also point to analysis of official figures by the Parity campaign group which last week concluded that four out of ten victims of domestic violence were men .

    Brooks, of the ManKind campaign group, said: ‘For a document that claims to be about gender equality, it clearly leaves the impression that male victims are seen as being second class when, of course, all should be seen the same.

    USA is even worse, can you imagine to live together with such a woman?

    The US-justice system believes the woman in general, everything she says must be true, well in this case too much was too much despite feminism.

    But how many other men are in jail innocent? Feminists will never protect an innocent man against a malicious woman, this is for sure.

    BRENTWOOD – Kristin Ruggiero will spend 7 to 14 years in state prison for what police say was part of a years-long ploy to use the criminal justice system against her ex-husband, who was thrown in jail and nearly lost his career during a bitter divorce.

    If you read this article carefully, David, you will see, this woman is NOT a psychopath. She is a cold bitch, who lies and manipulates.

  49. Well, thanks for another list of random news articles about evil women.

  50. Well, David you have to understand that not all women are victims, despite they claim so...

    And my links are not only about evil women, they are about young innocent girls - as young as 13 - who enjoy 'to do with their bodies whatever they want' - and parents have not even the right to be informed.

    And in case something is going wrong with the girl, it's convenient to accuse the boy, a minor himself of being a rapist. Even if the boy is considerable younger than the girl. Problem solved.

    Feminism makes it possible...

  51. So how is any of this relevant to the topic at hand?

    It seems like no matter what I post here, or what people are discussing, you respond by posting random examples of evil women and/or evil feminists.

    What does birth control for teen girls have to do with anything being discussed here?

  52. David,

    The titel of this thread is

    'Not-So-Beautiful Losers'

    and who says, the loser must be always a male.

    There are also female losers - I gave you some examples - but this is not PC. You never write about female losers and female assholes, right?

    You want the MRAs to be silent about malicious females.

    About Marc Lepine, I think, this man was mentally sick. A case for the loony bin.
    Good for us all, he committed suicide.

    His killings for sure did not help the Men's Rights Movement, more the opposite I would say.

  53. @ Pam

    PAM BEGGED OFF WITH: "@bishopsinister

    No, in other words I'm not about to waste my time reinventing the wheel. The information is readily available, do your own research if you're truly interested."

    In other words YOU CAN'T PROVE IT. The end.

    Random Brother.

  54. Do I have to repeat myself "Also amusing: his sole source regarding the US is from a UK site." Every single link is from one reactionary UK news source, except one where the 'evil woman' was given a 7-14 year sentence. Damned injustice where the perp gets a decade in prison. Oh, and this case was far from the normal, according to the damned judge who oversaw the trial and who sentanced her

    "Judge Kenneth McHugh said Ruggiero's attempt to set up her ex-husband and use the legal system as a weapon was unlike any other case he has seen. "There's a lot of people, usually women, who have been subjected to abuse by their significant others," McHugh said, during Ruggiero's sentencing yesterday. "As a result of her actions, their cases, their safety, their security has been damaged. The web for this is much greater than what has just happened to Mr. Ruggiero.""

    I know when I see the words "unlike any case he has ever seen" said about a judge, I know that what happened is a system wide problem (<-sarcasm).

    On the issue of underage girls "...they are about young innocent girls - as young as 13 - who enjoy 'to do with their bodies whatever they want' - and parents have not even the right to be informed. " I am not a fan of arguments about parents having a 'right' to deny their teenage children any sort of medical care, including contraception. What is this, some sort of bizarre 'parent's rights' arguement? One that disregards the fact that half of parents and more than half of parents who are primary caretakers aren't men. What are you protecting these girls from? From being able to have consensual sex without getting STDs, unwanted pregnancies, and unsafe back alley abortions? Well, I think they are much better off without your 'protection'. You aren't whining about this because you care about protecting children, but rather about girls and women not being seen as perpetual paternal property.

  55. ...about parents having a 'right' to deny their teenage children any sort of medical care, including contraception

    News are international, and if you do not like an UK source, look up for the same story from CNN or from any other English source in USA, Canada, Australia or elsewhere by yourself.

    I choose the UK source, because it is in English and David does not like links to foreign languages in his blog.

    There is no reason to give priority to US-press agencies as they are in no way more credible than news agencies from other countries. More the opposite I would say.

    You must have a rather good stomach to consider regular sexual contracts with men of any age including contraception and abortion as medical care for girls as young as 13. Cases are know where the girl was even younger, 11 or 12.

    I wonder if you are also so protective to young boys being raped by paedophile adult women, or if you are so protective to young men, still minors, who are facing a court as an adult for being a rapist and paedophile because they offered 'medical care' to these girls.

    Interesting also that you are talking about 'consensual sex' in relation to a 13 year old girl or boy.

    Parents rights are not 'bizarre', they are necessary.

    Your talk about paternal property is plainly stupid. Father, mother, son, daughter belong together - that's called a 'family' - do you know what this is? - and there should be no secrets among them.

    If a family is functioning normally, 13 year old daughters do not need contraceptives and still will never be pregnant, because they respect the decisions of their parents, of both mother and father.

    You are putting words in my mouth I never used. I said 'parents do not have the right to be informed' - I never said 'parents should have the right to refuse medical treatment'.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. @Yohan "There is no reason to give priority to US-press agencies as they are in no way more credible than news agencies from other countries." No, there is every reason to prioritize new sources from the countries in which the event occured whenever possible. News is contextual and an audience can very well miss critical points when going through an international middle man who might make mistakes about law and culture. I always prioritize linking directly to countries of origin for a story of statistic whenever language issues make that possible. It would not be a big deal if you had linked a UK site once, but you have done this repeatedly in regards to US stories and you (as well as some of your links) have demonstrated that you have serious gaps in understanding of US law and culture.

    "You must have a rather good stomach to consider regular sexual contracts with men of any age including contraception and abortion as medical care for girls as young as 13. Cases are know where the girl was even younger, 11 or 12." No, I nowhere referred to 'men' having sex with girls. I specifically discussed consensual sex. A man cannot have consensual sex with a 12 year old, another 12 year old could, however. And, when two adolescents are having sex, how are unwanted pregnancies and extra STDs an improvement on the situation? Studies on the matter find that most teens say that being forced to tell parents would not make them less likely to have sex, but would make them less likely to use birth control. It is far better for two thirteen year olds to be having safe sex and to not end up teen parents than it is for two thirteen year olds to end up with HIV or an unwanted pregnancy.

    "I wonder if you are also so protective to young boys being raped by paedophile adult women" Yes, yes I am. Not that it is really relevant to the topic at hand. "if you are so protective to young men, still minors, who are facing a court as an adult for being a rapist and paedophile because they offered 'medical care' to these girls." Wtf are you talking about here? I am not aware of a jurisdiction where sex with a minor of a certain age suddenly becomes illegal by offering them a condom where such sex is otherwise legal.

    " Father, mother, son, daughter belong together - that's called a 'family' - do you know what this is?" So, this is the limitations of you what you count as a family? If only 'traditional' heteronormative sexist models count as family, count me the hell out.

    "If a family is functioning normally, 13 year old daughters do not need contraceptives " Teens have sex. Perfectly healthy good teens have sex. Honor student band geek teens have sex. "because they respect the decisions of their parents" Oh, so now teen girls use birth control for activities they do on their lonesome now? She's always responsible, isn't she, but she never gets control? Be obedient, girls, and don't have ordinary biological urges, or fuck all if we care what happens to you.

    "I said 'parents do not have the right to be informed' - I never said 'parents should have the right to refuse medical treatment'." Legally mandated informing of parents amounts to the samed damned thing and reasonable people know that. I think it is best if teens are in situations where they can talk safely with their parents about their need for birth control or abortion. And, in reality, many teens do, however, in reality, there are also plenty of teens who can't. Part of the reason some girls can't is because of the bullshit attitudes like yours that say that 'normal' girls don't have sex or need birth control. Another reason is abuse (from parents or from others and not wanting to inform parents).

  58. Cat, your comment got caught in the spam filter. Only just now noticed it there and took it out.

  59. DarkSideCat: It is far better for two thirteen year olds to be having safe sex and to not end up teen parents than it is for two thirteen year olds to end up with HIV or an unwanted pregnancy.

    @ DarkSideCat

    Your comment is just crazy.

    Do you really suggest that 13 year old girls should have sex?

    And what about all these boys of similar age who have sex with those girls?

    Do you know that these boys will be convicted as sex-offenders for statutory rape? Or even might end up with false rape allegations, if the girl is asked what happened and she is telling a lie to her parents to get away with it if something is going wrong?

    Sure, as a radical feminist, you care only about girls and their sexual needs as they are 'victims'.

    arkSideCat: I specifically discussed consensual sex. A man cannot have consensual sex with a 12 year old, another 12 year old could, however.


    You don't care about boys of the same age, 13, and what happens with them...

    Boys - minors - were sent to jail for years in USA for consensual sex with girls because the girl was a minor, too.


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