Wednesday, October 20, 2010

QuoteOTD: The Nerd Rage Virus

The last time we checked in with the Pro-Male/Ant-Feminist Technology blog -- a blog which, you may recall, is ostensibly devoted to the notion that technology is going to kick feminism's ass, and how this is a good thing -- the resident anonymous blogger was complaining about feminists (including me) who engage in "shaming tactics" that are, like, totally unfair to MRAs, because all MRAs want to do is have an honest debate on the merits of their ideas. Today, however, he talks a bit about a new computer virus, Stuxnet, and fantasizes about a virus designed to take down feminist websites:
Imagine what an anti-feminist Stuxnet would do.  It would specifically target computers belonging to NOW (the National Organization of Women) and other women’s groups, child support agencies, family/divorce courts, women’s studies departments at universities, etc.  Perhaps it could target something as specific as feminist websites and blogs ...  An anti-feminist Stuxnet would be [easy] to create. Unless it seriously wants to attack databases, an anti-feminist Stuxnet does not require even a minimum of specialized knowledge besides being able to identify its target systems. Creating an anti-feminist Stuxnet will be within the skills of at least a significant fraction of malware programmers (if not most or all).  This means that in the near future there probably will be an anti-feminist Stuxnet.
 Well, that's one way to win the war of ideas.


  1. They seem to think all the world's feminists are networked together on NOW's server system or something. Feminists all sleep in NOWs misandry-sustainment pods, enveloped in goo, like Keanu Reeves in The Matrix.

  2. Lol, I love reading this blog! It's like the Onion mixed with progressive (or simply rational) politics. That pic reminds me of an old MRA stand-by where it also showed a bit of an overt camel toe from a guy named Jason Hatch. Are you MRA's also opposed to briefs/decency in front of random strangers among whom are kids?

    "I see London, I see France, I see Jason Hatches....ball?"

  3. It became apparent the link might not work so just type in jason hatch batman pics on yahoo's search engine. Yipes! The one I linked to shows an up-close of him with one ball very prominently featured through his batman suit. Apparently he didnt consider underwear? Too busy trying to scale Buckingham Palance to toss some underoos on I guess?

  4. ". .the resident anonymous blogger. ."

    You mention that the blogger is "anonymous". Is there any special reason why you find that detail significant?

  5. Well, it's sort of hard to refer to the author of the post when he doesn't give his name, or even a nice, punchy fake name.

  6. In most cases the anonymous blogger is a feminist.

    However you might refer to the date/time, if you reply to a certain anonymous poster.

    MRAs have nothing to hide. It is easy for the MRM to present facts with source and I see no reason why I should not add my name under my comments.

  7. Yes, very brave of you Yohan. Everyone will know it was Yohan of the Internet who posted that.

  8. Tis I, ScareCrow of the Internet!

    Since when do the women at NOW and other feminists even know how to use computers?

    If you infected their computers with a virus - isn't that like taking the bullets out of a gun before giving it to a kitten?

    I heard they use abacus boards and strings tied around their fingers.

    I also heard they have 6 small figurines made of chocolate that they pray to and ask for advice.

  9. It wouldn't matter. The male supremacists have already lost. The MRM is useless.

  10. You heard that scarecrow because your politics and who you get your facts from are full of shit. But thanks for admitting that your sources are delusional (though we already knew).

  11. The guy in the costume sort of looks like he has a mangina? I thought one of you MRA nuttos wouldve pointed that out since youre so obsessed with mangina, manginas and all things mangina related.

  12. .....AAAAND at least he has the decency to wear some sort of briefs under his costume

  13. Manboobz-is that your pic? I didn't see one on your profile.


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