Sunday, December 12, 2010

G.I. Jane, You Ignorant Slut

Typical female soldier, apparently.
So the fine fellows on The Spearhead have taken up the issue of women in the military.
DevilDog, a Marine, started off the discussion with a clear statement of his central thesis, that most women in the military are "USELESS ... god damn whores." Here are some of the highlights, by which I mean lowlights. (In this and following comments I've bolded the bits that grabbed my attention.) 

[T]he majority of the women in the military… ARE USELESS! … women cannot pass the PT standards for the average male, okay, so they lower em for women, many women cannot even pass the lowered standards, they don’t get kicked out though ...

These god damn whores walk around with an over-inflated ego because of this and think they’re GI Janes who can kick anyones ass… A lot of these girls are ugly as SH!T, but are given a lot of attention because we’re all horny and wanna fuck. We call ‘em desert queens, a 4/10 Female gets attention and thinks shes a 9/10..

You guys wouldn’t believe some of the stories I have: women getting gangbanged by 10 Marines, same woman who has a Husband and children. Women blowing officers for privileges, while her family is at home.. Believe me, IT’S RAMPANT. ...

Oh and SO MANY F***ING WOMEN CHEAT on their husbands while they’re deployed fighting in Afghan. Unfaithful whores.

We MEN have fought for thousands of years, and continue to fight and protect, then some fucking slut comes along and does 1/100th of the job we do, and is praised by the white knights, media, and general american population as a f***ing GI Jane empowered goddess and shit.

Taking up the contrary position was ... well, nobody. One brave soul stood up to say that, while he basically agreed with DevilDog's post, he noted that on a trip he made to an air force base that "I expected the women to look like blocks, but I was quickly disabused of the expectation. The women were overwhelmingly good looking." This small divergence from the majority view earned his comment 61 downvotes.

A few others weighed in with thoughts on women in the corporate world. According to Keyster,

There always seems to be a few decent women who “get it”, but typically most of them get very little done and stir up trouble when they try to work. Their blatant incompetence is always excused because they’re women. If you complain about them, you’ll be the one who’s punished. You have to tolerate them, cover for them and pretend they’re good at what they do.

39 upvotes for this bit of wisdom. Joe added:
I’m not in the military but I do work with a lot of women. ... [T]hey clearly do not have comparable problem solving ability or inclination. When it comes to figuring out how to go about something they’re terrible. Their strategy is always to bring more people in, have more conference calls, spend more time talking.

50 upvotes for this one. So women are useless in the military or in the civilian workplace. What about in the home? Nothingbutthetruth, thinking outside the box, suggested that if men were physically capable of giving birth "I am sure they would [do] a better job [as wives and mothers] than women as with everything."

So, in summary: women bad, men good, even at giving birth (if they could).

Oh, by the way, my title for this post is a Saturday Night Live reference. A really old SNL reference. Fuck, I'm old.

Also, if you decide to read the whole depressing Spearhead discussion, you will notice someone posting there as "David F." That person is not me.


  1. Thank you for the awesome work you do here, David. This is a useful blog to me and I'm spreading the word. It's strange how some women who are anti feminist team up with these MRA guys in the online circle that I run in, and we know that they are very strange bedfellows indeed. They are prostitutes that imagine we judge them only because we differ on legislative solutions for problems. And we keep thinking, please dump these nut job misogynists and listen more carefully. Figure out who the real enemy is

  2. Funny that the first poster ignores the fact that a lot of men also cannot pass the PT standards. The military doesn't have enough people and is therefore lowering standards. But he only notices this as far as women are concerned.

  3. Can't say I'm surprised. I wouldn't be surprised either if, by this time next week, this same lot put up a post loudly complaining about how women are often not subject to the draft/compulsory military service.

  4. I love how he mentions that the woman is cheating on her husband, but OF COURSE none of the men have wives, do they? Right? Right? O wait, lots of them DO. And kids.

    Good job being shallow too. We women must remember to be sex and beautiful AT ALL TIMES even when we're in the military for the men.

  5. Even women think that women should not be in combat zones. This coming from the women who've actually been there; not armchair generals back home.

  6. Ahh, The Spearhead (subtle phallic reference there!); the insane contingent of the manosphere. Totally batshit crazy dudes spewing out contradictions right and left; women won't take the "dirty" jobs; women are trying to steal "mens" jobs; women should die in war just as the men do, women should not be in the military at all! Now it would seem we also shouldn't give birth.

    I'm perfectly fine with implanting artificial wombs with accessory equipment in male bodies for a little experimentation. Nothingbutthetruth can be the first volunteer.

  7. Dr. Deezee, if women were not also sexist against women and men sexist againt men sexism would be easily overcome. There are of course also women in the military who believe women should be in combat zones.

  8. Mind pointing them out for me? I seemed to have missed them during my active duty tour.

  9. They've conveniently forgot about all the women they have forced to be in combat zones, just by way of living in one. It's perfectly fine for women to die by the sword, we just can't live by the sword.

    To Katz, You're so right about contradictions. It's the old saw, if she fucks me-she's a whore, if she doesn't-she's a bitch.

    It's so stupid that I have to ask how stupid is there?

  10. My husband was a Marine who served in Iraq, believes women should be allowed in combat zones, and has four female friends who served in the Marines and airforce who believe women should be able to serve in combat zones. I have a female coworker who is in the navy who believes women should be able to serve in combat zones. Finally, I'm sure you can find examples online if you google.

    It is completely ridiculous for you to assert there are no women who believe women should be able to serve in combat zones. I would bet you the majority of women in the military believe they should be allowed to serve in combat zones.

  11. This is posted on reddit as well. I stated:

    "Well, people. There maybe useless women in the Marine Corps. But, to their credit, they put on the uniform. That is more than can be said for many men in this country."

    So far, my comment is at -11.

  12. Sandy said...
    .....believes women should be allowed in combat zones, and has four female friends who served in the Marines and airforce who believe women should be able to serve in combat zones.

    They believe... but they might change their mind in case the number of body bags of females becomes similar to those of men...

    So far the number of casualties of men outnumbers those of women by huge number, maybe 3 percent women and 97 percent men...


    This problem is easy to solve.
    Replace ALL male soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan with female soldiers.

  14. LexieDi said...
    We women must remember to be sex and beautiful AT ALL TIMES even when we're in the military for the men.

    Inspired by feminism, I am supportive to the idea to replace ALL male soldiers in the US-military forces with females.

    All of them... An all-out female military will bring great victory for the glorious United States under President Obama!

  15. Dr. Deezee, you think women are stupid cunts who shouldn't be listened to, except that we should listen to them in this case?

    I'm afraid that's a contradiction, and makes you look not so bright, though perhaps believing one thing and then another that couldn't be true if the first is true is super man logic my wee female brain cannot comprehend.

  16. LOL. Please quote where I say "women are stupid cunts who shouldn't be listened to."

    Troll harder. Be oblivious more. Etc.

  17. "They believe... but they might change their mind in case the number of body bags of females becomes similar to those of men..."

    Your argument is predicated on the belief that women's bodies are more important than men's and women need to be protected from themselves and restricted from having the equal right to live their own lives. If a woman wants to serve on the front lines, she sees herself as a full human being and the number who are dead by gender is meaningless.

    btw the victims of war are always predominantly women and children. Keep that in mind when you count up the bodies.

  18. missdk said...
    Your argument is predicated on the belief that women's bodies are more important than men's ...

    Radical feminists are telling us all the time that men are worthless.

    I am an MRA, I do not think so, but this makes me a misogynist in the politically correct mainstream.

    As I said, I would replace ALL male soldiers with female soldiers.

    Men could be used for lucrative work like offshore drilling and mining.

    Men are also leading regarding professional cooking and also as tailors.

  19. "btw the victims of war are always predominantly women and children. Keep that in mind when you count up the bodies."

    Using the Hilary Clinton methodology of arriving at that ill-informed opinion? Come spend a day at the Wounded Warrior Battalion with me and we'll talk about the "victims of war," yea?

  20. Yohan:

    I wasn't talking about replacing anybody in anything. I think men and women should be able to fight for their country if they want to.

    I was questioning why women are required by DevilDog to be sexy and/or pretty all the time. Whatever "sexy" and "pretty" means.

  21. My point is merely, if you think, women can do the same as men do in the military, and if you are so afraid of getting raped by your own countrymen, why not to create entire combat groups and other groups, which are only with female soldiers?

    LexieDi: I was questioning why women are required by DevilDog to be sexy and/or pretty all the time. Whatever "sexy" and "pretty" means.

    I would say, what is wrong with a female if she is 'sexy and pretty'...

    It's not wrong to take care of your own body.

  22. DevilDog wasn't talking about women having clean hair and eating their veggies. He was talking about them not being physically appealing to him.

    There is nothing wrong with taking care of your body. The women he calls ugly probably take care of their bodies just was well as any woman. He's just pissed off because they don't conform to his view of what is "sexy."

    The ideas of "sexy" and "pretty" are extremely subjective anyway.

  23. "Radical feminists are telling us all the time that men are worthless. "

    Oh? Where?

  24. Women need men like a fish needs a bicycle, obviously.

  25. Dr. Deezee

    That's not saying men are worthless. That's just saying that women don't NEED men. It doesn't mean we don't like them. It doesn't mean they're worthless. It just means women don't need men to survive. Men don't need women to survive either.

  26. Hahaha、this is really a good argument, I heard the same sentence from some MRAs, a bit differently however.

    A bicycle needs a fish like a man needs a woman.

    This means according to LexieDi's definition, that MRAs do not consider women to be worthless and it does not mean MRAs do not like them.

  27. "This means according to LexieDi's definition, that MRAs do not consider women to be worthless and it does not mean MRAs do not like them."

    The problem with that trollogic is that MRAs constantly say that women are worthless... um, haven't you been reading this blog?

    Plus gotta love how since if radfems say it, all women incl those who don't identify as feminists.... that's quite the Mark Lepine logical argument there...


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