Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Quote of the Day: Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Easily Impressed Hot Chicks

A ringing endorsement of immigration from "mean0dean0" in the Men's Rights subreddit on Reddit:
Date immigrants--especially girls from countries with really repressive regimes or abject poverty. Just the fact that you have possessions like a car or a video game system is enough to secure you a happy girlfriend.
Fuck American girls--like the rest of this cuntry (spelling intentional), they're way overprivileged, overfed, and overhyped. For every Katy Perry, there are a thousand fat cows waiting to put their insecurities on you when you get home.


  1. LOLz. It's funny how these guys whining about how privileged western women are never stop to think about their own privilege, except to deny it exists.

  2. MRAs aren't the ones who pioneered the art of obsessing and salivating over other people's supposed privilege.

  3. Well, they may not have originated it, but they've gotten really really good at it. In many ways they're better at it than feminists ever were, because they're so good at turning tiny inconveniences into symbols of oppression, molehills into mountains.

  4. "In many ways they're better at it than feminists ever were"

    I disagree. Feminists have made a formal theory out of why the numerous special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools , and blank checks. inside women's invisible knapsack aren't really privilege.

  5. " Date immigrants--especially girls from countries with really repressive regimes or abject poverty. Just the fact that you have possessions like a car or a video game system is enough to secure you a happy girlfriend.

    Fuck American girls--like the rest of this cuntry (spelling intentional), they're way overprivileged, overfed, and overhyped. For every Katy Perry, there are a thousand fat cows waiting to put their insecurities on you when you get home."

    I disappointed with you David...

    Notice how he says "girls" constantly - instead of "woman"...

    Aren't you going to accuse him of being a pedophile??

    You're slipping granddad.

  6. Caked-on makeup, fake tans, breast implants, brazilians left right and centre.
    Women that give in to what they think is expected of them have suck written all over.
    Modern women think they've moved away from the moulds of "beauty" carved out by men, but they're not even close.

    I'm going out with a natural-looking nerdy chick and I'm loving it. She's given me a glasses fetish.

  7. Well, at least they say what we observe them doing. There's a reason why they have to go to oppressed countries to get women as no free woman would want them. That's also why they're opposed to IMBA (International Marriage Broker Act of 2005) which was initiated and inspired by the murder of Anastasia King who was murdered by her husband/purchaser. He also had a past history of abusing another mail-order bride. Of course Wendy McElroy from an article on iFeminist thinks it's "draconian" for these men to have to offer their police records to potential women when they use these marriage broker agencies. I hate faux feminists.

  8. Daran,
    You took the author out of context and lied about what she said. The author wasnt writing what you wrote. Very conniving.

  9. I didn't lie about what she wrote. The idea of "privilege" as an "invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools , and blank checks" afforded to the privileged class, is pretty much the standard construction of the word in anti-oppression settings.

    To be clear, I am only citing her for a definition of privilege. The rest of the sentence is my thoughts, not hers.

  10. Yes but that female privilege checklist is bullshit.

  11. "that female privilege checklist is bullshit."

    I didn't link to a female privilege checklist. I link to a summary page which in turn links to a whole bunch of female privilege checklists.

    Not every item on every list is a legitimate privilege in the sense of a societally granted accommodation or pass. But even if these were stripped out, the rest would still aggregate to a pretty long list.

    Care to make a reasoned argument to justify your claim that this is "bullshit"?

  12. "Not every item on every list is a legitimate privilege in the sense of a societally granted accommodation or pass. But even if these were stripped out, the rest would still aggregate to a pretty long list."

    Let me rephrase that.

    Not every item on every list is a legitimate privilege as feminists define the word, i.e., a societally-granted accommodation or pass. But even if the non-privileges were stripped out, the rest would still aggregate to a pretty long list.

  13. "tiny inconveniences into symbols of oppression"

    Like getting taken to the cleaners in family court?
    Going to jail over false rape/abuse allegations?
    Getting passed over for a job because a company has to make quotas?
    Getting fired from a job because of false rape/ abuse allegations?
    Paying enough in child support every month to feed and clothe about 20 kids?

    VERY tiny inconveniences.

  14. "There's a reason why they have to go to oppressed countries to get women as no free woman would want them."

    There's a reason why manginas come to feminists to get laid as no woman without more hair on her arms than a chimpanzee would want them.

  15. 'Care to make a reasoned argument to justify your claim that this is "bullshit"?'

    I've read the list before. It's all stupid shit like "men are expected to pull out your chair," and "bars have ladies nights." Nothing compared to say being generally considered the default state of humanity or over-representation in all levels of government for example.

  16. LOL Fred, so your idea of a reasoned argument is a lie followed by a strawman followed by a red herring? How's that white knight routine working out for you?

  17. daran,
    No, this is what it is:

    "So I have begun in an untutored way to ask what it is like to have white privilege. I have come to see white privilege as an invisible package of unearned assets that I can count on cashing in each day, but about which I was "meant" to remain oblivious. White privilege is like an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools , and blank checks." seem to think she either meant it literally or you have some other misinterpretation. She then lists examples of white privilege that due to white privilege she may overlook. The issue she is writing about was racial privilege and not gender. You seem to have misinterpreted it or have some other distortion in regards to it.

  18. "I've read the list before. It's all stupid shit like "men are expected to pull out your chair," and "bars have ladies nights." Nothing compared to say being generally considered the default state of humanity or over-representation in all levels of government for example."

    Sure there's some stupid shit in the lists, Just as there's stupid shit on the male privilege checklist. But there's also some serious shit, like being much more likely to be murdered or conscripted.

    The "default state of humanity" is in fact, highly context-dependent. If we're talking about "civilians", the default is womenandchildren. That's something that could save your life if you're a woman in a war zone, or cost it if you're a man.

    That there are more men in Government than women doesn't give any special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools or blank checks to the vast majority of men who aren't

  19. The post by evilempire-something is stupid. Most false rapes are filed that way not because she was lying but because she recanted due to threats of violence or because she does not believe she has a case. In some cases its simply misidentification. A guy has a higher chance he'll be falsely accused of some other crime more so than rape. Most divorces do not end up with child custody disagreements, involve court or alimony expectations. Some women pay alimony to men and if guys dont want to pay alimony than dont marry someone who wants to be a housewife. Child support also compliments what the woman is earning, plus the fact that she also has to give time investment as the kids usually see dad on the weekends. Evilempire is a complete divo-exaggerator extraordinaire. His kvetching makes me retching!

  20. daran,
    Men are more likely to be murdered by men rather than women. Women are more likely to be murdered by men and a man is allowed to have guns in a war zone while women are gang-raped, killed and usually live in parts of the world where they were kept illiterate and dependant upon men to begin with. Men are also starting the overwhelming majority (if not all) of these wars. A man would also be more able-bodied to defend himself against another man than a woman. You seem to be severely distorting reality.

  21. " seem to think she either meant it literally or you have some other misinterpretation. She then lists examples of white privilege that due to white privilege she may overlook. The issue she is writing about was racial privilege and not gender. You seem to have misinterpreted it or have some other distortion in regards to it."

    We crossposted.

    I understand what she wrote. The whole "passport, codebooks, visas,..." business is a metaphor, and that's how I've been using it in my comments.

    I also understand that she was talking about white privilege. But notice how in the first paragraph she briefly summarises male privilege. It is only in the second she introduces the notion "white privilege" as an analogous concept. It's clear that she views "white privilege" and "male privilege" as essentially the same thing, differing only in terms of the axis of difference, race and gender respectively, over which they operate.

    Moreover her construction of male and white privilege is pretty standard in feminism. For example here's Brown Betty:

    Privilege is: About how society accommodates you. It's about advantages you have that you think are normal. It's about you being normal, and others being the deviation from normal. It's about fate dealing from the bottom of the deck on your behalf.

    Betty doesn't use a metaphor, but's she's clearly talking about the same thing.

  22. Daran, do you even know what a red herring is? You don't seem to.

  23. Fred, *I* was the one who used the term red herring, not Daran. Thanks for showing all of us just how carefully you read things.


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