Saturday, October 2, 2010

Quote of the Day: Women's Suffrage = Lost Faith in Manhood.

I had no idea that women's suffrage was still so controversial. Apparently it is, at least to the guys at the Spearhead, and to the blog Full of Grace, Seasoned with Salt. Without further ado, the quote:
Woman Totally Ruining Everything
Women's suffrage may have been the first major event that said, "don't trust men". In other words, it was the beginning of the lost faith in manhood. It sent the message that men were inept to handle worldly affairs and when men gave women their vote, it kicked things up a notch by reinforcing the mindset that men were indeed inept little boys who can't figure anything out or get anything done without a woman's guidance. Had the men held their ground and the women held their faith, I believe any unsettling political/economic conditions would have improved.  It is similar to our faith in God.

I should point out that the author of this fine piece of analysis is a woman. Some women are idiots. Into the Enemies List she goes.


  1. Your debate/substance against this? None. Just as I thought. In your other pieces on here, the MRAs have owned your ass. But that's no surprise

    I don't think anyone gives a flying fuck about if they are in your enemies list. I also wont give a flying fuck looking at this ridiculous blog anymore as there is nothing challenging on here to begin with.

  2. What is there to debate here? Her piece is nothing but a collection of idiotic opinions, with nothing backing them up. It is nothing but hot air. Hot stinky air. Rebutting it would be like rebutting a fart.

  3. What a cop-out. If it's so inconsequential as to not require a rebuttal, why bother making a post about it at all? Why even have this ridiculous troll blog? All you're doing is pointing and saying, "ur stooopid." I'm quite happy to be an enemy of such a nincompoop.

  4. Futrelle,

    You're so fucking predictable! Learn how to argue.

  5. The only thing approaching an argument in her piece is this: "Had the men held their ground and the women held their faith, I believe any unsettling political/economic conditions would have improved."

    She provides no evidence whatsoever that this is true.

    There is literally nothing for me to argue against.

    What else is there? That faith in men is like faith in God? What does that even mean?

  6. It's true.

    Women only started voting because they had lost their faith that their husbands and sons would vote the way they wanted them to.
    Why? Because of the decline of religious power. (note the line at the end about 'faith in God')

    Feminism is just an attempt to reinstate religious misandry by secular means.

  7. David's thoughts

    "Quick feminists, quick girls, help me out on this one. I have fucked up and need back up."

    It's funny how only a couple of feminists have bothered to post in here on his blog. They have probably realised he is just another feminist suck up trying to win a root.

  8. Why no rebuttal to her was necessary:She basically argued her opinion doesn't matter because she is a woman. If that's truly her belief, why is she posting blogs and not in the kitchen where even she believes she belongs.

  9. @evilwhitemalempire

    "Feminism is just an attempt to reinstate religious misandry by secular means. "

    LMAO. You are screwy.

  10. You're doing good work at this blog. It's a pity that the din of certain men's rights activists usually covers up the valuable research of Kimmel, Lisak, Johnson, etc. into how the patriarchy hurts men, too.

    I look forward to reading more.

  11. By her logic, the men have also "lost faith" in the government's ability to get things done. If only those awful uppity men had held on to their faith, we would still be ruled by the church/Pope/king and socioeconomic conditions would have improved to the golden standard of western civilization that was the dark/middle ages!


  12. David, if you're a masochist, try reading Cathy Young, if you haven't already. She's one of these women that protests she doesn't see sexism---unless it's against men! Of course MRAs and other losers eat it up with a spoon.

  13. LOVE IT! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog! Very funny-and savvy! I'll be visiting regularly!

  14. GINMAR, it's Bean Slap! Great minds think alike? I was banned from amazon forums, lol!

  15. So the guys at the spearhead think men are the oppressed class, but they presume to be able to "take away [women's] right to vote."
    How much power can they honestly believe women have then?

  16. fred - The Power of Pussy Denial. It's the ultimate weapon. If Darth Vader had only tried using it instead of building that ridiculous Deathstar, that farmer boy and his ridiculous "Force" wouldn't have stood a chance.

  17. Gillian,
    Wasnt that what the movie, "Lord of the Rings" was about? Thats why they had to toss the One Ring of Pussy Denial into the giant lava pit, right?

    But seriously its absolutely degenerate to think that women should lose the vote because they dont vote the way some neanderthal thugs want them to! No one votes for you, you cast that yourself. Not to mention but the stupid inane reality that (aside from the pure, uncut misogyny of this proposal) what if he wants a different candidate than her? I also love the sheer hypocrisy of MRA's. I'm reading Warren (genital caressing)Farrell right now (Myth of Male Power) and can only say that this book is such a joke!He claims that women "oppressed" men when they were coerced into being housewives and made to be dependant upon men. How is this not being made to be dependant upon men?

  18. "Thats why they had to toss the One Ring of Pussy Denial into the giant lava pit, right?"

    So that's why they called it the "crack of doom". It all make sense now.

  19. "So the guys at the spearhead think men are the oppressed class, but they presume to be able to "take away [women's] right to vote."
    How much power can they honestly believe women have then?"

    So feminists think women are the oppressed class but they presume to be able to withdraw consent a month after sex. So how much power can they honestly believe men have then?

  20. "women are the oppressed class but they presume to be able to withdraw consent a month after sex."

    That's bullshit.

  21. Remember, evil, you can't have consensual sex with somebody if they're unconscious.

  22. evilmisandristmatriarchyOctober 9, 2010 at 11:04 AM

    "I also love the sheer hypocrisy of MRA's."
    NO SHIT!! Another great example is their accusations and indignance about the use of shaming language, when their own speech is peppered with it!

    "I'm reading Warren (genital caressing)Farrell right now (Myth of Male Power) and can only say that this book is such a joke!"
    How DARE you blaspheme!! Farrell's TRUTHS about Stage I societies (you know, those societies that existed and flourished for thousands of years before our current and very recent Stage II society) universally condemning homosexuality because it was non-reproductive is wholly ignorant of the fact that male on male sexuality was accepted and held in high regard in many societies (ancient Greece, for example).

  23. I'm deleting the previous comment, because whoever posted it posted it under the name Warren Farrell.

    Nonetheless, the text of the comment was all taken verbatim from an interview the real Warren Farrell gave Playboy in 1977. I'm not going to repost it but you can find it all here.


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