Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Comment Policy: Chill the fuck out

Be fucking polite.
Enough. I know this is the internet, and all, but rein it in a little. I'm going to start actually enforcing my comment policy, which is basically: Don't say things so vile and hateful that if you said them to Gandhi, he'd punch you in the head.

Calling someone an idiot is fine. Lots of people are idiots. Just use caution when moving much beyond this level of invective.

A few specific things that will get your comment banned as soon as I see it: the words "cunt" or "faggot," references to sex organs, gratuitously nasty personal attacks.

I'm not going to go back and delete old comments, but rather leave them up as a reminder of why we can't have nice things on the internet. But no more of this shit.


  1. Yeah, if that was not a feminist troll, I apologise. The mrm doesnt really want these guys either.

  2. I suggest a tweak on this policy. Let commenters say whatever they want (short of actual threats and other actionable language), provided they positively identify themselves in meatspace. Meanwhile, delete anonymous (or pseudonymous) vile comments with extreme prejudice. The theory here is that ppl only say certain vile stuff on teh internets because of anonymity, unless they're certifiable Bad People(TM), who should at least be named (shaming being ineffective on the shameless).

  3. No more references to sex-organs!?

    OH - You're No Fun Anymore.

  4. Yeah we should also post the names of cowardly women who make false rape accusations. It's time to shame these cowards and humiliate them until they do us all a favor and commit suicide.

  5. Does this loser MRA who posted the nastiness above (which I'm sure will be deleted) represent the MRM or is he just some crazy idiot? Or both?

  6. "Does this loser MRA who posted the nastiness above (which I'm sure will be deleted) represent the MRM or is he just some crazy idiot? Or both?"
    Yes, won't anyone think of those poor lying harpies? Won't anyone protect those evil, vile women who rarely are prosecuted for attempting to drive men to suicide? God forbid we ever do anything more than coddle and shield them from the outside world like the special angels they are - by virtue of their golden, sacred gender.
    What this poster has spewed is a typical feminist comment - all snark and bitterness, zero net informative value. Nobody learns anything from that. Feminists never contribute anything noteworthy to a conversation, it's all the same old rehashed diatribes which contain either glaring omissions (see no evil!) or direct misinformation.

    This comment has been mirrored on my blog in case it's censored, as feminists are fond of doing when they start receiving an iota of scrutiny.

  7. @David.

    Can you please contact me via E-mail?

    You can obtain my e-mail by viewing my blogger profile.


  8. @Feminist Review...too bad you missed the nasty, vile comment that the comment you are are going crazy about was directed towards. But alas, it was deleted due to it's vileness long before you arrived.

  9. @OP

    Yeah, I'll try to play "nice". Unfortunately, in some ways I think it's only effective to engage them on their own (much lower) level. I mean, they actually have to read what I post to flame me. Notice how after engaging them on their own level, I then started injecting actual feminist terms like male priviledge. It's sort of like when you hide veggies for kids in the meat sauce. Muhahaha

    Not to sound condescending or self-satisfied, oh wait, that's exactly what I meant by it!

    I'll try to focus on the issues then trolling your MRA trolls. :P

  10. "Notice how after engaging them on their own level, I then started injecting actual feminist terms like male priviledge. It's sort of like when you hide veggies for kids in the meat sauce."

    I noticed how your retarded ass can't even spell the word "privilege",(You must be so privileged that you can't even spot your male privilege of receiving a sub-standard education in relation to most females who probably could spell it because they spend so much more time in school thanks to affirmative action and Title 9,huh?) which is a good enough indicator to me that you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about.

    I think I might start a new blog called "Feminist Fucknutz" and just repost your comments and articles from this blog with a looping laugh track embedded in there.

    Comedy GENIUS.

  11. @Anonymous

    Wow, attacking my spelling. Mad that I put on over on you eh?

    If we're going to start doing that, then basically half the MRA posters are gonna have to stop posting. Not to mention pretty much every single person writing on the internet.

    I guess of course the other fact that I'm rather eloquent and have something new to say then "women bad! All rape is false! They asked for it! DV happens to men! I know that cos when I beat my wife, she attacked me with a knife."

    Lol, last part rhymes.


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