Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Applied Slutonomics: The Vaginal Supply Curve

Vaginal supply and demand.
Apparently sluts aren't simply, you know, dirty whores. They're also sadly lacking a real work ethic. And no wonder, because sluttery is evidently as easy as falling off a log. Onto a bed. Naked. At least according to someone calling himself Reality 2010 on The Spearhead's message boards.

[I]t takes tremendous effort and or a tremendous talent or a god-given gift to be a ‘stud’ while it takes absolutely zero effort to be a slut. All it takes for a woman to be a slut is to just lie on her back. Wow. What an achievement. 

Sluts are apparently also in need of a refresher course in economics. They don't appear to understand the basics of supply and demand. By giving away their pussy too readily to too many men, they are decreasing its value!

There’s also the fact that a woman’s vagina/body is her one and only asset – (as if you would actually want a woman based on her petty, lazy, confrontational and flaky personality or parasitical worthlessness in the workplace) so to mindlessly give away the one and only thing you have of any value has a much broader pathetic implication than that of gender & sex regardless of whatever it is.

As you can see from the helpful diagram here, increasing the supply of vagina -- that is, moving the vagina supply curve from S0 to S1 -- both decreases the price of vagina and increases the amount of vagina consumed, bringing us to a new slutquilibrium.

I mean, come on, ladies, that's pretty basic Slutonomics.

It's a good thing that vagina is a renewable resource, or else we'd all be fucked. Figuratively, not literally.


  1. There’s also the fact that a woman’s vagina/body is her one and only asset – (as if you would actually want a woman based on her petty, lazy, confrontational and flaky personality or parasitical worthlessness in the workplace) so to mindlessly give away the one and only thing you have of any value...

    Whew! I'm so relieved to see that MRAs aren't woman-haters who think that women are useless and worthless (save for their precious vaginas or their bodies), unlike those nasty feminazi man-haters who think that men are useless and worthless (save for their precious wallets or their sperm)!!!

  2. @Pam:

    Glad to hear you think that not all MRA's are woman-haters.

  3. @ScareCrow,

    Oh, I don't think that all MRAs are woman-haters. What is unfortunate, though, is that the ones who obviously aren't, more often than not, end up being denigrated for not indulging in women-bashing (figuratively speaking). One good example that I can think of right off the top is someone named Kave who infrequently posts comments at The Spearhead.

    And yes, I do realize that your reply to me was a sarcasm, just as you realized same for my comment.

  4. FWIW, this attitude is pretty common on The Spearhead. Last I checked, this comment had 56 upvotes and only 3 downvotes.

  5. see, shit like this is precisely why it "takes tremendous effort/talent to be a stud"

    but go ahead, men, keep on shooting yourself in the foot and denigrating women who like sex.

    ***comment obviously does not apply to voluntarily celibate MRA's, who in any case shouldn't give a fuck about the supply of vagina, since they have no demand for it***

  6. @Pam

    Really - you were being sarcastic?


    So, were you being sarcastic in that second post too? So you thnk that ALL MRA's are woman-haters - and you think my reply was NOT sarcasm - and Kave is actually a BAD example of a bad commenter on the spear-head?


  7. @Jadehawk,

    But, buried within the original topic from which David gleaned the comments that he is showcasing here lies the real reason that these men denigrate women who like sex, "...just as women nowadays are free to be as promiscuous as the alpha males they wish to emulate". You see women who like sex don't actually like sex, they are simply emulating males; and not just any males, oh no, they're emulating the much-despised (though daresay I think it's much-envied) ALPHA males.

  8. "There’s also the fact that a woman’s vagina/body is her one and only asset"

    Ahahaha great use of the word "fact" here. Clearly this individual is missing that most vital asset known as a "working brain."

  9. You didn't follow the paper trail very well on this one, David. You could at least give deference to the originator (27 September 2001): http://www.the-niceguy.com/articles/SupplyDemand.html

  10. I know this is a totally pointless comment, but "The Vaginal Supply Curve" would be a pretty awesome band name or album title. (As long as you wanted no mainstream retailer to actually sell your album, I suppose. Dirty, dirty "vagina" and all.)

  11. Very illuminating theory you've found, Manboobz. You know, when a cultural meme persists for as long as slut-shaming has, you know it has to owe its persistence to multiple factors.
    In most cases, we've already stripped away religious and many societal reasons to slut-shame... and yet it remains, because apparently all the layers of the onion haven't been peeled off yet.

    So there's a perception that being a stud takes hard work, while being a slut doesn't... I can see where that would definitely plant deep roots in our morality. It fits right in with our Puritan work ethic! How very American.

    Nice also to see that MRAs see love relationships in terms of financial charts and graphs. Calvinism and balance sheets. That's a recipe for romance right there.

  12. It's weird reading all of this stuff as a stay at home dad. I'm starting to realize, in this worldview I'm a woman! I don't work, I probably would get the kids if my wife left me, I would get alimony...

    If my wife ever realizes I don't have a vagina I'm in big, big trouble. I have nothing else of value!

  13. @David:

    The new black background - its just so - not - you.

  14. If my wife ever realizes I don't have a vagina I'm in big, big trouble. I have nothing else of value!
    And not only that, just wait 'til she realizes that you are a parasite who sits on the couch watching Oprah and eating bon bons all day long, every day!!

  15. I'm actually a parasite who sits on the couch eating bonbons and watching Dexter all day.

  16. ... and watching Dexter all day
    Excellent choice!!!

  17. for me it would be sitting on the couch watching WOMEN'S sports all day!!!!!!!!!! which would really piss off the old fashioned macho men who think that "girls" sports are just so not any good and so not worth watching.


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