Friday, September 24, 2010

The Stuff of MRA Nightmares

I'm not sure if this is literally what MRAs see when they have nightmares. But I'm hoping that now I've posted it here, it will be.

EDIT: I found the picture here. I have no idea what's going on either.


  1. I have never had a nightmare in my entire life, or not that I can recall. I guess I'm just healthy that way.

    So. . what precisely IS that weird old picture, anyhow? I have no idea. No clue.

    Old daguerreotype, ennit? Did Matthew Brady take that one. . ?

  2. I have no idea either. I found it on a site called Ghost Theory, with no context provided. I put the link in the article.

  3. Fat, doughy guy with weak chin raging against MRA' fit thisdescription pretty well:

  4. But seriously, MRAs are made of sterner stuff than THAT. Trust me, I've met them backstage! Nightmares? Reeeaally now...!

    The maxim of "know thine enemy" is, I think, a good one. And ofttimes/most-times, the fact that he IS thine enemy gets in the way of truly knowing him at all, whatever. (Unless you are among the choice few who know to compensate for that effect.)

  5. @ magdelyn

    Once you go fat and doughy (with a weak chin), you never go back.

  6. Did it take thousands of years for women to decide they were miserable?

    Or did they always know it but decided to wait thousands of years before doing something about it?

    If so then why?


    Oh, I get it! They have always been struggling and still are today!
    But thousands of years of struggle and so little progress?

    But wait! That can't be! That would imply that women actually ARE inferior to men!

    And every good mangina knows that just ain't so.

    Conclusion? Human history is all about women being plagued with astronomically bad luck.

  7. "Did it take thousands of years for women to decide they were miserable?

    Or did they always know it but decided to wait thousands of years before doing something about it?

    If so then why?"

    My quick, off-the-dome, non-facetious response would be somewhat as follows:

    Women as a separate political power bloc is a recent phenomenon. The proverbial "battle of the sexes" may be as old as the world, but only in these latter days has it shifted into high gear through the efforts of certain . . . advocacy movements and separatist tendencies, let us say.

    In the past, the tendency was to amalgamate women's troubles into the common lump sum of "human misery", and leave it at that. (The ethic, albeit unarticulated, being that we are "all in this together" or "a house divided against itself cannot stand.")

    Recently, the tendency has been more and more to define "women's issues" into existence, in a conceptual sense, and to politicize them.

    Women (and men) have always "known that they were miserable". What is distinctive of the present age is, that they are learning to be miserable as politically opposed entities.

  8. @David Futrelle: "Once you go fat and doughy (with a weak chin), you never go back."

    Hmmm...I'll have to try it. I once heard once you go black, so I've been only sleeping with black guys. Maybe I'll have to expand my horizons.

    Call me.

  9. David, when looking at things in reverse, isn't this what feminists jump up and down about with fear 24/7? Are only feminists allowed to be scared whiny cry babes? Why the double standard, David?

    Feminists in the western world are highly delusional and stupid. It's so comical when the poor persecuted feminists in societies like America claim that they are enslaved in a patriarchy in year 2010.

    WTF is up with that, David?

    Or how about the invisible glass ceiling? Can it get anymore ridiculous?

  10. Are those skirts on the corpsies? Pfft, silly David, MRAs only care if the victims are male.

  11. "cat said...
    Are those skirts on the corpsies? Pfft, silly David, MRAs only care if the victims are male."

    And feminists only care about the victims they INVENT.

    As for REAL victims they can all got to hell can't they? The last thing you need is a lot of beautiful young women being able to cast off their burkas and start propositioning your boyfriend.

  12. And now the burka is a feminist conspiracy? Seriously what the fuck are you smoking?


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