Friday, November 5, 2010

One thing we can all agree on ...

... MRAs and feminists alike, is that this t-shirt, recently discovered at Old Navy, is irritating as fuck, and any (straight) woman who would wear such a thing would be someone to avoid at all costs. Seriously.  (In case you can't quite make out what's going on with the graphic, the "o" in "hope" is an engagement ring.)

As one Redditor pointed out in the discussion of the subject in the TwoXChromosomes subreddit, where I found the pic, the only people who could wear the shirt without being complete douchenozzles would be lesbians and gay men, because then it would become a political statement about gay marriage. Actually, come to think of it, I'd have no problem with straight guys wearing it either; that would be kind of hilarious. Or security guards of either sex who happen to be guarding the Hope Diamond. 

I guess basically the only people who shouldn't wear it are straight women who aren't guarding the Hope Diamond. Or babies. A baby wearing this shirt would just be really weird.


  1. Well, I wonder why lesbians and gay men would want to get married in the first place, its like saying, "hey state, please come in a legislate our relationshps and take a cut of our assets when we split up", while divorce lawyers are rubbing their hands together seems they would be more free without it.

  2. God forbid someone hopes to get married. That is just crazy talk. Putting "Noone Knows I'm a lesbian," or "I'm not gay, but my boyfriend is" is all right. But, whoa. Marriage for straight women? Shouldn't they be thinking of Merry Old England instead of indulging is this sexist drivel?

  3. Marriage reinforces the patriarchy, didn't ya hear?

  4. magdelyn, you might want to take that up with all those MRAs "going their own way" -- you know, the ones who are more anti-heterosexual-marriage than your typical michigan womyn's music fest-goer.

  5. It seems to me they are not against marriage per se but against a marriage where the woman has any say so and can file for divorce. If it weren't for the wimmens getting out of the kitchen(oh noes!) They'd be all for it. He-he. And wouldn't a baby wearing that shirt be supporting NAMBLA? Or possibly young marriages in the middles east.

  6. Good to know that there are some MRAs (those "going their own way") that don't want to reinforce the patriarchy, either!

    I think David is giving quite good advice, saying that a (straight) woman wearing such a thing would be someone to avoid, as there is probably a good chance that she is someone who cares more for the trappings of marriage than the union itself. But then again, if men choose not to avoid those women, they might not have much fodder for their "real wives don't exist" laments.

    I, too, wonder why lesbians and gay men want to get married. It may be because they want their partnerships to be validated and be seen as legitimate rather than be denigrated and seen as blasphemous? But that's just my assumption coming from a hetero point of view, it would be interesting to know the reasons from the lesbians' and gay men's point of view.

  7. Well well well, David, you have now officially outlasted last year's troll blog, "MRAs Have Cooties". However, you have also managed to make a much bigger fool of yourself than "Hattie" ever did, and you did so under your full name. So, I don't know whether or not any congratulations are in order.

  8. Incidentally, I find it quite amusing that you whine about MRAs not giving you links to sites that we think are more representative after seeing what you have previously done with any links given to you. We're not going to help you mine for quotes, so you had better make friends with Google.

  9. Cold said...
    Incidentally, I find it quite amusing that you whine about MRAs not giving you links to sites that we think are more representative after seeing what you have previously done with any links given to you.

    For sure, David will not see any links or any further comments from me anymore.

    This is a troll blog.

  10. You guys (Yohan, cold, the rest of the MRAs) do realize that I don't actually give a shit if you comment or pay attention to this blog. The blog isn't aimed at you guys. Actually, it's aimed at everyone in the world who isn't you guys.

  11. What you do speaks louder than what you say. Your conduct over the past two months makes it pretty clear whose attention you are seeking.

  12. @Cold
    Yes, it's almost as if David is a feminist blogger......oh wait, he is. You and your MRA pals are just trolling his site...

  13. Cold, are you trying to convince him he wants your attention?

    If you think he wants your attention, why are you giving it him?


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